Astral senses development exercise

@Lady_Eva Can you send me the tutorial?

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May i please get that tutorial it would greatly benefit my wife. Thank you

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@Lady_Eva Thank you

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You’re welcome. :+1:

May I join the cue requesting for the tutorial ?

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Hey, can i get the tutorial too!

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Hey if You dont mind can you send me the Tutorial too please

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Could I get a copy? Thanks.

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Do you think I could get a pm too

Welcome @D.R

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Hello. Is it possible for you to send that to me as well. I am very interested in this topic.

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Can you send me the tutorial too please?

Hello, can I please get the tutorial too? Thanks

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@Lady_Eva so this is where all the good stuff is eh? I was literally just thinking about how tondo astral travel and trying to find a good topic and look here you are :grinning: can I also request a tutorial for the astral senses? I still need to find one that will help me actually get out of my body…i get stuck cause of the sounds and then i get stuck in sleep paralysis :confused:


i would love the tutorial also! ive found myself in the same boat as lucy actually.


That state sucks… Especially when you need to pee lmao

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Hey, any chance you’re still sending it around? I’d like it too if you are


I noticed you mentioned you have roman catholic origins also - how interesting the similar experience. More and more, i wonder if something lingering has prevented me from access. i can open my third eye well enough so far, and i continue to practice, but i cant get out of my damn body other than in dreams - and thats random, even using mugwort, valerian and/or yarrow, which pisses me off. im like “bitch let me out!” lol

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Okay tutorials sent, this is the initiatory stage, all info included in the PM. :+1:


I guess I was late with this thread. If its not too much trouble, I’d be much obliged to get the tutorials as well. Thanks.

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