Advantages of the LHP v.s RHP some insights wanted

Does this mean people who call themselves lhp need man-made laws to define morality for them if they wanted to be a productive member of society? It would totally explain the whole authoritarian and bootlicking mindset a lot of them have.

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Also it’s like which lhp are we talking about? Eastern, Western or something in-between?

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Ah the sheep needing validation…yeah it’s not just a RHP problem sadly.

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role playing is such an unfortunate and distasteful thing to see on this forum

a lot of it gets mixed up into this

The point of being a sheep is the need for a shepard. A lot of LHPers think they’re liberated but you can tell they’re not once you start criticizing the grimoires they buy, the deities they worship, the magician’s they think are legit, etc.

*Edit I wasn’t responding to you Velenos

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It makes me think of those tiktokers who claim they’re woke simply because they followed a conspiracy someone made up when really theyre just trading one pasture for another lol.



Exactly. People do it all the time. I hear lhp magicians talk about how it’s like changing robes when they switch systems. People can hate on me all they want for saying this but that’s some serious COPE.

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Well thanks again everyone for the thought provoking conversation.

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@anon25000386 I think one of the most important aspects of the lhp is having the ability to question things.


I was just thinking of crowley’s essay the soldier and the hunchback. And how good questions are often more valuable than answers. Questioning is the beginning.

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I agree. The only problem I have with these threads is the people who respond to them. It’s like every time this question gets asked everyone wants to answer it with some insightful philosophical understanding of both paths. Tbh, it doesn’t matter. Rhp, lhp, middle path or whatever, everyone is going to fight to keep what’s theirs. When you really look at it everyone is competing for something to call their own. It’s just nature. You can attach whatever philosophical bullshit you want to your path but that’s not going to change what we’re really doing

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Yes and everyone always has to be right… at least in their own minds. Lol

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Well my heart was in the right place when I made the thread. I’m new to the forum so I haven’t gotten to see the same thing like this over and over again. I appreciate everyone for Indulging my wish for some thoughts and points of view.

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Lol I didn’t mean it like that. I’m a pretty sarcastic person irl. So if I come off like a prick I’m actually joking.

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No worries

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You do raise a pretty good question though. The sad thing is you’ll never get a straight answer because these are things people define for themselves.

Does seem to be very subjectively determined. Hopefully from my first post on the thread people see what I personally intended when discussing the LHP. It seems to have because I can already see who my ideas resonate with and I suspected as much when I posted it.
I don’t mind different positions though because I’m not done learning. I’ll never claim to be an Adept and I’ll never be to big to be corrected by another or learn something valuable from someone else.

I think it’s much more than the definitions you provided because there’s a lot of RHPers who act like LHPers and vise versa. Not everyone is born a philosopher.


The last time someone tried to do a poll on “are you RHP/LHP?”, I think most people voted neither/both.

And there is no singular god, with or without a capital g, (unless it’s me as the operator in my universe, and I’m on the fence about that as I am not the Tao).

Left/right is pointless when what you really want is power, as evidenced by results. Why would you discard perfectly useful techniques over an acronym?
If it works, use it, if it doesn’t, don’t; it’s not rocket science.

Well, that’s her religious leanings, and she’s a right to them, but for me, I think the above and these are all buzzwords and are dogma, and get flushed with the rest of the doggy-do.

I do like to bear in mind Crowley’s words:
“LOVE is the law, love under WILL.” … My love, my way. No-one elses rhp/lhp philosophies required.

Thanks for the thought, but I’m on no-one’s path but my own, and I think that’s how it should be.