No probs - it means an old thread that’s gone off topic (usually because the topic itself was dumb or trolling) and people just post in it to muck around. There was a famous old thread of that type on here when the rules were first introduced, it comes from the saying “beating a dead horse” i.e., keep posting into something when it’s completely useless.
To confirm I am new and understand the rules you have posted. I hope to learn a lot for everyone here !
I am new and understand the rules and appreciate the community you have set up here.
i enoy these rules
I’m extremely satisfied with these rules. Specially the "No Insult’ one. And its awesome to see a active the mods are.
Anyone thinking its too strict hit a lhp Facebook group and see for yourself the importance of these rules.
I understand the rules and will respect them.
I’m bumping this to point out an addition, or rather, a clarification, of the rules stated in the opening post, quoted above.
This is a forum that covers black magick as a core subject, therefore it’s highly likely you’ll occasionally find people proposing things on here you find not to your liking, but infantilisation is not catered to here, and tantrums over seeing something you disapprove of, or attempts to close it down through insults, abusive language, or time-wasting arguments, are never acceptable.
I would have thought that was already covered in-depth by the existing rules, but it seems based on a ban I had to issue earlier that this is not the case, so, to avoid future mishaps and acting-out, I’m making it very clear – do not derail someone’s working thread.
If the OP wishes to acquire a range of opinions and constructive criticisms of their goals, they can ask for this feedback, but insults and derailment amount to de facto censorship and an attempt to force conformity, and that is not acceptable on this forum
I are to the rules and on my honor I shall honr them to the best of my abilities
So essentially, don’t be an asshole, don’t be annoying a hell, and no free readings unless you’ve been active for 3 months. Simple rules, easy to follow.
Yup, that about sums it up!
Oh my Demon… Im kinda scared to type anything on the forum.
you shouldnt be. as long as youre respectful towards users, you should be fine
The rules are to make sure people have a voice, and aren’t drowned out by abuse, insults, or attacks on their character, nor by spammers, scammers, preachers, threats, or malicious derailment intended to dilute their topic into unreadbility, and waste their time defending their Will or their methods.
Each one was only brought in to address things that were seen and known to have caused problems, and these have been kept to an absolute minimum to address known issues. Note that there are NO rules to police whether people may reply on very old topics, or begin new ones, rules other forums have which, personally, give me the willies!
Where there’s a problem, in most cases it’s possible to resolve it with a little judicious topic-splitting, and a conversation via PM, and mods always strive to do this - also, there is an appeals process, and all details of any moderation action that limits a member’s posting rights (bans, suspensions, Trust Level locks) and all associated material always gets logged in the Staff section, for maximum transparency.
So, mods and admins here never just wake up in a bad mood and decide to break the entire system by kicking someone off the forum, that would require a level of drooling idiotic pettiness unbefitting to Living Gods such as ourselves!
A post was merged into an existing topic: Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum
Read & Agree
What do you mean by DEAD HORSES?
I will obey and follow these rules they are very good rules to follow I agree to them
Ancient threads where someone said something widely considered dumb, and people first try to argue, later the thread just degenerates into random shitposting.
That happened a lot from before moderation was brought in, and posts that were either intentionally bait, or just totally off-topic, were slightly more common.