A Fool And His Many Errands!

I beginning to like this lockdown. Very little traffic on the roads, hardly any aircraft in the sky and life generally slowing down and life a lot quieter. Obviously old age is creeping up on me, next stop the nursing home :smile:

I’ve learnt that I don’t miss the TeeVee in general (no more fear porn!) and especially football (sockerrrrrrr as our American friends would say) which has greatly surprised me. I’ve haven’t had a drop of alcohol since the start of the lock down but I can hardly take the high ground there if you’ve read previous posts :wink: which leads very nicely onto… The DMT trip…

I’ve extracted DMT successfully a few months ago but the trips have been… well… underwhelming. Reading on the web a beginners dose is 20mg and and a strong dose is 80mg. We’ll I’ve tried both and all I got was fractals and on the higher one a nice warm, relaxing glow in the top half of my body. The maximum time spent was 5 mins.

This time I went balls to the wall and 120mg… and bingo! First of all there I saw thousands of small strands of colours mainly red, orange and yellow at first like this


Then I saw as was in a building which was round with loads of round rooms with these strands streaming through. In the background was a very funky dance beat which gave me the impression this was the root tune of all dance music! I wish I could remember it as it was sooo catchy and I could make a fortune from it :smile:

The strands seem to end up streaming vertically in lines and I saw a snake/serpent slithering through into one of the rooms (I seem to be in the main hall which was pretty big) and then I saw some strange beings. They didn’t interact with me and I didn’t know what to make of them and then suddenly the vision finished. Overall the whole trip seemed to to take on an Aztec/Inca/Mesoamerican vibe (despite the music :grin:).

Afterwards and thinking back, I get the impression I may have seen some angels and that I wasn’t supposed to see them. Contrary to JCI and New Age teachings, angels are not fluffy little cherubims types or all white beings with halo’s and wings. From what I’ve previously read, they can be downright weird and scary looking and the cherubim forms are them dressing up for our benefit so we don’t freak out. You could say I caught them undressed without their make up on :flushed: :smile: Who knows?

Needless to say, being the Fool, I’m gonna ramp up DMT production, angels or not :sunglasses:

In other news, the Success magick rituals are well, going successfully. I’m now three weeks in and on the third ritual which is Pathway (the previous are Clarity & Vision). They’re are quite powerful rituals once you get into the groove and I might write more about them in further posts.

Right, time to go as dinner is ready and it’s a curry YUM YUM :grinning: