3 Free Tarot readings with Orraculum Leviathan Tarot Deck NOW CLOSED; time: 23:07 (11:07 PM)

Personally I haven’t had a reading from @Teras390 but i had a scan which was scarily on point. At the time i was still a newbie with magick and now that I have moved on with my path it made so much sense. I am really looking forward for this.

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You’re number #6 .

I’ll leave the thread open for a couple of hours more as I wait on one more feedback post. But the spots for the reading as of right now have been filled. I’ll ask Lady Eva to close the thread later.

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Thank you for this. I’ll try to work faster with the people who signed up today.

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Thank you anyways

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Forgive my grammar. Apparently I can’t convey anything I say in clear english. It’s something I’ll need to work on. but i.e. you are the last person that filled the last of the 6 spots when the post was open. Meaning you’re in @Hioloi_LP :slight_smile: .

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Thanks :pray:

I’m so tired at the moment so it went over my head lol.

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@Teras390 is great!! Super accurate . Like ridiculous accurate . In depth too!

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Public is fine!!

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Very well.

Here we go @Aryaa_57 . The spread below is imported from rune reading. However, it works for tarot too. I usually add some info like elemental correspendences and other things depending on what I feel needs to be conveyed. So without further ado here we go:

  1. Past- The High Priestess: one of the major arcana cards. The hebrew letter that correpsnds with the card is Gimel which means to camel or to travel. The planet that is assoiated with the card is the moon. Which in turn is related to femenine magick or transcendence in a way. Which also relates some female entities one which is Hekate or Lillith. The last part is a bit of side note. The overall meaning of the card relates to wisdom, serenity and understanding. Or it can denote an extended period of learning, and travel.

In your case it seems that in the somewhat recent past about 6 or so months ago; you had to face or rather enter your shadow if you will. Meaning you how to deal with past truamas or rather blockages which had strifled your growth for quite a while. I say so because the moon also relates to the subconcious mind which in turn usually harbors complicated or hard things to deal with, like f.e. traumas of the past or instincts or desires were ashamhed of which is usually hidden from us in there. These hidden parts of ourselves are frightening and difficult to deal with, confronting it (the shadow) our darker selves is rewarding but not easy. There’s a parahrased saying coming to me which is: sometimes the greatest treasures or light can only be found in the dark. I also get the name Kali ma [don’t know why]. Kali is the hindu goddess of death, time and is also associated with sex and violence by some but she’s also considered a symbol of motherly love. I get the feeling you did a working either with her or an entity with very similar abillities either for vengence or to break free from a past trauma or someone holding you back. I am also drawn to the word vovin in the image of the card. Which is enochian for dragon. The dragon is a frightening and powerful creature which depending on religion or its place in the world means different things, but mostly relates to wisdom, magick and power. Your ‘draconian’ mind was awakened as a result of this working with an entity that’s fairly dark which also made you confront these more subconscious apects of your psyche, that in order to grow you can’t keep holding on to what was but instead focus on what is, something was destryed or removed likely a person or a part of yourself but something else was gained. Which we may be able to see in the next part;

  1. Present (right at this moment to a week back) - five of pentacles: worthy of note is that pentacles relates to the element of earth. Earth in turn corresponds to money, house, physical body, work relationships or occupation, you get the picture. The general meaning of the card is; loss on the physical plane. Declining health or money or lost a job or career; heck even incurring debt. It can also mean a sense of deprevation and lack through death and confinement of a metaphorical coffin.

In your case it’s a bit special, I have difficulty breathing like I am being smothered by the air around me. I get an image of a tree an oak - that looks close to this;

the image is brief and looks to be located in a park somewhere. It’s like you’ve been buried underground if you will on all sides. And I feel you want to get out or rather dig your way back up. Wondering how this relates to you I reckon. An oak was a symbol of strength and endurance. There some to be something going on with your airways or you are blocked in some way in terms of money to improve your health and you’ve waited a long time to fix this issue. You need some cash it seems but there hasn’t been time or rather a way for you to get them, especially now during the pandemic. This troubles your greatly it seems. But I feel this card is here to tell me that you must persevere and consider your options and you may be successful. This last part regarding problems with airways and money probelsm I can’t be sure of. However, it makes sense in the context of the card.

  1. Future a couple of days to 6 months onwards - Three of cups: abundance. Usually of emotions. Cups is related to the element of water. Water in turn corresponds to emotion, occult power, psyhic abillities and intuition and according to Bill innitation process as well. The last part I feel especially relates to you; innitiatory process.

I get the sense that you’ve heard or rather seen someone in your dreams for a little while. Also I get the sense that you’ve woken up with a feeling you can’t shake of that someone wants to talk with you. But you don’t know who it is and you can’t remember the dream it seems or it fades quickly. I am drawn to the two people in the image that shares a toast of blood filled chalices. Meaning fairly soon you’ll likely meet up with an entity that will likely want to help out for a price. What exactly that is I can’t say. Blood could be a metaphor for union or a pact being made or simply put a gateway being opened up for you through innitation.

  1. Condition or warning that must be considered or dealt witrh for the future to com to pass - nine of swords. The nightmare card. Usually when I see this its bad news. Swords in a tarot deck has hard lessons to teach but they usually are rewarding. Swords relate to the element of air. Air relates to intellect, understanding, ideas, learning, science, language and beliefs. When the mind is changed the results of something is changed too. Before going in with how the card relates to you I get I should paraphrase the saying: “the beauty lies within the eyes of the beholder”. Perception determine how something appears to you; good or bad, beautiful or horrifying, you get the picture.

The overall meaning of the card is basically that your mind makes a hell out of heaven ir rather in this case to quote Bill: “make a worse hell of a worse hell.” So this card tells me things may look bad and feel really bad during the innition process and afterwards as various workings related to it, will ensue. However, the bad stuff as they appear looks so due to your perception at the time of the effects that’s taking place. In order to see the greater picture this card comes with a lesson. That lesson is: the sky is not crashing down on you and to work with this ‘card’ you have to look at the facts and evidence and be greatful for the blessings in disguise and stay grounded.

  1. Outcome - six of pentacles: I’ve already gone over the elemental correspendence so I won’t reitterate it again. However the general meaning of the card is to have everything in order and juggling different things successfully. Which brings a successful and balanced manifestation. Meaning the monetary problems and health relates problems I saw in the present position. Seems to come together nicely here. Meaning your health will likely improve as a result and if the working is relatesd to having more monetary freedom this card shows me that you’ll be successful.

This concludes the reading let me know what you think. Also here’s an image of the spread that’s was used:

Let me know your thoughts about the reading good or bad doesn’t matter.

All the best.

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Oh my god I didn’t expect the reading to be so accurate. Like crazy accurate! In the last year I’ve been dealing with narcissistic abuse from my ex cheating on me and I’m still trying to heal from it. I contacted Kali a few months ago to connect to her energy and to give me strength to help me heal from my experiences and also worked with Belial due to a recent court case which blew over thanks to him. I am currently trying to develop a relationship with Lucifer! I’m in the process of traveling and moving into my new apartment in another state and I was diagnosed with celiac disease. Thank you so much for this reading

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Thank you so much for your feedback :slight_smile: . It warms my heart. The Kali part was really just an intuitive thing for me, that’s actually really intresting I managed to get that right :open_mouth: .


I am about to do your reading now; public or pm @johnbad ?

Im just want to say thank you for the effort of this free reading, the read is unique and specific, also @teras390 willing to help more further.

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when you are still available I’m here :raising_hand_woman:t2:

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oh sorry, I didn’t read it was closed .:woman_facepalming:t2:

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I’ll open it up eventually. I am just not in a good place to do readings for others at this time.


If you want a Tarot reading now is your chance. I have five spots open: feel free to chime in be sure you read the info in the OP regarding how to place to it request.

I’m looking forward to get cracking with this again.

All the best

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Can I have one pleaseeee
I’ll pm

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I’ll take one.

I’d like a reading on my current spiritual progress.

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