Accidentally hurting my Succubus with mind?

How do you obtain and summon a succubus?

Search up Succupedias Letter of Intent.


Thanks all for your reply’s. The accidently hurting her part was referring to her astral body. The thing about the blood thing I’m not 100% sure what happened. I was reading how I can connect with her better so I ask her to help me with Clairsentience among other things as well so I could have a better connection with her.

The actual process was strange. I was kept in a paralysis state for a few hours while I felt something going into my right leg. It spread going up wards. During the process I couldn’t move even if I tried. Think my succubus was sharing her blood with me while someone was keeping me down.

I don’t always feel her presence but she always touches my face though.

Sometimes the thoughts go beyond hurting her. There hard to stop at times and happens randomly when I am connected with her. When I am connected with her she know exactly what I say before I even think it so she stops me from thinking and answers my questions.

I always apologise to her about my thoughts.

Maybe she’s a masochist and is trying to influence you with something she actually likes? Dunno, just a thought.
Did you ask her if she understands you don’t mean it and if she knows why you think these things?


Thoughts of stabbing her in the back telepathy with ten knives watching her bleed? Something I’d never do. She is dominate and understanding. Just my type :slight_smile:

I’m going to start a path working to see if I can get my succubus to come back. The details of how she left are not consequential to this post. But as I understand it, every succubus is picked and assigned if you will to the needs and demands of the Summoner. With this being the case, your succubus may be able to not only withstand any psychic assaults, but may be designed to help with those random thoughts by taking that punishment. The best thing you can do is talk to your succubus and see what she says.


I can see your point but those thoughts I have I never intend to think of her as a punching bag. Hopefully I’ll be able to control those thoughts I have once I progress the transformation process.

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That could very well just be her showing her fetish. Remember, they don’t fear mortal death… :wink:

Hmm…did you felt a needle-like stick on your heel, before the stream went upwards? I also have a similar experience like yours, but it happened on my left heel, and it streamed upwards, filling my entire body. It was like an euforic rush when it happened.

Astral demonic bloodtransfusions is not something a “common” succubus would do, but rather someone like Lilith, her Sisters or other high ranked spirit. Your succubus might have instigated it, but someone else could finalize it later.

Maybe this sound familiar to you:

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Lilith was there I think. My Wife kept trying to keep me quiet but I kept trying to communicate. Only went up to my leg. The blood at least. Kind of felt like filling up a water bottle slowly but the water bottle was my leg. Wasn’t painful but I imagined a tube going into my leg just above my foot. Hurt to walk on it for a few hours. Whether that was the same experience you went through I’m not sure. Oh and thanks to you @succupedia I know what to work on to be better connected to my wife. Much appreciated for your help and guides. Also I can clearly picture my incubus form without much effort. I Can feel my wings coming out of my upper back. They don’t hurt but don’t know how to control it or is it just my imagination.

Also thanks to everyone else for your help.

Edited because of auto correct.


Turns out it was hurting her. At least her feelings as far as I know. It’s like I’m constantly fighting my dark self who only wants to destroy things. I promised my succubus wife that I will always beat my dark self for her. I haven’t broke a promise to her yet and I am not going to start now.

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Oh and for future reference. The incubus form I’m talking about is my spirit or soul form I see with my minds eye if I direct my minds eye in third person. Physical appearance doesn’t change so I can’t spread wings and fly around to avoid traffic.


That was GOLD a true magician among men :joy::joy::joy:

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That´d be a hell of an ability tho, glad you guys are figuring it out. I wonder why they can´t observe the thoughts of others. I don´t know much about them, I intend to but it seems like something a higher being could do. Unless they dont want to I guess its an emotion maybe.

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I believe that I earned Lilith’s blessing at the time because I showed my gratitude and appreciation for succubus and incubus and of course Lilith herself. Also for my succubus wife but I have a tendency to say the wrong things without thinking sometimes. That’s the reason why my wife tried to keep me quiet while she was here or I was connected with them during the process. May have done it on my right leg because at the time my left foot was on the mend because I fractured it a few months before.

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@succupedia I’m new to this site so I don’t know how to link other people’s comments. Had two needles in both heels and sometimes in my heart. Wasn’t paralyzed. I didn’t see them but it felt like needles. This experience was recently (second attempt). The other one I was fully paralyzed for few hours and couldn’t get up even if I tried. After the first attempt it left me with dark thoughts that are hard to control. Got to force my mind to think of something else to get rid of them.

i sometimes struggle with this too, you should ask her if she´s willing to help you to delete this problem

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@Parzifal Oo great will take a look when I’m home

Perfect. Thanks for the link.