I don’t know, probably I will ask help from Michael than from Apollo because I’ve never made contact with a being from greek/roman pantheon. I don’t know where I read in the past that Apollo is linked to Apollyon or Abbadon, I don’t know if this is real or not.
Well I turned it into one in any case. She at some point began to actively interfere with my path. She knew what I was about when we met. At some point the spirits drove her out of my life.
I suggest you to always get rid of any obstacles that affects your life, like how you did. You become like the persons that surrounds you. But of course you know this.
eurynomus helped me on this!!!masive thanks to him.aslo he is my patron!
Hmmm, from what I knew Eurynomous was a dark death entity which was specialized in baneful magick. But yesterday I made a little research about that entity and I stumbled upon an article(about Eurynomous) made of V.K. Jehannum, a great sorcerer, he has an youtube channel, you can check his vids out. " Eurynomous personifies the death of unwanted attachments, emotions, grudges, phobias" . So that makes sense after I informed myself better why such a dark entity helped you with that problem. Very interesting, tell us more about the ways He helped you, at least tell me more about the interactions that you had with that entity. Knowledge=power
the way that he can banish any negativity is by inspiring you and changing your mindset every time that i summon him i just feel motivated to break every unhappiness or shitty situations he always want you strong and yourself no matter what.i know its short but i am really bad at explaining stuff lol.
Hmm, so He just inspired you, he didn’t influenced you in direct ways. Is interesting to see that a dark entity can’t bring just destruction and destructive energy, but it can bring rebirth or positive energy/vibes too. This is an example why “good” and “evil” doesn’t exist, but it exists just the destructive force and the creation force . It’s about the mindset of the certain practitioner, taking a destructive or positive perspective. This is the same for baneful works, baneful magick, you must be fool to classify this as “bad” or classify other things as “good”. It doesn’t exists a definition for bad or good things. In someone eyes an action/situation can be considered beneficial, in the eyes of an another person that can be considered not beneficial or it can be considered destructive.
So, yesterday I made contact with The Angel Of Lost Things and asked him for his help to rediscover my lost joy. As I was calling him I got filled with very peaceful, pleasant vibes, it was nice ! After I stated my desires to Him, I offered Him a strawberry and some cherries for his help. ( I know, I read that I should have offered him candies, but I didn’t have at that moment) I put after His sigil those fruits for exactly 27 minutes, as Lady Eva said in her topic. I felt more happy after and as I had those fruits over His sigil. I decided at a moment to listen to a song which I dedicated him and meditate on this song and at the same time to thank him for his help. It was very relaxant and pleasant! I thank You, Angel Of Lost Things !!
This is the song that I dedicated to Him . Judas Priest - Angel - YouTube I felt that this song is perfect for Him, now I see that the name of the song is “Angel” … What a coincidence.
Your emotions come from the thoughts you have, which dictate your perceptions.
Underlying this are your beliefs.
if you examine your beliefs, you can usually discover the ones that are making you unhappy, be they about the world, about the nature of reality, about your own life, personality, or various failings etc (we all have them).
Examine these beliefs and replace any that are making you unhappy, it will rapidly percolate up and help with the sadness. this is obviously not a simple process, but the concept of doing it is simple. Any belief that attempts to defend itself to your cost is a parasite and deserves your special attention to remove and replace it.
Also, if you choose to leave unhappiness behind, check you’re not doing any of these things:
Note if you’re feeling a bit raw that I wrote that post with tongue firmly in cheek, and much of it based on unhelpful patterns from my own life in the past, before I learned to stop worrying, choose my own beliefs, and embrace the LHP, which I talked about (straight-up and not snark) here:
I can understand what are you saying, what you told me, the fact that my emotions come from the thoughts I have, which of course they are controlling my perception, my reality. What you told me, happened me yesterday… I became aware of what you said as I was remembering some painful memories about me. After I realised those things, it didn’t affect me anymore… I was thinking about my curse target, yeah, I know, don’t judge me. Besides that there are my parents who are making my life miserably and made me to regret to experience some memories… Sometimes I’m thinking about my gender disphoria that I had in the past and sometimes it’s painful to just think about it, sometimes I was thinking about my memories since I was raped by someone when I was 6 years old. Just today happened that my parents, especially my mom started to have some disagreements with my brother’s wife, my mom saying some thruths, but at the same time insulting her… Even if my brother’s wife is such a bitch, she shouldn’t have done this, the disagreements began since yesterday, it turned into insults… My brother’s wife was rude with my parents and almost with all of our family members, she was mean with everyone, no one was able to talk with her, she all the time wanted to argue with my mother, father, brother, even me, wherever she was coming, she was known for bringing bad luck. Besides those she was eating the life of my brother, bringing him to the points where I wasn’t able to recognise my brother as he was… At the same time eating my brother’s wife, she is not working somewhere and all she knows to is spending my brother’s money… I really love my brother and I think those things shouldn’t happen to him, to be catched between the anvil and the hammer, between my parents and his stupid wife that is eating his life. Even if she is a slut, I think my parents shouldn’t have been mean with her and insult her as she did with them. That happened for so many time, my parents are always arguing with that slut and my brother, my parents are stupid, childish, they can’t realise that my brother has his own family, he even has a 1 year daughter and another child is coming… My parents and this slut is destroying my brother’s life… My parents destroyed my life too and are still doing this, my father especially caused me to have some traumatic memories which most of the times made me cry. He is known for punching or hitting me in the face or even strangle me for almost nothing!! Today, this morning I tried to stop the conflict between my mom and my brother’s wife, pushing my mother away, my mom and my brother’s wife even started to threaten the other and both of them wanted to hit each other… My father didn’t want to stop the conflict between them and he was even making the conflict stronger!! After I pushed my mother away, my father punched me twice in the face from behind!! He broke my lips, I was bleeding! I said in my mind, “ok, I’m letting them kill themselves”, I went to school with my lips bleeding, for fuck sake!! I can understand that slut, my brother’s wife, even I myself wanted in the past so many times to kill my parents, waiting for them to sleep and thinking about getting a knife and end all of my suffering and humiliation they have given me, by ending their lives. At some points even they thought that I may try to kill them while I was awake :))) . No, that was the final drop that filled the glass. I want to use a freezer spell or something on them, on my parents and that slut. Just to not get harrased by them or have my life destroyed by them, not being able to have my own life!!!(my parents). They have a communist way of thinking, like the dear comrade Nicolae Ceausescu, they say that they can do whatever they want with me, for example beating the shit out of me! They treat me like a thing! I’m thinking about doing a freezer spell on my brother’s wife too, she was mean with all of us! But she is pregnant now and I’m thinking I might done something wrong… They, my parents and my brother’s wife were the reasons why I have been sad many times! I wanted so many times to live in peace with each other and understand with each other, but it wasn’t possible because of that slut or my father or mom! I got mentally involved so many times in solving their problems… this is one of the reasons of my sadness and anxiety states. I wanted to help everybody, sometimes not being able to sleep or do other things because of that… I’ve read your 2 topics that you gave me too, I learned something from them, your awesome! I don’t know if you or other persons are understanding what I said, but I do…