Artificial multiple personality disorder

The drug spirits know 1 thing, how to consume, but they do it in a way, not even a sexual union with the most attractive person is interesting in comparison…a real head f#$% for those of use who are stuck in the mind of mercury (no matter how much we embrace the physical Earthy energies) …


How do you know that? Have you ever tried to unbind a soul from a body?

You can’t unbind a soul from the body.

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Marijuana. Here in California we can get super potent weed for $5 a gram.

She can be used for healing but to often she is abused.
I set an intention to heal when Id smoke and stuff.

Soon I was having to go to the hospital nearly every trip because I was insane. Drooling, spazzing. Etc.

High amounts of THC will induce psychosis.


Weed is garbage to me. It is not a real hallucinogen and therefore has a less chance of helping to open senses

Hallucinogens don’t open up the senses, they fuck them up.

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So go do shrooms and research chemicals Like i did.


Beggers cannot be choosers.



Some people gain senses after taking them. I know someone who took ayahuasca and had a bunch of OBEs and saw orbs of light for at least a week after. She took only a small dose.

I have gone down that road before. I attempted to force D.I.D.

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Did it work?

No because to do it successfully you must strengthen your will power to extreme levels. When you strengthen your will you go through changes and you will no longer desire such things as your life improves. Also on I nearly ended up being permanently committed to a mental hospital.

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Access to a loaded firearm is pretty ideal in this case if you ask me but hey I am just fine being alive :man_shrugging:


I recommend that you start with will power exercises. Regardless of what you want to achieve it is a good thing to do.

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Why do sense matter to u if u wish to be liberated from ur body? Being liberated from ur body is the LOSS OF ALL SENSES, all things personal about the body you both loved and hated. Removal of the soul must be followed by cutting the “silver cord” so to speak. Meaning U WILL DIE…

U have 2 options…die in pain as most of us who go out naturally will. Most who die of old age are done in by pneumonia, imagine drowning in your own fluids, most of us will probably know that. Heart attacks hurt and lead to the lings filling with fluid. Cancer just hurts…Option 1 is a natural way to die, it’s slow and painful.

Option 2 is an artificially induced death…in which case my personal preferences were i to take this route would be Morphine…If u combine something that is fatal + morphine will be literally like floating …perhaps a spell for some catastrophe in which u wind up in surgery may be good. That which winds u up in surgery has to be so abrupt as for one not to remember feeling any pain…such like head trauma…the rest should be orchestrating small errors in the amount of drugs they give to put u out…You kinda get where Im going with this?

Suicide is painful so my point is choose wisely. Unlike others, Im not against it, but know what exactly it is u want.

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Yeah I have tried that. The reason I am asking this is because I have not been able to leave my body.

I see. And u thought u could if u had Dissociative Identity Disorder??? Then Salvia Divinorin A …i think the highest is 60 X potency, but thats overkill,depending on the brand. Not legal where i am but in ur state it may be???

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No. I wanted it as a replacement.

So it’s either journeying outer body or dissociation…I dig it …I’d recommend not doing what i did and abusing dxm then…in all honesty, I did that and it took 10 years to stop, because the euphoria of being stoned was like being outer body…It felt as good sometimes as obe, astral projection, then it grew painful, the anxiety replaced the loosened inhibitions and taking those pills made me weep, and i had to take em because im an addict…

Instead, work on your body. Im going to shoot a guess and tell me if im right. You at some point in the past used to be able to do this, but for some reason u cant anymore?

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Nope never. I never had an OBE in my life

Man… can you tell us what the fuck is SO wrong with your body that you hate it so much?