Anyone experimented with Dimensional Jumping?

Dimensional Jumping is the practice of finding a timeline you prefer to this one and “jumping” into it.

I bookmarked the Dimensional Jumping subreddit a while ago but recently happened to stumble on it again while going through some old stuff. It seems to be similar to spell casting in terms of results but the technique is different from anything else I’ve encountered. Anyone experimented with this or similar practices?




From my understanding this more astral projection than anything else?


I have experimented with this, and I wanted to travel to a fictional dimension and once took it so far that I “deattached” from everything, and even came up with my own method that worked for little things. I tried so hard, but I wasn’t deattached enough and I couldn’t make it to the fictional dimension.


I’ve heard of the exercise and tried to find other “me’s”. It’s not so much travelling to another dimension or place for me. Its seeing possibilities and exploring what kind of person I really want to be. I see it like branches off a tree lets say a branch is having a child. A branch offshoots its a boy, another offshoot its a girl. One I work while raising the other i stay home. One kid i home schhol and the other goes to school. How do these children turn out in these scenario? What can I learn about parenting watching my own personality play out?


Oddly enough this is kinda how the method of spell casting Aighash is teaching me works. You are effectively collapsing possibility using the “limits” imposed by observing a thing through scrying as the focal point of the reailty you want to experience.

Been having interesting and profitable results so far.


When Belial and I first started he kept getting frustrated with me for thinking small. He told me I had to learn to think like a god. So his advice was think possibility and probability. Instead of limiting yourself when you have an idea don’t second guess yourself and throw it out the window entirely.

Think of the possibility of it happening and imagine what that would look like. Invision it already happening. Then the probability of it happening and if its not probable think of what you can do to increase the likelyhood. What position you could put yourself in or where you would have to move people around like chess pieces to get there.


Haven’t tryed it. But I do think I might have done it unintentionally.


No, astral projection merely lets you observe and interact with other realities while your physical body remains in the same dimension you started in. This technique is supposed to literally change the timeline you’re in.

Aw, that’s too bad. Which fictional dimension were you trying to go to?

Interesting… so more of an active scrying experience where you trying to scry “towards” your goal versus a passive one? :thinking:

I dig the perspective, and that definitely sounds like advice Belial would give. :grin:

As far as the topic in general, I’m left wondering whether all these other timelines exist in actuality or merely as potentiality. If the latter, we’re simply picking our desired present/past/future out of a myriad sea of possibilities, but if the former, wouldn’t we literally be swapping our consciousness with that of your double in whatever other timeline you select? If so, that sure sucks for your double. “Wait, what the fuck? I was just passed out in in my Ferrari outside my mansion’s driveway after a marathon sex orgy, why am I waking up looking like I haven’t shaved in a month, holding a mirror in a cardboard box behind this alleyway?” :rofl:


Im just gonna leave this here for you to ponder :japanese_ogre:

Squirrels control the :earth_americas:
Squirrels control TIME.!


I actually got in a real fight with one of my doubles. She was very upset because she thought I was trying to erase her somehow. I didnt see her as real and a part of we had to have a talk and learn to coexist.


All I can think of is this when you brought up squirrels:

Whoa, that sounds like a head-trip. :open_mouth: So in your opinion, all possible versions of ourselves do exist in actuality, simultaneously? How would one “switch” timelines then without essentially erasing/swapping with our desired double self?

Man, parallel timeline metaphysics gets pretty confusing. :laughing:


Lol truth :japanese_ogre: if you realllllly wanna go down that rabbit hole i would suggest the lovecraftian current.


From what i’ve seen all potental futures exist. Example is I saw different forms of Lucifer that he could have taken had I followed different paths. There was a half-human half dragon if I had chosen draconian. There was one that was just geometric shapes. One warrior like with armor. These Lucifers all exist and they are all forms some people see him.

My other self feared that I wanted to erase her.I don’t know if that fear was based on any real danger. What it seems like is that I have a higher self and a lower self. The other me was a me that found LHP early and (ascended?) became a demon after she died. She took on the characteristics of the demons she invoked when she was alive. She fused with my lowerself somehow.

But because time and space isn’t linear she may actually be my future self who knows?


This fits with all the forms Lucifer showed me :thinking: between what Aighash has been showing me and the points Azazel and Lucifer make about formless and potential.

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So you know the tv show “The Magicians” I was i trying to go there.


I haven’t intentionally experimented with it… But I have unintentionally experienced it. It is very trippy in that it’s a lot similar to the Mandela affect, except within your own surroundings. So for example in one time line where you had one green lawn mower sitting in the yard… you know have 2 lawn mowers sitting in the yard a green and a red but have no recollection or memory of ever purchasing an additional mower even though everyone within the household tells you the whole story of how you all went to the store and bought it.


Why would you ever want to go there :face_with_raised_eyebrow: one of the constants of that setting is ‘using magic causes more problems’.

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I wanted to go their to escape from here lol. I thought that the magicians universe would be easier than this universe because of easier magic. You can literally do spells with hand gestures, but I heard that you could do that in this universe also. I realize that you can do a lot of stuff in this universe with magic if you set your mind to it.

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But I know someone who made it to the pokemon universe, his reddit name is dungjames I think