Baphomet: The deity hiding behind the mask

No, I was asking if they let you in into some of the stuff that they are dealing with.

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Everyone is upset with me when all I did was do what Lady Eva told me to do :triumph::triumph::triumph:. I’ve also secured a job. I’m no longer in a financial crisis and I realized that in regards to my grandparents not being able to take care of me I misinterpreted what they said. I just stressed out and the message got misinterpreted. @Lady_Eva

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Why do you always think random people on the internet are upset with you?

I may not agree with everything that was said, but people tried to help you.


You’re trying to help yet you’ve accused me of contacting Aphrodite when I never said that at all.

Where did I do that please? :slightly_smiling_face:


No, not when I was going through this. During the time I have worked with them and study them Since a child yes.

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Many have accused me of contacting Aphrodite or warned me not to contact her and offend her. I never intended on contacting her. I’ve just been trying to figure out which goddess I’m dealing with.

I understood that from the beginning, and I never said you contacted her. I don’t know why you obsess with accusing others to having misinterpreted you so much. You said about 3 or 4 times to me now, that you were only trying to figure out whom you’re dealing with.


No one is upset with you. Everyone is trying to help you. If you need help banishing ask. If you need help with your senses ask and if you need help with evocation and just Communication ask as well. There is so many people that want to help and keep practitioners safe.


To back up what @anon10524665 just said no one has we where just saying your post is written to state facts not questions. It is very important to put question marks instead of periods. Or it comes off as something other then what you mean. Helena is my ray of light when I am having a bad day. We are both just trying to help because you are needing to learn.


All that I’m asking is that someone please help me verify which goddess this is :pensive::pensive::pensive:. In regards to my psychic senses I was working with Kali Ma for that but since I don’t have my psychic senses as cultivated as they should I’m having trouble with that as well. I was given several articles in energy work along with a website with videos a while back but the videos never loaded and the energy work articles were extremely complicated.

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I did put a question mark :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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Ok what you need to do is work on them yourself. You can’t get the right information for the other talents right now. Once they open you can start working with them. You said you use tarot if you don’t fully understand that you are just flipping cards and making a story. Since there will always be cards that come out of the deck. All of this takes time and practice.

So I did a quick question to the universe and none of the real deities answered my call. So we are going to have to assume this is a parasite trying to gain your trust. I am going to ask @anon39079500 to take look because I am getting a shadow person vibe, but they keep running when I try to see. He is better with shadows then I am.


All Of that but the ending question is stated as fact.

If it’s opinions you’re looking for here, my cut and dry opinion is this isn’t accurate and is your mind desperately needing to force a connection that isn’t there. Just because you believe Baphomet has another mask doesn’t mean that mask is present in mythology or a well known mask. You’re reaching to desperate heights to fill a void that isn’t going to be filled by forcing random deities into it.

It’s not uncommon for Deities and demons and so forth to have not so well known masks, Sitri has another mask named Bitru, not well known. An Dagda has other titles/masks that are also not well known, not every mask needs to be within mythology or known

Sure you can ask Aphrodite but it seems you also have bias towards Baphomet to a point you’re bound to convince yourself something regardless of what is actuality.


I guess you’re right :pensive::man_shrugging:t6: …

What do you mean by The Universe?

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In my opinion you’re on the right track in terms of reaching out to Baphomet, your issue lies in you feeling the need to absorb other deities into him simply to give him a foothold in places he doesn’t belong. You claim Baphomet is the strongest being in the world (in another thread) so work with Baphomet as they are, stop trying to put them in some other deity’s shoes.


Just put a general evocation out so that it wasn’t aimed to any one deity. I do that when I don’t know who to ask for advice or help.

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I agree with you.

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