Asmodeus, Archdemon of Lust, ambition, Wrath and personal power

If he comes to an individual, beginner or otherwise, he has deemed them ready to work with him, and one should be fine. But he is a harsh teacher, and many of his lessons can be outright draconian. I would not personally recommend him to a beginner, unless he has already made himself known to the person.
He often will teach through ones dreams. The deeper one works with him the more intense the dreams can get. And as I stated above, some of his lessons can be downright horrible. Why? Because he teaches us to confront ourselves, the deepest darkest aspects of ourselves. The nightmares that result can bring you to the brink of insanityā€¦ but he has the precision of an OCD rocket scientist, and will not give you more then you can handleā€¦ just be warned that you can handle a LOT more then you think you can!

Ultimately this process allows you to see the world as it REALLY is rather then how we idealize it, and also to help you confront your fears. From this place one can establish a solid foundation for ones progression. Working with Asmodeus will aid EVERY aspect of your life. And if you take him as a teacher he may just decide that you need to be dragged through hell to give you perspective, though it is not guaranteed that he will do so. Everyone is different after all.

Working with him you will notice that your sense of individuality increases. You will start to despise being passive and lazy. Your ambitions will build, as you get tired of eating the shit the world feeds you. You will build self respect, self esteem and confidence. Your ability to interact with and seduce the opposite sex will become effortless, far beyond second nature.

Many of the rites in his honor do have a sadomasochistic component. One of the things he teaches is the ability to use our pain, anger and frustration as useful tools in our ascent. So the fact you saw a knife where your penis should be is no surprise. He also has the capability to teach you haw to use sexuality as a weapon. So he may have been showing you part of his nature.


I watch game of thrones regularly. So yes, great idea! I have some things of that nature already,so thanks for the tips!:grin:


Do you mind sharing any personal experience in regards to this ā€œharsh lessonsā€ you mention?

I myself have felt him like controlling my body while having sex, and putting my conscience in a state of drunkness, I have seen this ā€œMinotaurā€ figure in a vision while receiving a reiki session and strangely feeling excessive sexual energy to the border of ecstasy, and recently I have had an inclination to think of the most filthy and / or violent thoughts while masturbating so I would say yes, I have already connected with it. Also, I asked a ā€œmediumā€ from the LHP who confirmed me this.

I invoked aeshma a long with the other daevas of the ahrimanic yoga, just by regular mantralizing, visualisation, and looking at his sigil, although, this Has been the only daeva which connected to me. I believe, this is due to my ā€œrage and lustful natureā€ since I was very young, it almost feels like this daeva has been present with me in many parts of my life, or at least, I already had a small part of it with me, so we resonate.

I have learned quite quickly, how to transmute anger into lust, which I have never done in my life, and also lust into boldness.

The thing is, as a beginner, I donā€™t want things to get out of control, and I already have had situations of confrontation with teachers at college, friends, while driving, etc. Where I literally can feel itā€™s presence creating chaos, and anger around my surroundings. Also, I havenā€™t been able to think 100% clear lately, so I have been thinking maybe to quit these mantralizations bit by bit, as I think that if I suddenly stop giving him energy, he will create situations of rage as they have been happening to absorb the energy I should be giving him.

Do you think this might be true? Or if I just stop mantralizing him would he just go? To be honest I really like working with this daeva, I just donā€™t want to get things out of control for now as I am a begginer. Any tips on this?

Appreciate much your answer


His energy doesnā€™t just go, but it will fade over time if you stop using these things.


Hello. So I purchased as many things as I could afford to adorn my altar and temple for himā€¦I bought some quality frankincense resin, raw ground cinnamon incense cones, hand dipped frankincense incense sticks, blue and black candles, blue copper, a peppermint plant, iolite crystals, Angelite, onyx, and hematite. Will be adding my blood to my homemade black arts oil and bats blood oil, got some dragons blood incense, lavender, etc, also a bottle of absinthe. I just have to do it now. I am not a weak person, and donā€™t scare easily, but I wonder if I should go all out and do an invocation instead of evocation. Iā€™ve heard he can be dangerous, but my experiences with him so far have only been positive. He has a strong fiery energy, and has tested me in the past, but do you think an invocation is a good idea? I know attempts to banish him are futile if something goes wrong, and he seems to appreciate the fact that I donā€™t even try to impose restrictions on him and I treat him kindly with respect. Dont want to write a book here, but my psychic ability has improved greatly since working with him as has my magical ability. I have been having psychic dreams that are regularly coming true. Just wondering if I should perform an invocation. ?


When you work with Asmodeus make it very clear that any ritual with him is not about lust, or anything of that nature. Be very specific with him, because if you leave anything open he can and will run with it.


Nightmaresā€¦ Horrible, awful, grotesque, sanity breaking nightmares. Every night, for five years. That eventually turn into waking nightmares, even outright hallucinations, that test ones hold on reality. The betrayal of people who you thought were close friends. Being put into situations you hate or situations that test you, to help you develop your willpower,confidence, self respect and resourcefulness. These are just a few of my personal experiences. But they are some of the worst. I have also found that the more shit you have stored up inside, the worse Asmodeusā€™s shadow detox program is going to beā€¦ I used to be pretty fucked in the head. But enduring Asmodeusā€™s process ultimately gave me a better hold on my sanity then I ever had before. Even if it felt like I was losing it at the time.

If his energy is too intense for you, either tone down the time you spend working with him, or ask him ease up on his energy. Donā€™t forget to ground yourself after working with him. And face whatever psychological issues that may arise with common sense, and a logical mind. Acting out of emotion or subconscious compulsion while working with Asmodeus could land you in prison or a psych ward. No one wants that.


Right now Iā€™m working with Aeshma which I believe itā€™s the more militar personality of asmodeus, and as i have always had a connection with mars and the fire element.

Although, I just mantralize AESHMA, and receive his presence when Iā€™m meditating, specially with cristals, I can confirm the nightmare thing. Itā€™s a non stopping thing, and even sometimes, when Iā€™m asleep, I wake up feeling as if I was on a psylocybin high!!!

I really need to learn lucid dreaming to make the dream lessons flow much better though. I found out that aggressiveness in a ā€œspiritual wayā€ (I donā€™t know how else to put it) itā€™s what this demon of wrath teaches. This aggressiveness is like the ā€œsaviourā€ from all problems, and destruction energy.

To destroy illness, fear, to destroy bad luck, even nightmares, you must attune with the flow of pure aggressiveness in an instinctual level.


Interesting post, thank you for that.

Do you know why Asmodeus is sometimes pictured with a bull head? I see someone posted something about minotaur in this thread. Last night I had a rather vivid dream about minotaur and your post made me wonder if thereā€™s any relation.


@Katharina Although I have heard tell of people encountering Belial as a Mintotaur, and some books describe Asmodeus as having the features of a bull, I have never personally encountered Aeshma/Asmodeus as a bull, or having bull like featuresā€¦ But that is just me. More often then not with me and most other people Iā€™ve talked with, he appears as a well dressed gentleman or royal, in very human form.
From my experience, spirits tend to appear either as we expect them to, or however they NEED to appear in order to interact with the person calling them. When in the later form, they will often pull imagery out of the subconscious mind of their caller, and take on an archetypal form unique to the person with whom they are speaking. Much like the quandary of why bubbles are sphericalā€¦ because a sphere is the most efficient form to maintain coherence in the environment in which they find themselves. So it is with the spirits, each caller is, in and of themselves, a different spiritual environment. Therefor the formlessness of each spirit must be filtered through each individual consciousness to find itā€™s optimal form.

So to answer your question what does a bull/Minotaur represent to you? does it represent tenacity? Aggression? Physical power? Fertility? Pure virile life-force? All of these are very reasonable descriptions of the power that Aeshma/Asmodeus represents.


Itā€™s funny he came up again. Iā€™m about to be exploring the draconian path and I was doing biblomancy with the draconian ritual book to see who I should start with (or rather who wanted to start with me) and Asmodeus and Mephistopheles were the two that were revealed :slight_smile:


Many spirits tend to show up with a bulls featuresā€¦ was it Asmodeus? I couldnā€™t tell you

I have a question for you, do you think he can help manifest a long term relationship?

@itsnathanm7 Itā€™s not outside of his capabilitiesā€¦ however, his specialty is in seduction,lust, and promiscuity. Asmodeus is the demon of PASSION, and last time I checked, love was a passion. How he goes about love is a bit different then how he does other things. He will teach you skills that make you better with the opposite sex, dump as many potential partners on you as he can, and like spaghetti, see if something sticks. He leaves the choice fully in your hands. While other spirits will choose a suitable partner for you, and help you to come in contact with that person. Though I work with him almost exclusively, I will admit that love is not exactly his strongest point. I would suggest Rosier, or Astaroth, over Asmodeus for matters of long term romance


@Otherion can I ask you a question?

Do you know any specific invocation and sigil for aeshma?

Also, what offerings can a make to him?

Like I read I could even offer a sparring while training boxing to him, is this true @Otherion

This is a risky proposition, Asmodeusā€™s presence tends to increase oneā€™s aggression. If you have anger issues (implosive OR explosive) to begin with you could end up seriously injuring your sparing partner. Asmodeus is a martial entity after-all.The blood of ones enemies is the most precious offering one can give Asmodeusā€¦ life blood. As in taking a life. I would not recommend sparring as an offering AT ALL. ESPECIALLY with his aspect as AESHMA

As far as offerings, Aeshma and Asmodeus are the same entity, in different masks. What works for one, will work for the other. Good quality booze such as Cognac, champagne, Scotch or good red wine. Your own blood (just a drop or two on his seal) is probably the best legal option you could do. When considering your offerings, think high quality, and anything you would give a king or a warlordā€¦ or a lecherous pervert. Your own semen/Sexual fluid will work instead of blood. Likewise some panties with virginal blood on them from a girl youā€™ve slept with. I shouldnā€™t have to tell you that the virgin should be of LEGAL age (but in the interest of covering my ass, here it is.)ā€¦ which in fact makes it rarer and even more precious. Good steak or prime rib, bloody and rare. OR burned to a crisp in a bonfire. Gold jewelry. Rubies, onyx. A new, very gaudy altar settup.

As for a seal, I have never used any seal other then the one found in the Goetia for Asmoday.

Now, I have worked with Aeshma quite a bit, but I have always preferred Asmodeus. If you are more interested in the mask of Aeshma Daeva, I would highly recommend ā€œBlack Magick of Ahrimanā€ by Kurtis Joseph. He offers a very solid system of old Persian sorcery, and has his own channeled seals as well.

Chanting AESHMA DAEVA as a mantra should do fine if you have no other correspondences


thankyou very much man!

Very nice post. Thanks!:blush:

How come he canā€™t stand his enn?

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