Advantages of the LHP v.s RHP some insights wanted

I honestly think that people with a shamanic base become some of the most powerful because of the willpower it takes to get through some of those ceremonies and traditions

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Yeah that’s real talk.

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Honestly, I’ve said this more times than I can count around here, seems we get one of these threads every other week but personally, the entire point for me is to make each choice for myself.

I live by my standards, my ideals of right and wrong and that is how I practice my magic. The world, the Lhpers and the Rhpers can all go to hell cuz I’m doing me, not them.


That is exactly the LHP ma’am. You are living Your Truth and following the light of your own star.


I should clarify this dude was definitely a LHP shaman in his approach and philosophy. The dude didn’t suffer fools gladly and he guarded the keys he aquirred with mighty zeal lol.

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Yes if you trust your intuition you’ll always know what’s right and wrong. That to me is part of the LHP philosophy. You’re being guided by your own divinity. Your living your conscience as your moral compass.

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A lot of RHP are very book knowledgeable but lack practice. They prefer study over doing. They seek answers from Order, but ignore Chaos. I agree with others, that combining the two paths, the middle pillar as it were, is probably overall best. Being too extreme in either direction will have serious blind areas.


Yeah blind spots are bad and are a serious liability I agree.

I’m finding myself somewhere in the middle these days. I prefer to be able to draw power from practices categorized in either on and use it based on whatever the situation demands.


“the dark side of the force is strong in this one…” :sunglasses::+1:


Best compliment I had all day :cowboy_hat_face: Well its 4 am tho.


Right on bro!

Mans living on Mars


Good thread Ladies and Gentlemen. Thank you for your views.


I would say that RHP imposes ethics and morality on it’s practitioners, so if the will of the practitioner might be conflicting because of some made up rule or axiom they are following, then they have to submit to that made up rule/axiom.

LHP practitioners on the other hand don’t have to follow any type of made up rule system, you are at total freedom to make the decisions you make-yet at the same time the actual consequences that action might have.

I still think the LHP outweighs the RHP in this regard, because I think greater insight and a more fuller life can be attained when the practitioner is free from any superficial rules and forms. It’s up to the LHP practitioner to explore the world for themselves and live their life up to the fullest, free from any type of restrictions.

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Nice way of putting it. That’s what I mean when I say we live a life of conscience. We’re not following a system of ethics and morals that are not our own. We’re free to live our own star. Also like you said the consequences of our actions are really ours to take ownership of as well. LHP way to be man!

You know when my teacher ended our mentor/teacher relationship I was crushed. That was 20 years ago. The truth was I reached a point where it would have been innapropriate for us to continue on. She had a real problem that I would willfully reach out to the Goetic class of spirits and decided to cut me loose. At that point honestly I wasn’t prepared for the goetia (but who the hell really is). I jumped in anyway and learned how to swim instead of drown on my own.
In time other teachers and came into my life that were more suitable to my path. None of it was waste and I can say I’m better off for all of it.

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LHP atleast the watered down version that people call themselves always gives me sheep vibes it’s always “mm yummy darkness brothers and sisters”

and RHP is pretty much “mmm yummy love and light and karma brothers and sisters”


Agreed there’s too much of that, and seeing alot of it on this forum. ( But I kind of expected that, I figured only about 10% of the people are going to be serious students)
Because of that right there I can easily spot the serious people from the role players.

Oh yeah you’ll find a lot of it here lol.

LHP and RHP has in the way it’s worked now is heavily group mentality despite it suppose to be your own thing in a way.

It’s part of the reason I don’t really believe in LHP or RHP in the way it’s represented.

it’s always brothers and sisters this, lets all bathe in darkness and self reassure each other of our sovereignty