A weird and scary experience

What those markings mean? :confused:

Just pointing out some interesting shapes and geometry prevalent in the icon. Could have something to do with the spooky effect.

Hmmm, He calmed you down? Yesterday I started to laugh about you :)) , I thought you had just a delusion or something, but somewhere around 11-12 pm, I decided to move in the room where that icon is and do my homeworks ( I had no place to go, I didn’t want to see that shit again) . After 1-2 mintutes, the icon started to hit me again with dark, evil vibes and the eyes were looking deep at me again, I tried to not pay attention, but it freaked me out, it was terryfing, I wasn’t able to concentrate. I got close to that shit so that I can turn it face down (I tried to keep my eyes away from it), when I touched it I was able to feel it pulsating with energy. I tried to forgive what just happened and do my homeworks, after I finished the homeworks, as I was leaving the room I was feeling a scary, dark presence following me even at bathroom! After some minutes I got in my bed and I was still scared, I fell asleep scared and spooked. But I didn’t have a nightmare, but a nice dream :)) . Yeah, so I think I should do some banishings… LBRP from what I so is not really so effective, after some hours or 1 day I am greeted again by dark presences or strange phenomenon!

Btw, this is the most terrifying picture that I have ever seen in my entire life, every time when I see it makes me feel ill or I jump of fear. This is 10 more spooky. Just try too look at the face of this girl or what is this, that look…

it does nothing to me

Lucifer calmed me , it took about 15min and after i had a lot of work to do so something else to think about.
i don’t know what you should do to banishing? tibetan bowl maybe, lbrp is to nice for me for your thing



Could of just been a practical joke by the spirit, otherworldly beings love messing with us.

Hi Alex01,

Here are some more thoughts.

Yup, I can understand that. Most of those so called “doctrines” that are supposed to be true were decided upon in committee.

One thing that concerns me is what appears to be a strict dualism in your thinking. My own view point is that the deeper into spirituality you go those human made dualities fade away. As for the bible quote above that was written by a human being an hence is fallible.

As for “whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness.” I guess I don’t believe it. My own view point is that all souls/spirits will eventually be reconciled with the Source including Satan that all opposites become reconciled. For me the Source of All is Magna Mater also known as the Goddess Cybele.

As for worship I have this question. What God/ess worth worshiping wants to have their ass kissed all the time? It must be annoying as hell.(pun intended)

As for the idea that worship is “unifying with the divine” I believe that the whole reason for the cosmos existing is that the Source/Cybele got bored being the only being and wanted separate beings with which to interact/relate.

I also think that if the Source (whatever you choose to call it/her/him/they) fully expected humans to sin and sin pretty much all the time including every sort of blasphemy possible otherwise we wouldn’t have been given minds/brains and the ability to think.

So does that mean we should just go wild and throw away all ethics? No. Then why not? Well that’s what the whole field of moral philosophy or ethics ask. For me a good place to start is the ideas of Socrates. Socrates was all about the question what makes a happy life? What makes a good life? Of course Socrates so pissed off his fellow Athenians that they had a trial and executed him.

Have a good rest of the day Alex01.

Lol, just 2-3 minutes ago I performed LBRP and then after I called The Source, I commanded It to banish all the negative energies or negative entities around me by commanding The Universe first to do my will and send my desire to The Source. ( poltergeist activity happened again and I was feeling spooky presences again, now I feel more safe )Then I thanked to The Source for the power that it gave me. Hmmm, I don’t think it was a coincidence, maybe a message…

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Yeah, but short after writing that reply I went back to meditate and I was seeing auras or shadows in my 3rd eye and it scared me and I gave up on meditation :c

I don’t know what to say. I’ve taped out my best ideas.

Have you considered doing some work on letting go of fear?

Yes, I considered that and I asked in the past my friends, Azazel and Belial for their help, to overcome those fears, to destroy the obstacles that keep me away from my ascend, to destroy all of my weaknesses.(they led me to very awesome things and guided me, something in me changed, I can say that for sure) In the past I even told Paimon to help me with this.(I saw some changes in me, but not very significant, I also thank him for his help) . Maybe I should work more, I don’t know, I tried the 2nd time to meditate and after 1 minute or so, fear and anxiety was building in me for no reason and I was scared by something which I wasn’t able to see… I made a pause for 5 minutes or so and the 3rd time when I tried I wasn’t feeling anymore fear and anxiety building in me for no reason. You think I should emerge with this fear and become one with it?

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That is not a bad idea. When you become familiar with an emotion, it no longer holds power over you.

In the past years, when I first saw it; (I think there a many copies going around) I felt something similar; it took me for a while like kind of hypnosis that we encounter while watching movies we just forget ourself for a while, but now nothing .You probably give it your energy and get it back so fi you feel unsafe stay away for a while better for you.

I do no more like religion but I still love Mary - her family- and Christ , ; whatever the end outcome has become now and then, sure they had good intentions for all of us.

Anyway, at the end if you’re not good with it; and that may happen to anyone; just cease to look at it, after a while maybe 3 months/years that energy wont do anything to you anymore.

@levilevi is right, it has many hidden sacred geometry and an excellent perspective something made to honor Da Vinci ’ s art aside and Christ for sure.

Hi Everyone, I started seeing Auras and shadows around people when I was a teenager. It freaked me out too. And I stopped meditating at that time too because it was just too much for me at that time. So I understand.

Here’s a radical idea and if you don’t want to do it I completely understand. Protect yourself as strongly as you can. Then meditate with the icon and ask it. Who are you? and Why are you trying to scare me? Listen. Then after you’ve found answers (if you want) strongly tell it to stop.