I just tried a banishing spell and got really tired and fell into a deep sleep. The flame was strong so assume it’s working but I didn’t have enough energy to keep it up so I guess that’s where energy work comes in. I ended up having a terrible nightmare. I’m assuming this was the backlash.
Anyway when I woke up I felt a tingling all over my body usually my chest and lower body. Where does this come from? Is it working or backfiring?
That comes from energy. The source? Idk I don’t know what method you are using, and I don’t recognize anything with flames, so I don’t know if that’s related or not.
Have you tried Luna to banish and ward for you, while you learn your banishing ritual? I mean not everyone succeeds the first try and even some of our experienced members use her for backup and on the fly needs.
I think I’m being attacked by a spirit and they’re sending their follower(s) at me so I’m connected to someone else. I dont totally know how it works but im sure that’s why there’s “backlash” and I don’t know how to cut them off. I’ve tried uncrossing and it didn’t work and cut and clear bath worked temporarily so I don’t know if I should do a cut and clear spell along with a bath and then try banishing again.
When I tried the banishing spell the first two times this happened.
Edit: actually, I did an uncrossing bath that I made and felt burning on my body. The store bought one did nothing. The cut and clear bath I made seemed to not be working until I caught a headache/felt a pain on the third eye but not much results after that until I tried banishing a second time. When I tried the pre bought cut and clear I felt heat on my scalp. I don’t really know what the sensations mean.
symptons of astral projection O.B.E .out of body experience. Your body have to crank up the engine so that you are able to leave your physical body. Your energies start accelarating… your pineal gland start pulsing… This is not a spiritual attack… Those are only your energies
when that happens… You could eat something or drink some water, juicy or soda and wait for a minutes before going to sleep again. It is going to cease all of those symptoms. That happens everytime your physical body relax and your conscieness keep on awaken
Can you give us the whole story from the beginning?
It’s a long story, but YEARS ago I was being harassed by something that would give me almost daily sleep paralysis at times (longest stretch was almost a week and a half) while it would felt like it was trying to possess me.
I was in denial about it for a long time because I wasnt really into spirituality at the time and tried to write it off (also, a lot of depression and alcohol).
Anyway, long story short…
Not knowing what to do, I fell back on my upbringing and called on Archangel Michael.
After a bit I felt like there was a lift and had no more problems afterward. I was actually pretty shocked by how much of a difference there was when it was gone.
The nightmares are always different. For example I saw an undesirable person while I was in a barren field/garden. Then we came inside and then he brought in a very large dog, like a pit bull and then came in with a cat being strangled after he had beaten it with a belt. The cat’s eyes were red. I often refer to myself as a cat and the person I got. A reading from is a dog person. He hasnt liked me for years but I didnt know that.
Edit: other dreams I have been chased or had guns pulled out on me or had knives pulled out on me or id be mocked. One dream I was playing LoZ: BOTW and I was riding a horse and all of a sudden I’d jave my path blocked by another horse. When I woke up I felt energetic tingles going from my head to my feet.
Okay. Can someone make you claircognizant? Cuz I had these “friends” make their mom read me over the phone ( something I didnt know) and all of a sudden I felt like a poke or a spasm on my foot and then I just started spacing out and when I came back I started instinctually talking.
At the very least, a daily banishing would be a good start.
I’d go with the LBRP because you’re bringing the Archangels into the mix by doing so.
You should probably do a “return to sender” spell (may need to do it more than once).
Keteriyas servitor Luna would be good as an active ward to keep things on lockdown outside of what you’re doing already, and there’s also Dremus the Devourer as an additional backup and ward.
Throw everything and the kitchen sink at it. Something’s bound to stick.
First and foremost, you must act from a place of AUTHORITY and CONVICTION.
You are sovereign and mistress of your life and reality.
When you do the banishings and return to sender you need to pour your rage into it against what your banishing.
Also, you must state unequivocally and with power that whatever is fucking with you is not allowed to possess or harass you. That it will not be tolerated. That it must go. By your command, by your will.
Assert yourself. own your space. Express your righteous anger.