Are Shemyaza and Azazel the same?

That is up to you of course thats your views

and all of existence is subjective what you believe and see is your reality


@Lady_Eva could you split this thread in two - the other half being called “is everything connected” or something?


I believe that won’t be necessary as it always ends in the same way subjective reality

But on topic @Baal You are on to the right path both of these entities are the same and separate

Like you and your higher self for example


Yeah, also I found something interesting:



Anagram’s Ooo i love anagrams

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Fwiw I had the same experiencve with the Netjer (cue discussion about whether Azazel is thoth probably, meh) - but I did see all of them as aspects of the one being, which was not to say “we’re all connected period” but rather, that the personalities of the Netjer are specifically linked in ways that are closer than the link between a school bus and a racoon, for example.

That said it doesn’t mean some lazt reduction-for-the-sake-of-it thi ng can be applied - Hathor is NOT Thoth, Hathor is Hathor, both however are Netjer.

The difficulty (IMO) arises when people indoctiranted with the one-god concept try to merge the polarities, and differences in gender and other qualities, and assume that the differentiation doesn’t exist for a valid reason.


Yeah i see it as these spirits appear as what we understand them as …

So for example if you believe Belial is Azazel then that’s what they’ll appear as

just like Azazel says

’ i have appeared as men have considered me '.

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Joy Of Satan is one of the shittiest non reliable sources to refer to guys.

I’d go so far down that line, but not to the point of total wishful-thginking, they have some core “selfhood” that means they will take on masks, and in the case of the Netjer sometimes syncretise, but not at the cost of their true self over a long period.

It’s like, you may have to kiss ass to a boss and mind your language and body-language for a short period, but if people started expecting that from you 24/7 it might not go so well for them.

Belial might help someone fix their marriage if the situation demands it, but if he becomes known as “Belial, saviour of the holy oath of matrimony”? I can’t see that working, he would either create something to answer that call or another spirit would step in.

JMO, I think some spirits tend to be more flexible than others in terms of what they will service.


Yeah i agree with that


They are both separate entities and are one at the same time.

This is a pattern you see with beings related to the Infernal.

If you ask me their the same entitiy with different aspects with their own unique personalities and powers, therefore having their own unique vibration.

My advice, just look at them as seperate beings it’s easier on the mind.


Perhaps you should inquire with Azazel about that

Azazel and Lucifer are rivals and seldom agree on anything.

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Reading back, the bad force merging and inflated was strong back then lol


I Don’t know if my comment is relevant at this point but regardless, My opion Is aligned with C. Kendall"%‘s The process of learning the Diefic mDks of an an entity allowed me to perceive The Totality of the’ Related aspects between The aforementioned pair, or any instance where The sheer emmensity and power of These ancient intelligences… It taught me that the identities of say, the first 11 Masks in rites of Lucifer…WHICH was my very first BALG purchase “The Lucifer chronicles” Which Changed my life so drastically ( After my first successful Invocation of Lucifer, as the light bearer,).
At the time MY spiritual ignorance, could not describe what happened during that rite… WHICH 3 years Later, now know it as KUNDALINI ignition, or awakening, Months prior to this occasion a phycidellic drug Trip had accidentally ignited my KUNDA which SCARED me shitless, I full on thought I was going to explode. Lol
Anyway, I felt again drawn to pontificate online because as my practise improved and asi learned through obsession and dedication… Through numerous channeling and group or rather mentor mentee gnosis… He had compelled my God self Or Inner Deamon, shadow aspect… To reveal the name of Himself…

Through the agony of being compelled I don’t remember this part… BUT MY MENTOR was pale white and gasping because I replied… 'I AM THE ONE WHO IS SHEMYAZA, SEMHAZAI, SHEMYAZAZ. I AM OUZZA, the burning one scorching the eyesight from the retinas of the oppressing sight.
I am Fire. I am Fire. I am Fire…

SO YA… basically I have ( this was maybe a year and a half ago). And am continuing to dig deep to the ancient aspects of my Pre-human existence… Or a part of my minds energy makeup directly comes from the same source consciousness as Shemyaza.
I LEGIT, just decided to begin posting my first month’s worth of journals, I have hand written ( call me old fashion, technology is tuff lol). And am providing my steps I am and had taken while researching this info about myself.
Real talk I don’t know how I lived b4 finding the Left hand path.
Be well guys
Darkest blessings all

The connection between Azazel and Semyaza is complicated from personal experience. They are the same but are separate simultaneously. While they share a lot of the same attributes there are distinct differences that can be perceived when you summon them separately.

It’s hard to explain because from the perspective of an energy worker, when you evaluate both of their energy signatures there are components that synchronize but there are other attributes that are different. Both tend to predominantly embody a smokeless flame which usually indicates solar or stellar associations, but there is a distinct shroud of darkness that Azazel has that Semyaza doesn’t.

If I were to give a more objective approach, there are scriptures that both support and reject the notion that they are the same. So with this said, we technically have the grounds to say that they are, they aren’t, or somewhere in-between. At the end of the day, all you can do is call upon them both and make your own subjective gnosis. Since this post is quite old, I hope that you found your answer!


Seems like all the names mentioned are forced merging into Samael, Azazel, Semyaza, Shiva, Pan, Lugh, Prometheus, etc aren’t “masks of Lucifer” or “darker or lighter” aspects of him.

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