Azazel has been around me since childhood

I just found out that I have had a demon around me since childhood. When I was 8 yrs old I seen what looked like an angel for several nights at bedtime. He would come to my doorway and bid for me to follow him. Each time I wouldn’t. I told my overly religious mother about it and she said if you see an angel, you should listen to it. I said I get the feeling that it’s not really an angel and I will end up falling to the ground. She said I was over dramatic and just listen for once. So that night again without speaking the angel came and bid me to follow with his hand. This time I flat out said no. The response was immense! Suddenly I seen it turn into this black robed shadow type of figure with yellowish glowing eyes. I was afraid and yelled for help but nobody heard me. I seen it grow as if it was absorbing the room and all I could do was hide under the covers in fear. The next thing I know… (Don’t understand what happened between then and the morning) I was waking up and I couldn’t stand up straight and I was sick with a fever of 105.9 and it was Sunday. I didn’t have to go to church! I was taken to the hospital and they checked everything and couldn’t find a reason. I got medicine and a ice bath etc… Bringing the fever down to 103.5 but no reason for it or anything. Three days later I was recovered and sent home from the hospital.

Now through my life I’ve had a few encounters with the black robed thing and I have had dreams where he talks in a sort of growling voice but in my dreams it was like I worked for him and wasn’t afraid of him. I could understand everything he said too.

Now years later as I have worked with Asmodeus for a while, but there’s this project that he didn’t feel like it was up his ally. So… I get that I’m supposed to call a name… All I know is that it starts with an A… Has two Zs and ends in an L. That was about as clear as I got… I found it. Now earlier I had seen what I thought was Asmodeus with Yellowish green glowing eyes and I had thought… He has dark eyes, that’s weird. Welp… Azazel had already made a visit, he was ready.

Well, when he wouldn’t talk out loud and suddenly I had everything come back to me, including a slight fear. This Demon has been with me since I was little! No answer yet as to why. But while asking, he gave me a powerful feeling, so tingly that I felt as if I was floating. It was very nice actually.

That being said, he is only popping up with a robe on again. I have so many questions tho. Can anyone help me with the communication barrier as I really want answers before continuing? My fear is going away but the whole question of why have you been around me all these years still is there. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!

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