Am I pregnant with my incubus?

I see her more as a mirror. Since in the dream visitation when I did ask her about her and my connection, she while telling me what I quoted – was standing in front of a mirror.

I don’t think she is incarnated? Also her energy is dark, and she has shapeshifted alot in my dreams ( into a bird). She’s done alot of ritualistic dancing in my dreams as well as trying to guide me (she sat me down in a dream to go over “things” with her…). It’s been interesting.

Not dark as in negative but like the current – she’s got a calm, wise, careful, deep thinker/quiet type of personality to her

For me, she has just watched over me alot, and tried to communicate to me. Calmed me down to when I REALLY needed it.

I have learned about the Twin Soul thing and it litterly read off all my experiences with her (there was alot of me running/her chasing), etc. However I didn’t want to let the label consume my connection with her – wasn’t gonna grow if I did.

Not chasing as in negative but more so me being confused about why I felt what I did between her and I and trying to banish/get rid of her and her trying to basically calm me down/get me to reason/give her a chance. She’s never harmed me, but I have done alot of wrong in how I treated her early on due to pure confusion.

Yes don’t let labels hold you back as you learn who you are And what your path.

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Im in a marriage with a human spirit. We have been together in past lives, and in my last past life we were good friends (i was a guy in that life). This current life will be my last one in this world. After i die im going to be by his side in the spirit world and not reincarnate anymore.


I plan to not reincarnate after this lifetime to.

I’m not sure what her (the being) stance will be on whether she and I want to continue communication or what but I plan to live in the infernal empire or fae realms.

Even if the Twin thing is true, it doesn’t necessarily mean she and I want to be “together”. A relationship is a relationship, and I don’t really believe in the romanticized version of it…just that it’s another type of connection. So I don’t know what will happen in terms of her and I.

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This is the perfect way to look at it. It isn’t all rainbows and sunshine and happily ever after.


Well yes, perfect example.

She did leave me for a time being and when I tried to communicate and ask her to come back. I got a dream visitation of her basically telling me I wasn’t ready for a relationship with her.

I ended up having to go through a “dark night of the soul” and alot of inner work…by myself.

I was basically being to clingy/attached to her and that was her response because I was to reliant/etc on her

So it’s definitely not that…

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The Twim flame is a human way to explain something complex.

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Well I don’t know if I can even call it that. All I got was her and I being a “part of each other” and her being a “mirror” to me. I more focused on figuring out more about her. Who she is, etc.

Although I believe humans (with our minds) can’t understand the greater picture, and we tend to put our own understanding and ego into these types of things. I believe there’s truth to everything, but people tend to really muddy that truth.

Plus twin Flames are only referenced to humans and she isn’t a human type soul. From my encounters with her. Of course my soul may not be based on things I’ve been told so idk.

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It’s a human way to explain something, it sounds deep but that doesn’t mean it was for this human life or at the moment.

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Well I mean, she’s been a very influencial part of my life – the very reason for my spiritual awakening and interest into the occult.

However I agree, besides whatever influence/interaction her and I can have during my own incarnation – there’s not much else then that for this lifetime. She’s being more of a guide/mother figure for me anyway.

I know I have history with her. So I might continue to have future interactions with her.

So i have been thinking bout the whole past lover vsions and i also didnt tell u guys about One thing… That i didn’t really have an option TO marry him bc he is part of my family’s curse sooo lol ??

Secondly i believe the reason why I had a 2 visions of his past lover’s death and her killer…is bc im basically reincarnated??? Ig idk😂

Never commit to eternity, you have NO IDEA what the gaping chasm of an eternity without any hope of freedom looks like. You’ll think it’s crushed everything within you, as you try to face the endless blanket of time with no way out, each grating crushed part of you abrading what remains, and then a new day dawns, and another, and another, and you find that with each day, new fractures come, new twists and torsions on your soul, new hells with absolutely no light, ever, at the end of the tunnel, because it has no end and that light has been denied to you. Every time you try to get stable and cope with your situation, that stability becomes a new pain, is taken from you, torn from you, as you’re danced through unmerry hells of becoming everything you hate and loathe and fear, forced to perform every abomination your soul cries out against, and there is no bottom ever to this abyss.

I have a friend who showed me this, I could only handle the briefest of brief secondhand emotions from them, it was horrifying.

So never promise anything for eternity, because you’re turning every bit of hope and growth and evolution into an unending scourge for your own soul, until you’re forced to become every insane, crazed, and vile thing that disgusts you, because everything other than this decay speaks of a better future you can never possess.


Preach and can u make sense of my situation??

This, is my only advice really.

Getting pregnant by someone you can’t communicate with is a bad idea in any realm of reality.


You did a physical “test” to see if you’re spiritual pregnant, when a few lines above you said you have a physical boyfriend

And I’m very positive you’re not referring to your incubus here because you do call him “your incubus” or “your husband” and not “your boyfriend”.

So without taking a proper, normal, human test, while having a human boyfriend and showing physical pregnancy signs (and that came from a physical mother, I personally don’t have physical children) you dismiss the option of physical pregnancy because suddenly you say you don’t have sex.

I don’t know, something’s up and I hope you’re not being irresponsible towards a possible physical pregnancy just because you seem obsessed to get spiritually pregnant.

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It’s complicated

Okay so yes I never had any intercourse with a physical man I swear !. And That’s was makes this complicated…i was spiritual pregnant but had a few signs of being physically pregnant like having sore breasts and but almost throwing up yet spiritual so back and back …ik it sounds werid but I’m tell the TRUTh !! It’s like my pregnancy was between physically but also spiritual idk how this works but its how my incubi wanted to apparently do it. And it wasn’t a trustworthy pregnancy test it was a peeing in a cup and ect… pregnancy test…so it could have been a lie but idk im confused my self with this :expressionless:

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And i would never doout or reject my own child !!:disappointed_relieved: thats terrible no mater whom thr father may be. And plus if i can bend my back all the way then obviously im not pregnant or even exercise like normal… And let alone also not have morning sickness or feel any of the symptoms anymore so im not pregnant

It’s fine as long you’re not neglecting a physical pregnancy. Spiritual pregnancies often have physical symptoms too, nothing weird here. You know better if you had a spiritual miscarriage than your spiritual husband but I can tell you…without spilling any details, that the baby has both yours and his energies. You can draw back whatever was lost, because at the end it is your own energies.
And we don’t do a physical “test” for a spiritual pregnancy, you know if you’re pregnant. Yes as I said often there are physical symptoms, but its not gonna show in your pee…

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I had 3 miscarriages already thats why im not pregnant anymore I overheard him speaking to his friends or family bout iit