Anyone ever heard of the Order of the Aset Ka?

Wait we’re not going down adrenochrome roads here are we?

Lol no, our energy bodies naturally absorb and release energy into our environment and from whoever and whatever is within the environment with us. It’s a constant cycle of we absorb, we release, the environment (plants, trees, what have you) absorbs and releases, throwing animals and such into the mix as well.

Ambient energy is pretty much the energy the leylines take in and release back to us/we release into the environment.

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Got it

But which entities need it to survive?? Just making sure the it isn’t adrenochrome

I thought it was just idk maybe a bit like an energy drink or bar, not that entitles can’t live without it?

Many succubus feed on it for need while others for pleasure.

many different vampiric beings exist throughout lore require it too.

However, with the Asetka many of the Vampire Community shun any mention of the Asetka due to the Asetka being more spiritual rather than literal sanguine/psi etc.

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Hmm so there’s some folk who actually go about like the fantasy vampires…

But some of them claim to be asetians?

But unlikely they are bc it’s very secretive?

And the actual ones probably aren’t doing it like the fantasy vampires??

Have I got that :sweat_smile:

I haven’t seen much asetian claims in the vampire community mainly because when it comes to the vampire community those who been there the longest tend to define how things go, one notable man being Father Sebastian. So Asetians aren’t really approved in the VC.

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Is that more of a subculture thing than a spiritual practice??

Or is there some kinda inherent belief beyond being a bit out there to most in why they drink blood??

many people in the vampire community are part of the vampire sub-culture as part of their sanguine or psi lifestyle/needs(?)

however, since the Asetka is dominantly a spirituality it’s rejected.

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And there’s me telling my kid vampires don’t exist except in movies :sweat_smile:

Lol I don’t have kids but when or if I do I’d just be like “so yeah say no to the vampire community but spiritual ones, maybe okay to befriend” xD

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Their us vs them is very cult-like. I agree, the spiritual aspect of Asetianism in better pursued without involvement in the Asetianist community, which has shallow children trying to understand something they really have no insight on.

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They take it quite literally.

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Yes! That’s it exactly. Especially this one lol


Please head on over and add an intro in the new member bit. It’s a requirement before posting more

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I don’t think they’re large in number at all. I think that’s a narrative Asetianists try to make and then perpetuate to others online, without having any clue how many actual Asetians there are. I suppose though, to be fair we’d have to define what large means.

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I’ve heard he’s actually an apostate and was removed from Aset Ka. Then on the other side I’ve heard he thinks he’s Horus. The amount of rumours vs facts is rather large unfortunately.

I agree about the Asetianists being toxic. This is unfortunate, as they are the only public interaction most will get with Aset Ka, however they don’t actually represent the order at all.

Reading Asetian material individually to aid in personal spiritual growth is beneficial, even if one only takes away the idea of critically looking at everything they do and ensuring they are not falling into unhealthy ego and avoiding delusion.

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Book arrived today! :sunglasses:


I hope you enjoy it :blush:

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Which one did you get?

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Asetian bible

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