An Awakened State đŸ€˜ - Working with Ahriman

Sarah McLachlan - Building A Mystery (Video):notes:

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Thank You.


I love your words and working. I am looking forward to updates, plz


Thank You, you are kind.

I will update when I can. :slightly_smiling_face:


Awesome, I look forward to your posts

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There she goes! There she goes again.

Will post ritual details later.

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Unfortunately and fortunately, this path of my life is over. I’ve shut the door.

Lilith paid a visit.

I know my path. My direct path.

There is much magic :sparkles: and symbolism to be found within the Abrahamic faiths. Lesson learned: I must stay true to myself.


There’s been thunder rolling in the distance. I’m crossing my fingers for rain. :pray:

It’s funny how the winds of change can open a door I thought was fully closed.


9/2/2021 - 9/3/2021: The final preparations have been or will be finalized on 9/3/2021. There was a little bit of a hiccup today, as my weakness for lemon cookies gave way.

Whoops! Stomach ache.

(Former) goodie-to-shoo is about to face Az Jahi for the first time as a willing patron/student in the halls of corruption.

Break those chains one by one.

Called upon the Law of Attraction. What I seek is seeking me.

Called upon Ahriman - FIND HIM. (I still have zero clue who my life partner is.)

Called upon my God - FIND HIM. (I still have no idea who my life partner is.)

“Rid me of the chains!”

I am currently closed for spiritual maintenance.



Sometimes when working with Ahriman, we end up seeing the darkest parts of our soul. The part of the soul that makes us face our own fears - the part we gasp at. The part we start to over think all of a sudden.

I have never claimed to be traditional in my approach to the path I follow - however, right now I feel like being very unapologetic for being a completely lazy person in the motivation department.

This week alone, I have had chicken mcnuggets three times. Along with four diet cokes. Two ice creams sandwiches. And waffles for breakfast. every. single. morning. Oh well!

It has been a very healing process not to care about every little detail.

Right now, I have two timelines going. Spring in Australia and getting ready for fall in the West. I haven’t combed my hair today nor have I done anything productive, besides laundry!

I’ve binged watched NCIS everyday after work. Watched the Twilight movies - fast forwarding to the parts I actually liked. Then threw myself into watching home movies of when I was a kid.

And that is when Spirit bid me farewell and I just went numb. I have to face my fears.

And they are dark. And this is the reason why I am shut off from people. Why I am ignoring others and it’s okay.


The idea of deloading is very important to avoid injury and assist muscle growth in fitness. It’s been proven that the brain can be trained as well so what you are doing (as long as you get back to training) is probably helping you more than you know. To add to that, from what I understand you’ve been very devoted to self growth recently no? Don’t see this as laziness, rather, see it as a time for healing, rest, and recuperating. I think you’re a wonderful person and I truly believe that negative self talk is the biggest roadblock for growth

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This is a big one. I’ll send you some anxiety based notes from my therapist that i think will help you by at the end of the day there’s not much advice I can give here. It’s pretty much all up to you I think. I will say that you are strong and willful so I’m not worried :wink:

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Thank You!

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Silence of a sheep; however, I’ve got the mastery of a silent lion.

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My gnosis for my own life has been correct.

Dream received.

Challenge accepted.

Mortal to flesh, flesh of my mortal self.

There is beauty in letting go.

And this is to walk the path of peace.


“In oneself lies the whole world and if you know how to look and learn, the door is there and the key is in your hand. Nobody on earth can give you either the key or the door to open, except yourself.” - Jiddu Krishnamurti

Corruption starts now! The Spirit of Az Jahi beats now. You want me to show you how to cut cords?

Get the dagger.

Photo Credit: Douglas P Cooper


I have to be rid of all processed foods in my home. Including, gasp, giving up my chicken nuggets from McDonald’s.

Apparently, Spirit has stated I am about to go on a whirlwind :tornado: within the dating realm. It means I need to smile, act charming, and seduce the man of my dreams. So, I asked them to give me a vision.

All I received was: Keep masterbation open and do this once a week.

How is the world is this supposed to help me with finding my life partner?

I did my weekly ritual with Ahriman this morning and then did as instructed by Jahi. I am doing what is asked and have no qualms about it.

Song of the week:

To be honest, I feel like I am way over my head here. I guess that’s what I get for being purdish all of these years.


Mate = Life Partner

It does not mean I want to be a warewolf. These only exist in and within the imagination.

I am human.


You’re protesting quite a lot for someone who ‘doesn’t want a werewolf’ but other then ‘they don’t exist in reality only in the mind’ why not?

Also why are you keeping on repeating ‘I’m human’? We all are physically human beings on this forum.