Are drug users easier targets?

I was chatting with someone about how angels will take the path of least resistance. Is that why it appears that drug users die quickly when cursed?

ETA: I assume demons do the same so demon/angels.


Do they? I didn’t know that.

But, what’s the connection between drug users and angels again?


I wasn’t making a connection between drug users and angels. It was stated to me by someone who’s been in this kind of work longer that Angels tend to take the path of least resistance to the desired outcome. I’ve also been reading about people putting death curses on others. Many of them drug addicts who seem to come to a very quick end. So I was wondering if the path of least resistance for a drug user was an overdose.

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That presupposes people generally ask angels to curse drug addicts, and I wouldn’t say that’s the case.

But in general I think it’s fair to say an overdose would be a very easy way to end a drug-using enemy, period.

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I edited my OP to reflect angels and demons.

Ok, well, again, I don’t know that this is true. I think it wouldn’t surprise me if it’s true - I have a feeling drug use, including weed reduces a person’s will, and will is a big factor is resisting curses.

So, if I had to guess, I’d say drug users die faster under curses not because drug’s are a path of least resistance, but because they kill you anyway. It’s like the person is twice cursed - from the drugs and from the 3rd party curse.


News to me. So one could boldy stroll through heaven shoving angels through walls right up to the throne and say

“Aye yo GAAAAWWWWWDDD!!! Bring it ya big ol biotch! If you be twice the wussy these angels are ya still a big pussy!”

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Angels show a persons many karmas and a demon shows the present and most likely path of fixations. But in general most people on drugs awareness is highly vulnerable and easily locked into certain modes of thinking so are easily controlled.


Being under the influence of drugs makes a person weak-willed, and stupid.

From experience, drugs weaken a person’s mind and body (taking into account other factors, etc). Thus, they are easy to curse.

So when you curse a person, generally, the person is going to feel crappy. A drug addict, or a regular drug user uses drugs to feel better in some way. They tend to be less tolerant of emotional/mental pain. Which imb explains the overdoses. The worse they feel, the larger a hit they seek, the more risk they take. :wink:


You haven’t met enough crackheads. That’s not always the case; and I guess that would also depend on the drugs as well. There’s even people who are so smart and whose minds are so busy that drugs help them think more clearly.

It’s highly more likely that said drugee was already weak-willed and stupid.


It makes sense to me that they would make easier targets. Anything which increases your chance of sudden death would make you an easier target. ODing is about as sudden as you get. Though, I think people tend to overlook the biggest thing that makes people easy targets, driving. Driving is insanely dangerous when you look at the numbers, yet it’s something that most people do everyday. Curse their brake-lines.


Believe me, I have over the years, especially during my youth. :wink:

I accept what you say, but that’s more of an exception ime. YMMV. Ime the ones who appear to be strong-willed, don’t use their will wisely. Imb that’s stupidity, especially when they’re up against someone who is drug-free, lives a relatively clean life, and has one of the cleanest minds around. And is smart/creative/resourceful on top. :wink:


I even think there are more already stupid people than there are people being made stupid from drug use.


It is easier to inflict the addiction than it is to finish off someone with a pre-existing condition of addiction. The amount of Will needed to fuel the habit easily overrides all but the deadliest assaults. Their own self-inflicted psychological fuckiness acts as a kind of intrinsic defense, much like a genuine psychopath.

Better to play the ‘slow game’ with these types and savor the flavor.


Are you saying that it would be easier to make someone who does not do drugs into a drug addict than it would be to kill someone who already abuses drugs?


But what if we’re talking about mild drugs like weed. You function pretty normally - hell - most even drive under the influence like nothing. And how would the easiness of controlling someone using weed change if they were also stubborn motherfuckers? Would the spells casted on them preferred to be done when they’re high, which is most of the day tbh.

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Maybe. It depends on what kind of mind manipulation you use. Although a synergistic re composition of the Ionized Chemical lutes And Bonds IN The Fifth Dimension Can Kill Anyone, And You dont Need drugs in order to do it, fucking coffee can be remastered. It’s all in the education and masterization of chemical philosophy, or Ionized Alchemy.

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There’s no chemical patent on weed…

Just you wait. Its only a matter of time. They will take your own ideas and sell it back to you.

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They do on stuff like thc vape pens…mystery dabs or mystery resin. And I’m sure ‘they’re’ (the ominous ‘they’) are making a buttload off of it. All i meant was there is no actual chemical patent on THC. …i don’t even consider it a drug. I know John Law does, but just bc The Man says something doesn’t make it so.

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