That’s a great way to put it.
All real things have causal relationships with all other real things. Since consciousness is real, it only makes sense that every real thing is conscious in some way. The ability to alter reality with one’s mind is not only plausible, it is obvious.
That is a really good answer. Arachne’s got skills.
The reason for this is: like language math is a snapshot of nature. Math is taking a picture to nature and say that what we wrote, Is. The truth is that we are more than capable of understanding nature without having to find out the mathematical part.
Colors, for instance are nothing but a rather different limited frequencies of light and our brain catalogues these frequencies in terms we can understand; and we perceive them as colors.
We often fail to realize that, language too limits the thought and the feeling, like a snapshot. It is simple, if you can imagine it, it can exist somewhere.
The book and the writings on it are the same thing.
The Canvas and the painting neither are separate.
The Void and the NonVoid are not really separate, if you put glasses that could see void and not see “notvoid” you will end up seeing everything as is.
Oh yeah. People drive me crazy with their terrible understanding of language. A good friend of mine has a degree in linguistics and he still doesn’t get it at all.
I think they should start teaching people that words “suggest” things rather than “mean” things. Mathematics is the same way. Aristotle’s answers to Zeno’s paradoxes make the concept very clear, and that was thousands of years ago.
Educated people can be extremely ignorant sometimes.
Well, one of our features is being pretentious and always look up. We divide things up and then say that the whole was made of parts, that money is wealth, that doing hard things makes you smarter in general in general, and that the sun rises at 6 in the morning.
We are adamant that the past drove the present, and that the present drives the future, that there must be someone responsible at any particular time, and that events exist (Which really do not unless you arbitrarily chop and say: this is where we begin to count, and this is when we will stop counting).
Well, one of our features is being pretentious and always look up. We divide things up and then say that the whole was made of parts, that money is wealth, that doing hard things makes you smarter in general in general, and that the sun rises at 6 in the morning.
We are adamant that the past drove the present, and that the present drives the future, that there must be someone responsible at any particular time, and that events exist (Which really do not unless you arbitrarily chop and say: this is where we begin to count, and this is when we will stop counting).
What if there is no purpose of us being here? The question, “why are we here?” Only arises because somewhere your experience of life has become quite meaningless.
You want some purpose for your existence. You wouldn’t have asked this question if your head was blown away in ecstasy, if every cell in your body was bursting with ecstasy, you wouldn’t have asked ‘why are we here’?
So, what if there is no purpose of us being here? And Actually there is no purpose. Life is a purpose unto itself, it doesn’t need any purpose. This question only comes up, because people have not realised the immensity of what it means to be human.
If every moment of your life becomes absolutely exuberant and bursting within you, you would never ask ‘why’. People will tell you many things but according to my opinion I am telling you that there is no purpose to life.
If you do not realise the exuberance of your existence, you can invent purposes. But if you realise the exuberance of this existence, if you experience the ecstasy of being here then who the hell is bothered about the purpose?
BALG is a fantastic source and a wealth of information and knowledge. We are only limited to what we teach ourselves and we’re open to learn.
You’re insight is valuable and I appreciate you taking the time to read what I wrote and to provide your input. The more perspective and experiences people are willing to share and to gift the more that my own and others’ perspective and outlook on life can expand.
Fantastic outlook! This inspires my mind to imagine plugging this into other ways like simplifying things that I may have over complicated or adding more complexity to things that may be overly simplistic; hope that makes sense lol absolutely enjoy the way that you put a complex idea in such an articulate form.
Aside from the sheer happiness that I get from being able to expand my own thoughts with the replies that people like yourself and others who contributed, it’s almost like creating a puzzle and then finding all the pieces, then seeing how each piece is able to connect, observing those connections.
Franz Bardon touches on this subject of frequencies of all types, magnetism and how it influences us; the types of energies we give out and that we receive, this is what you reminded me of.
Anyway stopping this tangent lol thank you so much I thoroughly enjoy reading everyone’s input and please know that I consider it a gift it is such a delight to be able to have new questions and new ideas to research thank you so very much everyone.
We suffer of an obsession that hard things are the correct way, but so far it has been more difficult to program a robot to do balance than to design a robot that bests a chess grand-master.
Plus, the more you understand the subject in question the less effort you get. Example: When a cowboy or a cowgirl is riding a horse, they become one and you can’t really tell if the horse is riding the human or vice versa.
Similar to balance against gravity. It is so natural to you, that you “forget” how difficult it actually is. As far as I am concerned, difficulty comes with the lack of familiarity, but nothing is truly truly difficult (If you see it from this point of view).
Another key aspect is our perception; coming with our obsession of measuring things, we arbitrarily chop time and call it “events”, and we get lost in these events.
Imagine a ship leaving the harbor; as the ship goes to its destination it leaves wakes in the water right? Now, if one is clever, you can analyze the wakes and conclude the direction where the Ship is going (just by analyzing the waves in the water). The problem comes when we separate the wakes from the Ship, we can easily reach a consensus that the ship is moving because of the wakes. How fools, it is the ship making the wakes not the way around!