Aliens and Spirits

Really interesting this insight. Paimon always has a unique way explaining and representing things.
I can imagine tho how ‘difficult’ would be for him to give to us, the humans, the right terms and words in order to help us understand SOMETHING of what really it’s happening up there…


Me too! It seems like they don’t want or admit to talk about it.
What starseeds were you watching at? Could you post a pic or link or sth? :smile:

It’s more like our brains might have difficulty processing and putting into accurate and precise words (He’s big on that lol) what He is saying. It comes so quickly and with wordless, yet crystal clear precision that I sometimes have a hard time remembering all the details so I can write them down. A lot of the things He has told me, many of which pertain to my personal matters, have come to me this way. And more often than not, He surprises me with stuff I wouldn’t have thought of, or it’s the opposite of what I thought it would be. Very strange, and very awesome.


Indeed. Well King Paimon is a whole , different topic on his own haha :slight_smile:

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That can be said for just about any spirit lol.

Yes,but Only him has this eternal multidimensional philosophy of representing facts and concepts :stuck_out_tongue:

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That’s not true. He isn’t the only one. Spirits in general seem to communicate like this.

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nonchalantly waiting for someone to have an experience where the entity is actually blunt and not bushbeating :laughing:


I’ve had that too. It wasn’t in waking life though. After bugging a spirit to try and establish a relationship with me, I had a dream visitation where the spirit legit said “Your not ready for a relationship, I am” and yeah…so that’s how that ended.

Those were back in my feeling insecure about certain things days. Lol


Oh, I have plenty of examples of brutal bluntness lol.


We believe in something till the opposite will be proved :stuck_out_tongue:

I found this site Types of Starseeds: Which Star System Do You Come From?

yesterday. I resonate with the Mintakan traits.

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I would suggest doing some good soul searching, that website has many traits that can speak about anyone and everyone in the right situation. Personality traits are never the best to go off of.


That sites basically like a normal personality quiz but instead of getting the usual INFJ types you get “Reptilian Starseed” and so on!

Before I got into actual soul diving and scans I was going around with “oh well this fits! No wait a minute so does this…and that…and…hmmm…”

Although the fae incarnate stuff was sorta accurate.


I looked it up and i resonate 99% with the Pleiadian Starseeds!! I mean i have 18 out of the 19 characteristics :exploding_head::exploding_head:
But also found myself in the description of Venusian too :thinking:
Could it be possible to belong in more than one?

How do you get along with this process? Which steps do you follow?
I personally don’t feel I belong here in this planet and I don’t agree with any system being set for the people, any program any way of settling things. Feels like my soul is always seeking, it’s in an endless searching mode.

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Divination, practice scanning myself and others, I also got feedback from others as well which confirmed my own input. Also just really examining myself and things like that. Alot of work. Yeah I’m always on seeker mode too. I know the feeling.

However what my soul was doesn’t matter as much as I’m going through a transmutation. Still in progress though.


I think we all are supposed to be in a continuous progress… Till our last day here.
The point is how ‘far’ each one will be able to get towards the enlightment, the ultimate -if even possible- awareness

Enlightement means different things to different people. Actually there’s a lovely thread where I am having this very same discussion about enlightenment with…

Lol it’s in the one legit below this thread :sweat_smile:

That’s why i said even possible :wink: oh where? I’ll check :ok_hand:

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The “What’s it like to be an angel?” Thread.

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