An Experience With Jesus

Forum members are not generally biased against someone based on their preferred kind of invisible friend. :thumbsup:

Anyone’s welcome on here so long as they’re into magick and not going to ram the supremacy of their beliefs down people’s throats, obviously someone can state they think Kek, Krishna, or Christ is their saviour in a thread about magick that works with that being or current, but outside of that it can get a little tedious, so is strongly discouraged. :wink:


Cthulhu for president.


Tentacle-porn evangelism! :thumbsup: :joy:


Hi buddy, first of all, I mean all the following of my text with the highest and most genuine respect towards you as a being- what I will say here is more generally out of brotherly care towards you- and how if you like to have quality in your live towards any spirituality, you might wish to take these things into consideration that are based on personal experience- which might be valuable to you since- following people such as a pastor that mostly least of all has often a extremely limited, if not only purely mental understanding of spirituality that is actually based on experience, for people that only talk about theory won’t be able to help you pave the way to into the multidimensional experience of your own being-it will only leave you stuck in your mind’s own theories, which is not where you wish to be, I assume.

Here: Another hebrew name for “truth” is “reality” and it’s up to you to experience reality for yourself ideally including practical spirituality so you can come to what some could call real ‘gnosis’ true knowingness that is based in experience-
which is the opposite of what mainstream christianity, protestant or catholic preaches, which leads to spiritual death and physical death, as you can see to what happens to most ‘christians’, which is not at all the idea of what the real Yeshua christ tries to teach- death and aging are only the result of non-actualization of parts of yourself that can make you physically immortal. (such as the integration of your main 5D body, christbody, …)

At one point in my life I stood where you are and realized that if I wanted real spirituality, I was wasting my time at the church with people that actually talk the most ‘guessing and hoping they are right’ and have the least experience with connecting with the divine- and therefore are the biggest misleaders towards the real teachings of Yeshua Christ on the planet. Though they may have the best intentions, they won’t be leading you into a state of christ consciousness, your own personal christhood, simply because they generally don’t have a clue what that is. Yeshua Christ does not approve of everything that is in the bible because he also knows that most of it has been changed to get most christians as main carriers of spiritual falsehood. Such as the lies that we are separate from God (and much more of that horrible, horrible detrimental doctorine that leads to spiritual self-destruction and non-enlightenment, unfortunately).

On mastering soultravel E.A. takes about how to connect with the Christ-field as a fiery layer of existence and within yourself - so you might do well having that course. Remember that ultimately, you are -All that is- no more , no less in onenes sand equality with all life. Also the universal and solomonic circle can come in handy to any type of magick you wish to perform-if you wish to boost your contact with Yeshua Christ, this is the place to be, this is where practical spirituality can be opened up to the highest degree-with yeshua christ if you wish.

I myself work with the Christ (heart of God+yeshua christ) in combination with the source, angels, demons and so on…
and it’s all really fine). (when it comes to demons by the way, they are aspects of one’s own mind, and are benevolent, healing, empowering and constructive when you bless them first in the name of the source of all things/through the source of all things, as “a” way of approach- in the universal circle. It’s all about alchemy with yourself using archetypical aspects of the one godmind you integrally are-in oneness and equality with all life. Demons turn into lightbeings even, and they will always reflect your attitude. This is why lots of christians have their own attitude reflected towards them-they get what they give-as they blame demons, they come across themselves and their own attitudes and that’s what creates hell on earth for some of them- it’s a self-created spiritual trap- Yeshua Christ once rightfully said in his own uncorrupted words “love the other as thyself” which is opposite to blaming satan, who is a representation, among other things of one’s own hurt inner child that needs love, also so that you can heal yourself and embrace your own wholeness. This is why christians also seem so ‘stale’ and generally have little or no understanding about them being all that is and that it is enmity towards satan or lucifer instead of universal love that causes them to believe they are under a constant threat- that in fact is only the reflection of fears they manifest for themselves. Luficer and satan are beings that genuinly seek to empower humans, but also reflect back to humanity what it projects towards the outside when some humans act without respect towards life as a whole. I spoke to satan and lucifer many times, after blessing them, using the universal circle and I can tell you they were as friendly as I was to them. The universe will always reflect what you project unto it- and that’s a lessons even every christian believing they are doing the right things have to learn- also to have compassion instead of judgement- for when judging anything-we are ultimately judging ourselves as we are all that is-which does not mean we should be idle towards vice, as it needs a proper magickal response.

When it comes to a pastor- do not fall for that trap- the blind cannot lead the blind, and that’s a huge lesson.
If someone did not experience christ consciousness and are theorizers instead of experienced based speakers, unless they draw their knowledge from true experience, they won’t lead you far in spirituality, and won’t lead you home, ultimately. People that have little or no experience with God or the spiritual and talk just out of mentalism and are in a religion make the best carriers of falsehood and error because they can’t place their knowledge in perspective with experience and thus by default won’t be able how to really awaken spiritually. Practical spirituality is the path to Godhood, just pure and only theorizing will lead to what quite all mainstream christians end up in. Death, and that is not the way, since the real yeshua Christ is just showing a blueprint of how once can using the power of the word enter christ consciousness in a fast pace.

I once got initiated into christ consciousness by yeshua christ, spoke to him, he showed me things like
we are all equal in potential, equally having the one source of all in us. Which is contrary to bible doctorine, which started to be partially falsified at the council of nicea by Constantinople to ‘unify the people’. Many things have been left out such as the gospel of Magdalena, where Yeshua clearly states that women and men are equal (which is not the case in mainstream bible believers)+ the bible teaches how to be fearful and create your own psychic entrapment by vilifying demons instead of taking self-responsibility for one’s own thoughts and actions as living creators that we are.
Also the catastrophies of the book of revelation also refer to what’s going to happen to annunaki minions in particular, (though the annunaki themselves now chose to serve the source in a constructive way) rather than to the human race- and something else also - the romans and jews of that time made up the story of the crufificion for reasons of power over the people and iconizing yeshua christ- also the bible says that we are sinners instead of the living God/Gods. that attitude of self-denial and basic self-loathing perspective is the main reason why people don’t get into christ consciousness and falsely believe that they are ‘born’ again. The biggest joke in history since being born again means one wanders around in a higher immortal physical state of immortality with all chakras being totally open.

When it comes to christ consiousness - or anything spiritual - if you do not wish to waste your time- always go with the pro’s. If you’d like to have an extra book that is based on experience where Yeshua Christ speaks, Buddha, and many other immortal masters that walk the earth physically on and off , in any instant they choose, than the book
"life and teachings of the masters of the far east" will bring you home, all the way. It is a practical manual that teaches about physical immortality, levitation, physical shapeshifting, walking over water- how it works and how you can get into that state called christ/heart conciousness with all of it’s options and meet other ascended masters face to face, including Yeshua Christ but also adamus saint Germain and many more.

We are all the one cosmic I AM-presence, the one I AM-presence Yeshua refers to in the bible-(is also explained in the book above) which is a fundamental key to remind yourself that you are at one with the source.

Combined with the things presented here, your chances of getting into christ consciousness
as fast as the amount of dedication you put to it, is easy. and even states beyond that.

If you wish to go pro…I’d say this place can get you there…;


If you’d like to know more about christ consciousness, I sure can tell you a lot about it.
What I remember from my experience, the temporary innitiation is that I was indeed physically immortal, my body fully taken up by my soul, me looking into infinite space, and more I can tell you…

Between the left and right hand path, the christ would be the middle of these 2, it is where omnipotence, omnipresence, omniscience all come together. That’s where you are the God-human that Yeshua christ wants us to embody for ourselves.
(rather than falsely deifying him and seeing oneself as ‘not equal’ which is a self-detrimental falsehood that has indeed nothing to do with the reality of Yeshua Christ.
Going with practical spirituality above dogmatic mentalized belief will be the difference between spiritual success or ‘spiritual death’ and I know you wish to grow spiritually and probably which to give yourself the chance to see Yeshua Christ face to face, or angels…or any other being…I mean it’s just advice, but it’s based on really lived experience.




@Nagathex Praise the Dark Gods (I hope this isn’t breaking the no proselytising rule)


Hopefully, the goal is to not need a saviour or to take on that role one’s self. That’s what I take from LHP thought and philosophy. Ironically, this is also what the non-canonical Gospel of Thomas is also pointing to. The gospel (which some scholars place as early as 40 CE which would pre-date not only the canonical gospel but also the writings of Paul) states in saying 70;

“Yeshua said,
If you bring forth what is within you, what you have will save you.
If you have nothing within you,
what you do not have within you will kill you.”

This of course got it into trouble with the episcopal authorities of the emerging Christian orthodoxy for whom the apostolic succession of the bishops and the emerging sacramental system were neccessary for salvation. This is why the book was suppressed and the cenobitic communities of Nag Hammadi and Oxyrhynchus in Egypt hid the manuscripts of both this and later gnostic writings.

Another reason for it’s suppression might be that the Thomas gospel quotes Jesus as passing church leadership onto James and not Peter, thus undermining the orthodox claims of Petrine primacy. Thus, the ancient text was dangerous to the political power of the emerging orthodoxy for two reason; it threatened both their claims to antiquity (authority from history) and their claims to spiritual authority (derived both from sacramental efficacy and apostolic succession).

It is the anitnomian nature of the gospel that actually puts in sympathy with the LHP which therefore begs the question; is this Jesus antithetical to the LHP?

The picture becomes even more complicated when we consider the stoic interpretation of the figure of Hermes. For the Stoics, Hermes was both Logos and Demiurge. The Gospel of John clearly identifies Christ with the Logos (or creative word, divine plan), while the gnostic concept of the Demiurge (Plato in the Timaeus identifies the Demiurge as a kind of creative architect / intermediary betweeen the form of the Good and the created world ) clearly lent to a more Satanic interpretation. Thus the differentiation of the symbols / signifiers of Logos / Demiurge and therefore Christ / Satan might not be so clear cut.

Does this clear the way for Christ to be considered as an ally or working partner within the LHP? Only the practice and experience of the individual practitioner can answer this. But if we take a Taoist look at this, particulary at the Yin / Yang symbol, and realize that all extremes contain their opposite, it is at least a question worthy of theoretical debate and practical experimentation.

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FYI this thread bumping and the thread by aquas_veritem are the cosmos and forces of magick & theoegensis telling me the vision I recieved is correct… clear your diaries for the 23rd if you will folks, big working incoming soon. :thumbsup:


My advice is don’t let it limit yourself though. You have a great bond with him but that shouldn’t stop you from creating others aswell. Xx


Simon Peter said to Him, “Let Mary leave us, for women are not worthy of Life.”
Jesus said, “I myself shall lead her in order to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every woman who will make herself male will enter the
Kingdom of Heaven.”

Gospel of Thomas, vs. 114, Thomas O. Lambdin translation.

Sorry but that is really fucked up! :joy:


Yeah, sorry Lady Eva. According to all the Gospel of Thomas apologists, like @Warlock here, you can’t enter the Kingdom of Heaven without becoming a man.

Better start that hormone therapy now.

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Nah, you can keep it thanks, I’m aiming straight for Valhalla! :smiling_imp:

Endless pork and guilt-free boozing, followed by the barney to end all barneys outside - this is any working-class Brit’s dream come true! :heart_eyes:



What if Lucifer is also working for God (Eon) ? Undercover !!! :slight_smile:

I have an article in which they channeled Lucifer and he explained that he is doing this for God ! Lucifer & 72 Angels were assigned for this mission !

Though only Lucifer remembers this no other Angel/Demon.

Other Psychics have also got same info from Lucifer.

P.s I know in the end I will be hated by both Left Hand Path & Christianity ! :slight_smile:

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I can’t unsee that statement


Do I really need to say that these sayings, like all texts, need to be interpreted within the cultural context in which they were written?

Or do I need to add that there might be a non literal meaning intended here?

According to the cultural context of 1st century Palestinian Judaism within Roman occupied Israel, women were considered as inferior to men because the understanding of the Eden narrative within the book of Genesis was taken literally; Adam came from god, Eve came from Adam, therefore Eve was one step further removed from the divine than Adam was. What the Jesus of Thomas’’ gospel is saying is that through his teaching and instruction, he will make Mary the spiritual equal of any man, with just as much access to the divine.

Seen in this light, the Jesus of Thomas’ gospel might be construed as being far less misogynistic than some of Paul’s writings within the canonical New Testament. Yet even in this case Paul was certainly no more “misogynistic” than the contemporaries of his culture where women were seen as little more than property. Anyway, it’s also a little unfair to judge these authors (or any other author from the ancient world or any other culture) through the lens of Western 21st century cultural and social mores.


Women did magick in ALL other cultures, this isn’t some wacky feminist shit - the tombs of some ancient female shamans and priestesses rival those of kings and princes, and this was before the affirmative action crap kicked in and women got prizess for trying, these women earned their gold and other graver goods. :thinking:

Hathor, a goddess, has arguably got some of THE oldest iconography in the middle east, and one of her attributes is to greet the newly-arrived soul in the afterlife.

I would go so far as to say that magick (which has always blurred lines with religion, outside the Abrahamic faiths) is the ONLY field of human endeavour in which men and women have absolutely equal potential, though at different times one sex or the other has been more associated with the art in each particular culture, and our different interests in life have often dictated where we direct our attention.

That these females in their elaborate tombs were believed to have the same kind of afterlife as the males seems highly likely, this focus on one small middle eastern region blurs the record, but elsewhere queens, noble-women, priestesses, and healers all had elaborate graves, artwork commemorating their particular contributions, and were not considered less innately divine.

The use of valuable young women as sacrificial items, as oracles, and the associations of the mother goddess and rites of sacramental blood all show the lines of feminity as a component of magick, alongside masculine imagery and male presists and leaders.

It’s the one area where we don’t have to play at being men, or become strident in demanding our “fair share” of something men created, since the spirits find us naturally - something the early Church used to actually hold against women!


I’m searching for my path…I know I don’t know. BALG is very welcoming ☆


It is very!