I a, trying to get a list of trust or recomended Youtube videos, for my self and others.
I a, trying to get a list of trust or recomended Youtube videos, for my self and others.
I’m not sure what kind of videos you’re looking for, but Satania and Satan and Sons are two of my favorites channels. Hope they can be of help
Oh no another morgz fan …jokes aside, what’s areas of magic are you looking for?
Anything, maybe label beginner / moderate / advanced. Because of learning disabilities it’s hard for me to read and comprehend a lot.
Do you have any areas of interest though…I mean you say beginner but a beginner in which aspect of magic…meditation, invoking, demons etc…
If you have anything on astral sense, so I can feel, and hear spirits. Thanks
Hey, I made a topic exactly about this.
Hope it helps
Thank you, I searched, but it must be an older posting
Pro-tip, whenever you want to look for older posts, try searching for posts made before March 2017, the forum opened to the public then and as a result a larger number of search results will be questions, as our userbase rapidly expanded and included many more beginners.
Thank you, wise as ever, I hope to one day be as powerful as you. Or half as poweful
I love Satania’s ritual chamber music. I try to listen while meditating before bed.
Thank you.
I will check it out