Ask Me Anything — Advanced Vampire Magick With N.D. Blackwood

Very interesting.

Yes thank you for answering my questions.

The first part of building your immortal black light astral body is a bether option. Like this is obviously the best choice you can take and than proceed from here wich path you will choose afterwards sounds more plausible after the spiritual immortalization is done.

Ya a child sounds pretty unsafe like a more complicated form of reinkarnation.

The adult form sounds for me like a fututristic orweilian horror. Who wants to offer oneslef up for that? Are they payed are they forced? Like are you just the walk in so to say?

Well i think it would be like you sait a long and heated debate.

But i overal understand what you are writing have visited your broadcasts with ea on youtube and the balg course also.

But that with the strain. Hmm is like when you die you become one with the old vampiric overlords?or did i misuunderstood it.

Indeed, in my opinion building the body of Black Light is the safest option in store.
The reincarnation option seems very insecure to me.

The adult variation, well…depending the part of the world you lived in, their could be various reasons. Some people are raised with the idea of being possessed as an honour. Other might not really have the choice, I heard stories about that from Haiti for exemple.

The Strain is like a Hive on the astral plane to be. The spirits of the Undeads being linked one with another , while conserving their individuality. It act like an anchor.


No, I just want to feed on my target to restore my youth.

Then don’t worry about causing death. Just change your target every 9 days, or when you start feeling that the energy start flowing naturally and coming to you.

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Would I could feel something wrong if I have not changed target after 9 days?

looking forward to reading your book. I feel like it will change my life. NO JOKE.
I am a psy vampire but I never learned to feed until last year during reiki attunement. It works BUT I have problems. It only lasts maybe 10 minutes. my targets get extremely drained, without me feeling healthy or energized.
I have chronic fatigue syndrome and chronic pain since 8 years, also my system is sensitive to who I feed from and I am allergic to all kind of food and to sunlight(makes me sick). Do you have an advice - how to feed when one is already drained and sick asf?
I am a bottomless pit. I wonder if I should focus on an alchemical process? Convert my own pain into energy I can use?

Its also a paradox how I would dance in a club (pre-covid) full of ppl for hours straight, and cant get up from bed at home alone…but somehow I cant just go to a shopping mall and feed.
any advice would be appreciated.


Hello, N. D. Blackwood.

I Was talking to Azazel in my head while skating some time ago(Doesn’t happen alot) And he talked about Vampirism, and at one point he said: This is my gift to you, and your curse to bear. I asked him what was up with that, and he gone. came home, turn on my computer, went to youtube and first thing i saw was the first announcement of Draugradrotinn. I tought, no fking wayyy. had my eye on it since then, but i do not have a paypal account, can’t have one either. I can only pay in euros(i live in the Netherlands). is there a way i can pay for the book in some way, or are there plans to put the book on amazon? I’m really looking forward to your reply.

Greetings Sir !
Interesting to hear some news from Azazel .
I’m not fluent with the paiement method on BALG.
I guess you can order with a credit card, Mastercard/Visa ? That’s what I usually do, as I don’t have Paypal either, and pay in euros as well. If you still have a problem with this, I guess you can’t contact them by email. They reply pretty quickly.

Thanks a lot

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I think i will do just that.

Speaking of Azazel:
What is his connection with vampirism? Seeing that i see him as a dragon, or a large dragon eye most of the time, and dragons are associated with serpents, and serpent are associated with vampires. both are connected to Tiamat, the goddess.

What are your thoughts on this?

Greetings Secrana

What you describes sounds a lot like an energetic umbalance to me. A good way to solve that problem would be to get in touch with an accupuncturist to help find balance again into your energetic system.
With draining people on a regular base , you are suppose to be fed . Draining people who are already empty can cause you to absob the toxicity that is still deep inside them.


Vampirism is also deeply affiliated with Dragons. The cult of the Undeads was called the Path of the Dragon during the 20th century.
E.A would probably be better than me when it comes to Azazel. Many things in my current practice points to him, but it would be to soon to talk about it.

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For example
I have been to the main train station today and felt great energy just walking through the crowd of people!! I think I will do it everyday since I live 5 min from that station…
Yes - accupuncture I will consider too. Maybe I can find more useful info in your book… thank you


I wouldn’t say its Impossible… Highly unlikely…You are fighting the target’s own will to live as with many baneful death curses…

If the person is already ill, exspecially with something that can be considered a wasting disease ie Cancers or HIV/AIDS. Then the advantange is toward the vampire… Of course personally I would be careful not to draw the energy of the wasting disease… Some of them have entities involved


My friend, have you noticed that EA has a very strong link to Azazel and in may at times read as a Avatar or Child…

It may just be me of course


You wellcome !
Practice everyday, meditate on your energetic circulation with the support of your breath to get mastery over it. Robert Bruce books can be a good support for you.

What happens if I with my immortalized ego becomes disembodied and then a victim of vampiric attack?

Why Darth Nhilis?

The mask doesn’t have any magickal value, to be honest. I do not use it during rituals, it is just a way to conceal my identity. Being involved in the medical profession of my country, I can’t publically appear in several video to talk about things such as Necromancy. Colleagues or patients may be a bit anxious of this type of activity.

When I was writing down the book, I did not thought about making photos of myself. When time came to make some promotion for it, I didn’t had a particular solution to appear on promotional stuff on social network. At first, I was thinking about doing my interviews with a military/police hood, but that give a bit edgy/terrorist look.

I decided to create something in “last minute” before recording the course with EA, and painted a mask that had since two decade. It was actually difficult to wear, as the thing was unstable as fuck and did not allow me to breath correctly.

Since then, I have another mask created by a professional maker, something that I can wear for hours, talk and perform with, without in being annoying. It is also aesthetically superior to the custom old mask.So I will probably be able to appear more on camera


Oh cool thank you so much for your prompt reply… I remember when I first started seeing you and your new book on the scene and thought to myself… " That mask is perfect for a vampire."… Forgive me if I don’t use all the " hip magickal jargon"( I’m not that kind of occultist) but what are some specific ways you prefer to implement energy transfer from one person to another with yourself as the conduit or " middleman"?

You mean, if I want to transfer the hability to drain energy to someone ?