Am I wasting lucifers time?

Hey guys I have no idea if lucifer is mad at me or not but for the past two nights I have repeated lucifers enn and like 2 minutes in this voice pops into my head and it says “your wasting my time” and I’m still able to repeat his enn when that voice comes so does this mean I did something wrong or upset him some how


I learned about the enns quite late in my journey. When I first knew those things existed, I thought that it was a good idea to use them as mantras, but Crocell told me to stop chanting those things, because those things are for calling them and they are already here with me.


Nope, that voice is yours not Lucifers.


I have had a number of spirits tell me to stop using their Enn. I don’t know how the demonalators have so much supposed success with them. Asmodeus actually gave me a visual of him sticking his fingers in his ears, accompanied by a strong auditory communication of “EEEWWW! Stop saying that shit!”. Some of the spirits really don’t like them. Others do. Who knows what the truth is. All I know is that I have gotten further going deeper into meditation, and using a heartfelt invitation, then using the enns


@Shauna159 I am inclined to agree here. Lucifer isn’t one to tell you you are waisting his time… time doesn’t exist for him the same way it does for us. It is literally impossible to waste a spirits time. They are immortal, and exist in the realm of the timeless. If you are a sincere seeker, Lucifer will never turn you away


@Shauna159 It is also possible though unlikely that you have attracted an imposter spirit, who is intent on derailing your success.


Lucifer would let you know if you’re wasting his time, he’s no different from humans, self-doubt oftentimes creates these scenarios that aren’t there. If I remember correctly enns don’t evoke the entity but their energy correct me if I’m wrong @DarkestKnight


That is my understanding, yes.

Demonolators don’t evoke in the way ceremonial magicians do. According to S. Connolly, they “invoke,” that is, they extend an invitation to the demon to come around, and the enns are used to saturate the atmosphere with the energy of the particular demon.


I don’t think that voice was Lucifer’s, rather of your higher self’s. There are a lot of mantras what you can use daily for for specific purposes (however you have to be careful choosing them) while the purpose of enns are different. Maybe this is the reason for this “message” (probably)…

Look into yourself and think about your goal, then ask yourself.
For example, if your goal was to invite Lucifer, then it’s already done. So… for this goal, what you’re doing is unnecessary and the voice is in your head was right.
When you hear voices what you did now, it might have a deeper reason. Sometimes it pointing at a very important thing what you should notice, and it will help you if you successfully understand it. This is a message of your higher self, from the very soul behind this meat puppet.

To being able to identify the voices, you have to work on your relationship with other entities, get to know the different energies (so you’ll be able to identify the stranger ones too), strengthen your senses and you have to be able to silence your mind. If you can do it, you’ll able to hear voices what aren’t yours without mislead yourself.

You can handle your higher self as a helping hand, a god as well.
There is not much difference between the two anyway.


You are not “wasting his time”. That voice is your own doubt. He hears you. Just trust and believe that.


My interpretation, as someone mentioned I think, is that he was already there - watching you keep chanting instead of talking to him was the timewasting part, imo. Imagine calling someone on the phone and then repeating ‘hello’ instead of starting the conversation… it’s often a connection problem, and he was letting you know he could hear you.

A lot of these daemons mean business, straight up worship isn’t very useful or interesting… get to work :slight_smile:

It would probably be a good idea, if this is the case, to work on your sensitivity so you can tell as soon as he’s present and start asking questions.


Just to add my two cents with everyone else, either it was an imposter spirit or Lucifer was already there. Kind of the way I see it is if a friend calls you to come over so they walk up to you, and you still keep calling them to come to you even though they are standing right in front of you. Basically “stop calling and start talking”

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Thank you so much, is there a way I can learn to handle my higher self

Okay thank you and I’m a sincere seeker I think I always have been I mean I studied the right hand path but I always wanted to study the left hand path but I was just scared to I also read books that had lucifer in them and I always kinda felt drawn to him

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Okay thank you :blush:

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Okay so stop calling and start talking I’ll do that from now on, also can I still call him to just talk because I don’t really have anything to ask for all I want to do is learn, practice and what not

Is there a way to get rid of my doubt

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May you elaborate? Links welcomed. I’m very interested.

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I’m new, but perhaps you should try a different method. I hope you get the contact you’re seeking soon.

I don’t think Lucifer would say that. Actually he’s really happy when people call him, because they learn how to use magic and he believes that it’s the right thing to do. Besides, as mentioned, the enn doesn’t force him to come, it’s just an invite, if he wouldn’t want to come, then he’d just wouldn’t. Don’t worry about it!