An Experience With Jesus

Anybody can use occult power and say it was Jesus or Gods power that did it, as well as saying it came from Sponge Bob squarepants. I recall that it is mentioned somewhere in the bible and church that occult power is of the devil, witches, necromancera, etc. So it makes no sense to ascribe to something that goes against using such power.

Fyi…as far as Jesus being sexy that is just the looks part. Its also the character itself that counts amongst other things. Jesus is too soft, which I prefer to see in a girl =) the christian lifestyle has certain elements in it that are not sexy, which can be seen to be reflected in the Emotional disposition of ones character, and thus the muscular facial features and eyes themselves…which is largely how I look at the sexiness of an individual. The physical features just enhance it.

You’re not wrong, I think it was N.T.Wright, who’s a well-known Christian scholar said that, “Jesus acted like a woman, and changed the world.” Because according to the ancient Greek philosophers (of which North America is the philsophical successor) many of the traits they expected of women, Jesus showed. Things like compassion, fear, and being emotionally expressive, these were feminine traits, and Jesus showed them.


You’re not wrong, I think it was N.T.Wright, who’s a well-known Christian scholar said that, “Jesus acted like a woman, and changed the world.” Because according to the ancient Greek philosophers (of which North America is the philsophical successor) many of the traits they expected of women, Jesus showed. Things like compassion, fear, and being emotionally expressive, these were feminine traits, and Jesus showed them.[/quote]

I’ll post this even though you may be gone for good…

I do agree with what you have stated. I do believe that this Jesus Christ is real and was a realized master of some sort that possessed the more passive feminine spiritual personality traits as would some of these Buddhists I’ve seen. I’m no homosexual but I think that some of these traits can be linked to a sensitive empathic natured person which people confuse for their sexual orientation. I think this is why there are so many homosexual and pedophile Christian priests and scandals. The thing that I cannot respect about the way and how the Bible was put together was that there is really no method for the majority of people to rely upon except for what has been given to a priest or you’re a heretic and a witch that will be burned in hell as it was revealed to St. John. All the Bible is to me is just a bunch of stories and prayers, that can and do work, but that is not enough for me. Miracles don’t mean shit to me because there are a lot of things demons, angels, gods, goddesses can’t do for me period (things that are personal for me) and they know it. I’m sorry but I don’t see how so many Christians can go around repenting, praying, repenting, praying… and keep doing the same stupid shit time and time again. Atheist, Satanists and pagans are no different either. Call it hereditary but I see them doing the same stupid monkey shit Christians do just in a different costume.

I’m not trying to offend you, I respect BALG members for trying and so the least I can say is that it is not easy finding out the truth with so much disinfo, misinfo, and bullshit out there from the fleshy human realm to the ethereal spirit realm.

My thing is that there seems to be laws that govern all micro/macro things. These laws may have been created by a creator God/Goddess Yin/Yang “Source” that we must understand and abide by.

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My questions to Jesus is… Why repent? What does it mean when one prays and states ‘on earth as it is in heaven’?

WTF & Good Luck!

Its unfortunate to see this happen, but the allure of the Abrahamic religions is very hard to resist for some people.

The more I research into Yahweh, the more of an insidious cosmic abomination it seems to be, and the Jesus myth (tulpa Jesus) is just one of its tools it uses to lure people into, ultimately, the destruction of the personal will and then eternal servitude as a mindless minion.

The real “Jesus”, if one existed, was probably a magician himself who bears little to no resemblance to tulpa Jesus. Tulpa Jesus, the creation of the church in Rome to control the rebellious jews of the time (which worked)… I dont understand how so many people can fall for it, and be serenaded by its lies. Theyre not even comfortable lies… be good and do what your told, and then you can worship “Him” for eternity in “Heaven”?

Do not people feel an intuitive falsehood in it all?

Good luck Ashtkerr. I hope you will continue to do research, and never stop questioning.


[quote=“Gho5ty, post:23, topic:8065”]I’ll post this even though you may be gone for good…

I do agree with what you have stated. I do believe that this Jesus Christ is real and was a realized master of some sort that possessed the more passive feminine spiritual personality traits as would some of these Buddhists I’ve seen. I’m no homosexual but I think that some of these traits can be linked to a sensitive empathic natured person which people confuse for their sexual orientation. I think this is why there are so many homosexual and pedophile Christian priests and scandals. The thing that I cannot respect about the way and how the Bible was put together was that there is really no method for the majority of people to rely upon except for what has been given to a priest or you’re a heretic and a witch that will be burned in hell as it was revealed to St. John. All the Bible is to me is just a bunch of stories and prayers, that can and do work, but that is not enough for me. Miracles don’t mean shit to me because there are a lot of things demons, angels, gods, goddesses can’t do for me period (things that are personal for me) and they know it. I’m sorry but I don’t see how so many Christians can go around repenting, praying, repenting, praying… and keep doing the same stupid shit time and time again. Atheist, Satanists and pagans are no different either. Call it hereditary but I see them doing the same stupid monkey shit Christians do just in a different costume.

I’m not trying to offend you, I respect BALG members for trying and so the least I can say is that it is not easy finding out the truth with so much disinfo, misinfo, and bullshit out there from the fleshy human realm to the ethereal spirit realm.

My thing is that there seems to be laws that govern all micro/macro things. These laws may have been created by a creator God/Goddess Yin/Yang “Source” that we must understand and abide by.

My questions to Jesus is… Why repent? What does it mean when one prays and states ‘on earth as it is in heaven’?

WTF & Good Luck![/quote]

While I definitely don’t come on here as often as I used to, I like to keep an eye on things. I am a very double minded man, much to my shame, and I’m going through my period of doubt. But, I’m learning the lesson that I need to be consistent, which is perhaps my greatest weakness.

I think that the reason why there are so many homosexuals and pedophiles in the priesthood is because they view the sexual expression of their sexuality to be sinful, and so they become priests so that they don’t have to worry about their aberrant sexuality. Scandals happen, yes; but statistically only a very small percentage of priests break their vows. There is a greater statistical chance of being molested by a male teacher, or in the foster system than in a Catholic Church.

So, the Church makes big claims about apostolic tradition and the leading of the Holy Spirit in the Church. There is only one belief allowed in many instances because either this was a unanimous tradition from the Apostle’s of Jesus themselves; or it was defined when a group of bishops (modern apostles) get together in a council and are infallibly led by the Holy Spirit (this idea is itself an apostolic tradition); or when the Pope speaks in his authority as bishop of the entire Church and defines a matter of faith or morals (this idea was an infallible decree of a council of bishops). These claims are big and old, and they are the source of the Church’s authority. So, when the Church says, “You have to believe in the Trinity because apostolic tradition compels us.” And you disagree, then you are in essence separating yourself from Christ. Heresy (the post-baptismal refusal to assent to a revealed doctrine of the Church) is one of eight excommunicable offenses in the current canon law of the Church.

I agree that a continuous process of repentance and prayer is not healthy, Christians aren’t supposed to stay like that. They are supposed to grow in grace and self-control and live lives with less and less sin…In Catholic mystical tradition it’s called the Purgative Way, or the first level of perfection.

You can never offend me by the way, you can say anything, ask anything, and no subject will be taboo.

You said, “Why repent?” This is a good question. God is perfect charity, and there are sins that destroy charity in us, effectually damaging the image of God within, repentance is an action, characterized by confession and contrition that restore the image of God and the charity within you.

“Love,” says a saint, “is a miracle.”

And what does it mean when one prays ‘on earth as it is in heaven’? Well, there’s an entire chapter on it in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which is a document containing most of the doctrines of the Church: [url=][/url]

I hope that was helpful, or at least insightful.

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[quote=“BB44, post:24, topic:8065”]Its unfortunate to see this happen, but the allure of the Abrahamic religions is very hard to resist for some people.

The more I research into Yahweh, the more of an insidious cosmic abomination it seems to be, and the Jesus myth (tulpa Jesus) is just one of its tools it uses to lure people into, ultimately, the destruction of the personal will and then eternal servitude as a mindless minion.

The real “Jesus”, if one existed, was probably a magician himself who bears little to no resemblance to tulpa Jesus. Tulpa Jesus, the creation of the church in Rome to control the rebellious jews of the time (which worked)… I dont understand how so many people can fall for it, and be serenaded by its lies. Theyre not even comfortable lies… be good and do what your told, and then you can worship “Him” for eternity in “Heaven”?

Do not people feel an intuitive falsehood in it all?

Good luck Ashtkerr. I hope you will continue to do research, and never stop questioning.[/quote]

I cannot prove whether I am interacting with a true entity named Jesus or if it is an egregory created as a thoughtform. As Lady Eva once said when I raised a similar question, “I don’t think it really matters, I just care about results.” You can read the topic here: [url=][/url]

What I can do however, is fix your poor understanding of early Church history. We know that Christ established the Papacy with St. Peter, and that St. Peter moved to Rome where he was martyred and succeeded by St. Linus, onwards through history until now when Pope Francis sits as Bishop of Rome.

However, Catholic is a latinization of the Greek word meaning universal. There were four historic apostolic sees besides Rome: Jerusalem, Antioch, and Alexandria. While Rome had primacy, the other sees were just as responsible for governing the early Church.

But, thank you for your well wishes, may you be blessed as well.

Anyone who doesn’t question themselves from time to time is just a damned fool IMO - it’s natural and healthy to question oneself, one’s actions and beliefs, everything. We live in an ocean of morons and lying commercial interests, which will try to undermine and tip anyone over, no matter what they hold true or aspire to.

What I find helpful is to commit - to a course of action, a desired goal, something that is beyond myself (because I’m as weak, lazy and so on as anyone else) - when I choose a commitment in some area, that makes personal choices much simpler, they either take me closer to it, or farther away.

The kind of thing I’m talking about is medium-term, or long-term, not “by next week” kinds of goals. And I often take mine from my spirits who have steered me right so far, I know something like that may not be an option, but it helps me navigate through life in a rewarding way.

I don’t know whether this will help you, in the never-ending dilemma of choosing between weiner or wafer :o) - I can only say that it helps me stay fresh, questioning, but not losing my anchor (or falling into destructive self-doubt) as I do so.

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I think you may have a hard time returning to the Christian fold after exploring individuality, rebellion, the occult, science, and reason. All things shunned by Christianity which sets out a standard rule for salvation. You may find the notion of shutting off your passions, will, and logic too much to bear while fellowshipping with other Christians. Being born-again, and living your life solely according to the bible is what is important in Christian salvation. You can’t compromise in this, and I suspect disillusionment with this fact will follow.

For me, true freedom comes with having the strength to live and explore life on my own terms. When logic, science and reason flies in the face of biblical scripture, it is gives further validation to me that Christianity or the Abrahamic religions do not have it right (despite seeing Jesus in dreams and visions). To me he is just another spirit, with its own message.

Good luck with your decision though.

honestly to my way of thinking anyone who tries to dictate what you can and can’t do or what you can or can’t say and has a long history of causing murder and genocide which I’m not saying is completely wrong in all cases in my view but then also claims to be loving and good is the true deceiver Yahweh does exactly that and yall say he is all knowing ? well then according to what yall even say happened why was Lucifer even allowed to rebel it would’ve been stopped before it ever happened if Yahweh was all knowing

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Dude I feel you.from being a Jehovah’s guy to Buddhist.and gess eat prayer never help me.tri I pray to saints for help on magic.I doubt my stuff sometimes.but name a great white magician rich.powerfully? I can be a Gnostic and pray both ways.magic can be u hobby.but it worth.wish u the best but if u balance light /darkness u be better human being.I’m interested lately in catholic teachings.I know sounds crazy if you look posts.I grass Middle life criss is.good luck man.we be here

It’s funny… As a black magician… mostly demonic leaning… I have had some pretty cool Jesus experiences… I have nothing against him. Ever read and or experience the gospel of Thomas?

darkness is the way of power light is the combing of power given to a single entity in regards to Christianity and those religions like it darkness doesn’t claim a specific ruler it’s power itself it needs no flock to feed it it exists without power being given to it

[quote=“ashtkerr, post:1, topic:8065”]I feel like I should clear the air here more for my sake than for yours. I’m generally a people pleaser, so I don’t like letting people down, and so I was avoiding making any such announcement, especially in a place that possibly opens me up to occult attack. But, I digress.

One of my least favorite traits about myself is how quickly I am to be swayed to or from one side or another. I consider this a fatal flaw of mine as it leaves me seeming indecisive and foolish when those are not how I’d like to be portrayed. I really do want to pick something and stick with it, but I find such consistency difficult.

This recent turn away came through a fairly logical place, I thought I found things that didn’t match up, the triangles weren’t congruent, this is not natural growth this is an unnatural graft. And as I left my mind over calculated as I researched history that I thought was hidden from me. Savodonger once asked me if I was done with Christianity for good, and I replied, “Short of Jesus appearing and explaining everything in fine detail, yes, I am done for good.”

But this is exactly what happened. Jesus and I have a unique connection that few experience, and I don’t know why I have it. But, whenever I stray Jesus appears before me in a vision, a dream, or some miraculous experience. This time, I had a dream.

There were some events leading up to having the dream, I wasn’t unprepared, I knew that it was coming, but I didn’t know what Christ could say that could change my mind. So, back to the dream, Jesus appeared to me in the dream and said, “Witness the depths of my mercy through salvation and history.” And he proceeded to answer in fine detail every doubt I had, from the historicity of the Old Testament, to its authorship, to the question about who can be saved and other Catholic doctrine.

It was humbling and it seemed that to every objection that I thought was very this or that he provided a third answer I did not consider possible.

When I woke up from the dream, I remembered fully everything he had said, and I checked some things he said about history to see if it was legit, and it all checked out. I felt like a fool. So, I got in touch with the pastor of my parish and reconciled to God.

From here, I hope and pray that I remain constant in the faith, but my history has shown me that I’m doomed to repeat this cycle, I hope for deliverance.

So, I won’t be posting on BALG very much. The posts I do make won’t be “You’re going to hell, repent now.” Because as strange as it might sound I kinda like you guys, and just like I keep my religion out of my job, I will try to keep it out of this forum. But, you know, I practically live and breathe debate so… But anything I do post here will be largely philosophical or a deeper look at a movie.

If anyone has any questions or would like clarification on something or wants to tell me I’m being deceived by grey aliens, go ahead, I’m pretty open minded.

Again, I’m not here to proselytize you guys. This post is more for my sake than yours.

In Christ,
With love,

Ashton Kerr.

Do whatever makes you happy Ashton and find your truth! Validate your experiences with other good cosmic entities. Kwan Yin and Isis are good places to start. Or you could try Bibliomancy ( that isn’t against the scriptures)

You can always be who you are and be a Christian no matter what. Being a Christian for me is being Christ - like in nature.

That is being compassionate, merciful and understanding. You can do this, if you truly want to. Just remember that your happiness comes first before anyone else’s. Jesus would want you to be happy. Yahweh as well :slight_smile:

Good luck !


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In my short time on the BALG forum I’ve really enjoyed reading your thoughtful posts Ash, unfortunately there has been little time for me to reply as I would like to.

Thx you for your post. I am agnostic and believe in God , but have never been baptised and never belonged to a organised religion. I feel very welcomed within BALG forum with my questions. Thx you for sharing brother :heart:

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OK, so for a lhp group how many Christians are hanging out here?
And by the way, there are Christian Satanists, in as much as they believe in Christianity but choose Satan anyway. Maybe BALG could have a Christian Satanists section where Catholic Satanists, low church Anglican Satanists and reformed church Satanists could swap notes. ‘Jesus saved me! Hail Satan!’


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Good luck man \m/

I came from a born-again upbringing myself, put was specifically led to leave it after praying to God when I just couldn’t find a way to reconcile my own experiences with the churches or the pulpit’s.

Not to mention the whole conditional-unconditional love thing, but to each their own. Ironically, I had a talk with Jesus myself recently, and he said to me, “You know, you have my blessing to continue your magickal path, not that you need it from me, but it’s nice to know I’m not your enemy and I even want to help you in your ascent if you’ll let me.”

Also Ironically, the first time I ever got my first crazy experience during meditation was of Jesus holding a sign up in front of my face at a distance :stuck_out_tongue:

For the longest time when I started on the LHP, I thought that he was just a poster boy for the church, so I was almost anti-christ in that way and realized I don’t have to be, I can just be me.

Oh, and you might want to check out a guy by the name of Bill Donahue(there’s videos of him on youtube) and his finds about the God of the bible and his origins. He even uses scripture to back up his claims, because it’s actually in the bible. Opened my eyes up to a lot of things that makes a lot of sense and further explains the connection between what Kurtis Joseph is doing with his Ahrimanic work and why.

Don’t worry he(Bill) doesn’t try and discredit the God of the bible at all, only how you see him and his origins, you may be surprised like I was.

Again, good luck, and may you find your true path.

I’ve enjoyed reading your posts about your path of alchemy and immortality and the path you’ve walked so far!


I am surprised by how many Christians there really are on this forum.


“Split a piece of wood and I am there. Pick up a stone and you will find me”.

Gospel of Thomas, saying 77, Meyer translation.