"You cannot have wealth through magic!"

I’ve used Pater Amadeus’ subliminals, they are absolutely kick ass!

What results have you seen?

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I am a white-religion mystic , a Christian , however I do believe in gaining wealth through Angels and other spirits too , sounds like a stereotype that you’re saying tho

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People ive met throughout my life who were high class wealthy/or their parents were mostly christian muslim or atheist, i havent seen on world forbes for example a known LHP or satanist (unless they keep their secret)

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I’ve mainly been using the subliminals he has uploaded in regards to changing myself rather than my outside reality. I know for example I can work much more effectively if I go into business meetings fearlessly, hence one of my favorite ones has been his fearless/build courage subliminal. I used to have this definite feeling of tension or maybe a fear of failure when doing high stakes business calls/meetings, but that is now completely gone, I just find it fun and exciting instead.

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Excellent results. How long did you work with the audio to get to this point?

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Ever since they were uploaded on As Above So Below!

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That’s not long. Seems like they’re very potent.

I have been working with a few of them for the last three days and I have already noticed a difference in my thought processes.

I put the ones I want to work with in a YouTube playlist and I’m playing it on loop while asleep, then once around noon and once in the evening.

One of them is the Easy Fasting subliminal, as I wanted to gain more control over my food intake to achieve a new fitness level. Yesterday evening, instead of getting my normal Saturday pizza or whatever, I somehow spontaneously chose to eat some fruit and have a light salad.

I believe one of the tracks I am using has subliminal commands that aid with controlling negative thoughts, because I have started dismissing them from my mind the second they arise. I say to myself “stop, I reject this thought” and turn my mind to other things.

Obviously, three days is not long to work with them, but so far they seem extremely powerful.

Does this jive with your experiences?

In general, I have found subliminals to be strangely powerful in the past. I remember a few years ago I downloaded some “Alpha Male Mindset” subliminal audio from a torrent site. Cheesy, I know. After listening to it for a few days in work I found myself flirting with random checkout girls and taking control of every conversation I had. :joy:


I’ve heard of many people acquiring money through law of attraction and via working with Deities. These are forms of Magick.

Yes definitely!

I think the reason Pater Amadeus’ subliminals work so fast and are so effective in comparison to others is because he’s actually an occultist. I don’t know the exact process he uses to make them but I know for a fact that he uses magickal methods to empower them. He also really knows how the subconcious mind works and how exactly to influence it to get the results you want.

Have you checked out his lessons about the hermetic principles as well? They’re wonderful and in my opinion way too often overlooked in occult comunities like BALG.

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Yes I watched them. They’re very good. What has become clear to me is that many of these principles are expressed differently across occult currents, even though they are referring to the same thing.

For instance, the principle of correspondence is the reason for avoiding lust of result. You have to make the inner structure of your mind echo the outer structure of the world that you want to enchant into existence. If your mind is striving towards the result, then you are pushing that state of striving out into the world. So you must control your thoughts and live in full confidence of the result. Once the work is done, the result might as well exist already. Consider it done and move on with life, and if you ever think of it, think of it as already achieved.

This is why Crowley recommended to practice mental discipline using exercises like cutting yourself with a razor whenever you use the word “I.” You need to develop the power to control your inner voice enough to circumvent striving that will negate your work.

“For pure will, unassuaged of purpose, delivered from the lust of result, is every way perfect.”

Or in other words: as above, so below.

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