Baphomet: The deity hiding behind the mask

Yea! You’re right :pensive::pensive::pensive:. I just got very insecure when I couldn’t find any verifiable information about them on the internet :man_shrugging:t6::heavy_heart_exclamation:.

If it was a parasite what do I need to do now , can I play Kali Ma’s mantra to banish and what do you mean work on my psychic senses myself? I don’t know where to start or end :heavy_heart_exclamation::heavy_heart_exclamation::heavy_heart_exclamation::heavy_heart_exclamation:.

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Heck, maybe its Eris OP, who knows at this point.

One of the basic skills every occultist needs is banish. Learn the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram or the Hecate banishing ritual. And practice it every. Single. Day.


There is no end when it comes to Magick we are always learning. Hang on, let me look for a few banishment spells.

Eris :thinking:? Eris isn’t a romance deity nor does she have any diplomatic attributes

I don’t have any supplies and I can’t burn candles in this house. That’s why I suggested the Kali Ma mantras.

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Why do you refer to Baphomet as “him” instead of them?

Ok I love this app. The tarot is so/so but the spells are good.

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Because I choose to refer to them as him, just as I refer to Aphrodite as her, or Cernunnos as him, etc. I have no real reason to assume Baphomet gives a shit about being called him, her, they, yada yada. I personally will never touch Baphomet regardless.


I don’t think you heard me but I do appreciate the resource. I don’t have any supplies and I’m not allowed to burn candles in this house :heavy_heart_exclamation::heavy_heart_exclamation::heavy_heart_exclamation:. Can I use a Kali Ma banishing mantra instead?

You can try but I am not 100% sure this might be better answered by @anon39079500.


I apologise if I come off as rude. I definitely would use the ritual you provided if I could :heavy_heart_exclamation::heavy_heart_exclamation::heavy_heart_exclamation:

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I jus don’t work wit Kali so I wouldn’t know for sure.


I’m sure you’re able to get at least a candle and go somewhere to be in peace where you’ll be able to light a candle. Or are you that restrained.?

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Behind the mask isn’t Aphrodite.



Yep! That’s why I’m working with Bune to secure myself financially so I can move out.

Ohh we know that lol

You’re telling me you can’t get a candle and go on the street? @_@ does prison have Internet nowadays??


You might have to learn how to use outside space too. Like if you have to get away and go into the woods or something. There’s a lot of tooless ways too. @Dralukmun Can you give me a hand with tooless banishment and such?