"Become a Vampire” spell/poem to Selene

I remember when I was younger I used to look for spells and I found one to become a vampire. I read that some people heard knocking on their windows and knockings on the doors.

Have you ever heard of this ”spell/poem”? is it real or could it all be bs?

If you wanna try it out I read that you’re supposed to say it out loud 7 or 12 times when the time is 12:00am and you’re supposed to do it on a full moon.

O dea tenebris
mater immortalibus
puer tuus fac me sicut renascentur
mea lux vestra absorbere

liceat mihi locus ad tenebras
sicut ex utero immortales
filios tuos in ulnis
quibus invocaverit te frater

O lunae lumen
puer tuus fac me sicut renascentur
me duce tenebris sunt
i ita erit renatus


I’ve heard of it long ago but I don’t know if it works or not.


Who wants to volunteer?! :grin:




I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE (jk, just wanted to write that because of the hunger games movies I watched)


It is considered as a spell and is supposed to turn you into a vampire so the presence you will feel is a vampire entity coming to you to initiate you. There’s apparently no turning back. The traduction is (but it’s supposed to be read in latin) :

Oh goddess of the darkness
mother to the immortal
let me be reborn as your child
let your light absorb my own

Allow me passage to the darkness
as from your immortal womb
into the arms of your children
to whom I will call brother

Oh moonlight
let me be reborn as your child
guide the dark ones to me
so I shall be born again


Also I think it’s not respectful to try to call an entity just to have a little effect. You would probably piss them off and you could have maybe a bad return if this thing is true (I’ve never tried it) but for the ones who truly want this, you should do it with the pure will and faith and probably not only saying the spell but just like when you call demons, maybe prepare some incense candles,…


Yeah I agree 100% with you

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Basically a petition spell. But something tells me this is much more than just your average “Make me into a vampire” thing if it’s done right.



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What do you think would happen if done right? I’d love to hear your theories


Well, Selene to me seems like she’s just another aspect of Lilith from what I’ve read. Mother of Vampires etc etc. This spell reminds me somewhat of the letter of intent you would use for Lilith to send one her sons or daughters to you. People sometimes forget that calling for a “succubus” or “incubus” doesn’t have to be for sexual purposes. They’re full of knowledge and wisdom as well.

I would think this is somewhat similar in that way, but I don’t know how to exactly put it into words. More “serious” maybe? I definitely am getting the vibe that if you do this honestly and faithfully, something will happen. What that something is, I really don’t know.


I have an weird urge to do it, but this definitely seems to me like something you don’t do unless your absolutely certain.

It would complicate what’s going on in my life anyways lol


I had no idea succubus and incubus were more than just entities to have sex with, I’m going to do some research on them tonight now that you said that they’re not only for sexual pleasure.
It’s nice learning knew things


If you feel like doing it I think you should as long as you don’t have a bad feeling about it


This spell was found in an ancient Greek book called “The vampire bible” if you say it in English. I’m Greek, so I know that they found it whike searching some ancient ruins.

The book itself tells many things like the origins of the first vampire, etc. The spell was there too as a prayer to Selene, the Greek goddess of the moon. It is said that those who say it, Selene will send her servants to make him a vampire, or something like that.


I might just in the future. Right now, probably not.

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Yeah I think I read something like that when I found the poem. I remember trying it out once but I wasn’t alone which i should’ve stated too. You’re supposed to be alone when doing the spell/ prayer.

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Hey if you do, tell us you’re experience with it. I think we all would love that :slight_smile:


Highly intriguing. Vampires has always been something I researched deeply as a kid, even before Hollywood decided to romanticised the whole ideal.