Asmodeus-who do you believe is his mother?

I am not going to say you are right or wrong because this is not a rabbit hole I have delved into. I am curious as to exactly what sources you used to arrive at a conclusion.


You may be right, and I have been reading everything I can get my hands on. :grin:

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I’ve been reading books for awhile, cannot give you an exhaustive list. One of the more recent I’ve discovered was. Sepher a maggid The book of Asmodeus, by: Humberto Maggi- Infernal Coloration by S. Connolly, Goetic Demonolatry by: Ellen Purswell, The Satanic Narratives by- Damien Baal, Belial Without a Master by Koetting, Belial A History, by Baal Kadmon, Conjuring the Goetia spirits by- Newcomb, others by Baal Kadmon, and I purchased 4 more by Koetting the other day, so I’m kinda excited about delving into this further.


Asmodeus understands every human shortcoming, weakness, thought you have, whether or not you have an inclination to lie to him, you’re right he understands humanity, and I enjoy his sense of humor. He knows I’m extremely private about certain subjects lol, and he will make some hilarious offhand sexual statement that used to make me wish I could banish him haha, now I’ve loosened up tiny bit. His eloquence, and wit is something I find very charming. :two_hearts::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:


I would suggest also reading things that aren’t written by occultists. Unfortunately occultists are not always the best scholars and sometimes you get a weird mix of fact and fantasy.


I have books by non occultists as well, some knowledge of Lilith was given to me by a priest as I was raised Roman Catholic, and I have a book also by a Jewish author that also has some information in it. Would have to dig it out of a box but I’m looking forward to reading it. I trust my own experience with the spirits above anything else. The books do contain some useful info in each, so you have to trust your gut instinct.

Can I add something? For years Hekate was my matron goddess, then I became very interested in Lilith, and ended up invoking her. After I had finished my ritual with Lilith I decided to make her my matron. Then a few days later I called on Asmodeus, and I could almost see his energy going towards the altar I had set up for Lilith, all I can say is that the way I had been experiencing him changed. He seemed pleased that I had made this decision. Before things were tumultuous in my home, and it’s not all fun and games with him, he can turn dark in an instant. He is a fiery spirit, at times opinionated. Yes, he is a very powerful demon, since I started communicating with Asmodeus my life has changed and its for the better most of the time. :grin:


From my understanding, Asmodeus’s mother is Naamah and his father is either Shamdan or Azael (both of which are connected to Azazel). Asmodeus is said to be the first Shedim and is considered to be their king. Shedim were initially considered to be djinn or old gods before being viewed as demons. All this information is honestly scattered throughout Jewish lore so I would have to really dig to give my resources on the subject. However, aside from lore I have had this thesis confirmed by the man himself and have met others who got the same gnosis as well.


I personally don’t think there is any mother to asmodeus.
He’s not been born in the sense humans are born.

If at all his mother was the void and darkness itself.

If you seek a comparising, look at Adam, born from dust and breath of life.

Except, asmodeus wasn’t breathed life into, it formed it’s life force by itself.

That, would be my humble opinion, on the true origin of asmodeus.

But, go ahead with your debate,
It’s upmost amusing to hear. :slight_smile:



I think a lot of people believe these beings are born of the void but in a lot of instances the void is a mother or a father or both. Danu, Tiamat, Absu, Khaos, all of them were the void personified. Nyx, Erebus, Kuk, all were darkness personified. Mothers and fathers of their pantheons and children.
I don’t think asmodeus has anything to do with void and Asmodeus never really seems to have no connection to void besides maybe a few LHP UPG which isn’t bad but it has no real academic ground to stand on which isn’t always 100% but a good start.
I doubt asmodeus was born any unique way from any other Djinn or demon or nature spirit.


All I know is that in The Infernal Saga Agrat Bat Mahlat says she is his mother:

"I am Agrat Bat Mahlat, the mother of Asmodeous, third sister of the dark sisters, one of the queens of hell, i roam the realm between the world of men and the realm of dreams.

I am the wrathful one i was the first demoness to birth a child part demon, part mortal the unholy hybrid. I shall reveal to you how i peered into the psyche, during the return to the world of men."



I asked Asmodeus and he told me “Shamdon is my father and Naamah is my mother.”

About a decade ago, I was doing research about Asmodeus, and there was one article that wrote that the god Set was Shamdon. But it was only found in that one article. I haven’t read it anywhere else.

In some circles, Asmodeus is also known as “Jason” but I won’t go further into that.

I am starting to get to know Asmodeus better and these are the things he told me tonight.

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Glad someone else verified this. He told me the same. Naamah. :metal::black_heart::black_heart::metal:

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From what I heard, Lilith is his mother and Naamah is his sister.