72 Angels of magick Damon Brand experiences

I wrapped by red marker sigil of Poiel I hope it won’t matter that I didn’t wrapped it all I got it printed in worse quality

guys i’m learning now the instructions step by step how to make a call There Is some sham Talisman etc It’s a lot of things it’s a lot complicated i wanna ask can I make the contact easier than it is in this book by damon brand? What if i just be a classic focused on his sigil and until it would start flashing i would say my wish?what would have happened would it be wrong? The process of this book seems to me to be very extensive and complex

The talismans in the book were designed to work within the system as outlined by the author. They will not work outside of that particular system.

There are plenty of seals available for the angels if you want to try it that way, but the talismans in Angels of Magick were created specifically by the Gallery of Magick for their method only.


If you want to use the sigil flashing method, the red sigil in the center is what you are looking for.

Draw it in a paper leaving the rest.
Concentrate on that sigil until you feel a pull or it flashes.

Say: Come spirit ( the actual spirit name) come, come I request your presence. Answer my call I implore you.

Make your request emotionally. Thank the spirit.

You are done!

I don’t want to act like an idiot, but some of the instructions in that book seems to me to be overwhelmed and I am confused

there is written that I must activate the Talisman
then the angel must be called
Then write your wish
but nowhere is if I put the talisman And then hold the sigil of poiel or first activate the talisman and what to have sigil and talisman if to hold it in hand or to have it on the table next to angel sigil quite annoying i just want to know the exact procedure for all this work

My friend i would like to use it because it seems like the best and easiest way but i read now how darkest knight wrote something about that it is better to follow the classic instructions that are described in the book now If IT IS a must then I Will do IT in recommended way but in the book is also written that must first activate the talisman and then Call Angel Raziel But what do I tell you if I could do it with the classic sigil Flashing method to stare at IT And then say my task I would be happiest

@Kokot_Kiuh You cannot take a piece of a working system and expect it to still function. Until you have experience in the method as taught in the book, you will be short circuiting the magick if you do.

As I stated previously, if you want to use the sigil opening method, you can find the individual sigils for the Shem angels with a Google search. They are available all over the place.

However, in the talismans of the GOM, the seals of the angels are only a small part of the whole, so the sigil opening method WILL NOT WORK with them because they are set up to function only in a certain way.


please DarkestKnight tell me how you work with
these angels from This book the procedure is large And I am confused about the book there is so much steps

I don’t use the book. I use EA’s method of evocation.

@shinri works extensively with the GOM methods so he might be able to distil the method into something you can understand. Hopefully he is around.

However, if you find the book confusing, simply don’t use it. Find another method.


What if i try the classic sigil invocation method that i would print sigil of Poiel and try my request through the classic sigil flashing method. Before that, LBRP? Someone Said that LBRP Is not needed when calling to angels would I have to do that? What negativity this method have of calling to Poiel if I hadn’t used it from the book but classic sigil method

I just told you, you CANNOT use the talismans of the GOM in that way.

You will have to draw ONLY the sigil of the angel in order to use the sigil opening method.

You don’t need the LBRP, though it wouldn’t hurt.


If you want to use the sigil opening method, use this below

It is that simple! Don’t complicate it. Go and do it now!


Yes yes I meant sigil opening method only of an angel

you know what it is to make the contact as effective as in this book I would just like the classic sigil method if it could and it would be as effective as contact in the book so super great did you do this sigil method with the angels ?

Yes and it works.

If you doubt their presence ask for a sign that they have heard you. It is as simple as that.

I understand where you are, however go and practise the above and you will have your own experience.


if this classic sigil method of calling to an angel is perfectly fine and it’s safe I Will go into it I mean, even though this method is a lot easier why DO the more complicated method that is written in Damon Brand’s book?

Not every methods are for everyone. You have tried the GOM and finding it difficult, try something else.

What matters is really just the sincerity of your desires. The simplest magical system could bring enormous results.

So go try it. :+1:

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I mean, if an angel can produce the results that I ask for him through an ordinary sigil calling method, why would I do more complex than that in the book? That’s the point.I hope that This sigil calling method Will not cause some unexpected results And if I dont Need an LBRP then Its a gold ticket

It may require some additional time and effort to learn the ritual process in the book, but this is energy well spent. It is true that more basic magick can yield results, but I think it is important to remember that magick works best when treated more like a gradual investment than a slot machine. Hoping for a surprise jackpot is far less effective than making many relatively smaller changes over time that all add up to something greater.

From what you’ve written, it seems that you are incredibly desperate for results. This is understandable, but I would encourage you to remain calm and be at ease. The angels will still be there in a week.

It sounds like you’re having some trouble with the procedure, which is also understandable. This ritual is definitely more complex than many workings, and that can be intimidating. Perhaps a text such as Words of Power or Greater Words of Power would be more suited to you at this time? Those rituals are far, far simpler, yet still yield nice results with angelic power, and many of the powers could be applied to help you with your situation.

If you would like to continue with the Shem ritual, then there really is no way around reading the book and ensuring that you understand the material. Each piece of the process is there for a good reason, and I do not recommend skipping any steps.

The end of the book also includes a summary of the entire ritual, with each part listed out step-by-step. When I first started practicing this magick (and when I first start using any new method), I made a bullet-point outline of each step in the ritual. I then followed this “cheat sheet” while performing the magick. This way, I did not have to worry about memorizing anything or forgetting something in ritual, and could simply follow my outline.

As for the LBRP, I perform the Circle of Power from Archangels of Magick (also Demons of Magick) at the beginning of the ritual, which is similar to the LBRP. This is not required, but it is a step that you can add to open the ceremony.

With all that being said, why bother in the first place with all these complexities? It is true, as is also stated in the book, that a name and a sigil are all that is technically required to make contact. You could probably get some results by gazing at the sigil, calling to the spirit, making a request, and performing Emotional Transmutation every day until the results came.

However, I think you will find that the connection you form with the spirit is much stronger using these methods, and that the results you receive are much more robust and long-lasting. You may or may not be able to notice this while you are still developing your senses, but with practice you will be able to experience the angels, and what you experience may surprise you. These mighty spirits of fire, light, and lightning are much different than a New Ager or Christian would have you believe.

Above all else, my suggestion is that you spend some more time reading the book. Everything you need is within those pages. Patience and persistence will take you farther than you thought possible, and a small investment of your time and effort to learn the magick will more than pay for itself.


You are absolutely right I agree amazing and extensive post main problem why i want to make it easier and go for it in easier way is the Reason That english is not my native language I control it well but not perfectly and i worry that in some procedure I will translate it wrong or i say some words in this ritual wrong such as the psalm