Aspect Exploration - A Working Thread

In this exploration, we are going to explore aspects. I would like many volunteers for this fun exercise…both beginners and adepts alike.

I will be selecting three demons/gods every other week who share exactly the same aspect…for example: telepathy

You will all choose one for evocation to ask them (one or all) to unlock that particular aspect of your mind.

Then, you will report your experience, how it felt, what you learned from asking how to use that aspect. Your report will be from the point of evocation and through the following week.

This is BECOME A Living God…not Lets Talk About Becoming Living Gods.

Many beginners miss out on essential baby steps. So do adepts. Aspects are overlooked and a god is used to fulfill demands/requests of only one aspect but have much more to offer your evolution!!!

So, lets sign up.



You already know I’m down
Let’s get it

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Can we do possession work and other shit with it too? Any and all methods of Evocation?

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So I am newish, as I’ve studied a lot but my break through has been very… slow? Maybe I need something to really get me working.

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I’m in.

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Sounds interesting. Count me in.

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That’s a good working thread :ok_hand:

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A wonderful thread. Since I’ll probably step down from everything I will watch from the side lines this time. I’m really excited, nonetheless

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No. Strictly aspects. If you go off on your own thats your own deal, but I want to keep this very user friendly.

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This should help.

Since we are starting out with some beginners, I think I will, in fact, start with telepathy.

Crown Prince Azazel
King Asmodeus
King Paimon

Set up your evocation…sigils, enns, all that.
Introduce yourself and state that you are doing the evocation to humbly request that said god unlock the aspect of telepathy, which is of their dominion, within your mind and body so that you may further evolve as a god. Let the god know that you are participating with a group to better learn aspects.

Rest your body…close your eyes…and wait.

You should feel something within five minutes. When you do…wait patiently until all sensation has passed and genuinely thank them. Ask them if they could show you, via image, voice or dream, how to utilize the aspect.

And offering would be good…water or libation.

Close out your ritual.

If you feel nothing from one, try another.


Okay Thank you! I’ll try that asap, at my parents house so its hard to get in the mindset if I’ll be called to do something at any moment so I’ll try it at night.
Want us to post results in here?

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Yes please. Report on the experience…what the unlocking felt like, where the sensations were, what you learned, etc Report daily on successes if you have any.

This evocation can be done rather quickly.

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I ask every god on a new evocation to unlock all the aspects they represent, so it takes a while longer. I also spend a bit of time on introduction. If you have time for longer intro and the god you evoke is new to you…do a good intro…and ask them about themselves too. It goes a long way.

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Sounds interesting


It can be. Ive had some phenomenal sensations and presences just from doing this ritual. For a beginner, it could make a huge difference in their journey.

I just finished a ritual with Azazel. I told him about this group working with fellow members of the balg forum once I felt his presence. He agreed to open the aspect of telepathy in me and I asked him to proceed. I felt pressure in my head and ringing in my ears. Then a slight headache which I still have. I then asked if he could show me either through imagery or a dream how to utilize this the telepathy. He agreed. I then closed out the ritual. I believe he will show me via dream. He has spoken to me in a dream before. I went to Lord Azazel because I have already been developing a working relationship with him.


Thats awesome!!! Good job!!!

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Try eating some starchy foods to balance the headache.

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Thanks. I’ll give it a try.

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Ok. I’m down. Thanks for the invitation

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