Okay thank you so much
Thank you
I have also stopped using enns. I don’t like that and also came to that conclusion, that they don’t give a damn(mostly).
Is there a way of calling them without using their enns
Dont think too much when you want to summon anyone of them. At least it works for me
Okay thank you so could I just say his name or something
Use whatever suits you.
Okay thank you
Yeah, in general they don’t seem to be real big on the devotional stuff and hours upon hours of chanting. On the other hand sometimes I have been reluctant to call upon them when I really should just get to it because they want to and expect to hear from me, and I should not be afraid of them.
I like the fact I can see them now in the aluminum foil. (when they show up) That way I know when I have their attention.
There are different ways. Tracing out a sigil and focusing on it, and leaving out offerings are just a couple of ways that I have used.
Firstly I’m not sure how many time you called his Enn, but you could do it 108 times and this isn’t necessary but he doesn’t mind. . If he’s already there and he can be quick you can stop. I for example start meditating 3 times with his Enn (he doesn’t mind). After a while I gaze in the sigil and then 3 times again. Then I stop, so total 6.
I usually call his enn About 4-7 times and then start talking sometimes his enn just repeats in my head like a song and I feel like he will get annoyed at me for it because I don’t actually have a reason as to why i called him if that makes sense
The more you work with a daemon the less you’ll need their enn to get their attention.
If you take a prolonged break from communicating with them (as in years) then you might to use it again for a short while.
From personal experience Lucifer may be proud but he’s not rude unless provoked.
Recently I’ve only needed to chant his enn a max of 6 times because of how often i call on him.
For me personally I have a tarot deck for when I’m in doubt. I can just ask questions for confirmation with it. If you decide to go that route just try not to become too dependent on them.
Thank you for that and I have no idea what route I’m gonna take yet
Yeah! Stop wasting his time!
Take this one.
Psychic Development for the Magician
I was working with sitri and He told me to quit bothering him. It upset me the whole day so I asked him if it was him that said that and he said no. He even told me I could benefit working with Andras too. <3
I agree with this @Shauna159. If you have been respectful he won’t say that. Lucifer is an Archangel/Daemon. He has a lot of patience if you threat him with respect.
A tip for you both. Use a Sigil and ask in the beginning of your invocation.
‘I only invite the spirits I work with, other entities with negative intentions are not welcome’.
After the invocation
‘I ask entities with negative intentions other then the spirit I work with, to depart’
This is simple banishing and will prevent parasites.
It’s possible because Lucifer has specific sensw of humour.He likes that,dont take that personal.
Thank you I shall say this from now on