Just wondering, if it’s possible to have your astral senses extremely developed to the point where you can hear a spirit so physically, you can literally have a spirit or servitor feed you answers during an exam. Or literally show you the answers through a vision. Just sayin, that’ll be so useful.
That’s not astral that’s physical, astral senses are your clairs when used in the astral. The physical is not the astral. Entities talking to you giving you answers is physical. However to a degree it’s probable.
I had bookmarked a post by fellow member that was related to success in exams with the help of entities, however I don’t know if that’s what you’re looking for. Dropping it here anyway.
I know about that, I’ve actually done that before, asking a couple sprits for help. But it’d still be useful to be able to literally hear the spirits whilst doing an exam.
Right… Well then I don’t get why it’s not possible. It would require to get into some form of trance and opening yourself before the examination though. So supposing you have enough time to do that right after your time starts ticking, I don’t see why you couldn’t do it.
And you should choose a spirit according to the subject of the exam. F.e if it’s a physics exam you should call an entity expert in sciences.
Not too sure about getting into trance though, since the point in developing your astral senses is for being able to hear and see em without getting into trance.
Yes, but how well are your astral senses really? You should consider that before you rely on them. That’s why I’m suggesting the alternative of trance. If they’re that developed , good for you
They’re alright, I can hear what spirits say at times. It’s still limited though. I was trying to get peoples opinions about this, and see if it’s a reliable or good way. Thanks though.
It’s quite a complicated situation at the moment. But I’d say 4 months. I was initially not going to do the SAT’s anyway, but since I wanna study in the States, SAT’s are my best bet. However it’s too late to revise for it, so shiiiieeeet…