"You cannot have wealth through magic!"

I love ritual :slight_smile:


That is true for most. But that is because our concepts of “value” are pure fantasy to begin with, and was conditioned into us to the point where we don’t really look at the item or the experience anymore, but instead we look at the price and think there is some kind of value to it, it is an intensifier to the experience. Enjoying the item due to hard work is also flawed, because you are once again enjoying fantasy or something in a sense unrelated to the item rather than the experience of the item itself. So learning to look beyond labels and the concept of value that was conditioned into us can return the sense of joy from living a life of luxury, and excess wealth does not become an issue anymore for quality of life.

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I tend to use my energy work to manifest bits of funds for myself, but it’s not usually physical money but bank account lol.

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Turns out Rungr scams people of their money :flushed:

That’s LHP practitioner tactics, I’m masturmanifest

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It’s totally possible. Here’s a channel that may help one in that regard:

It’s a channel on, among other things, the Law of Attraction (LoA) and visualisation. As others have mentioned, it’s a journey, and a lot of focus and self-transformation are indeed needed, and yes, it is feasible.

There is nothing morally wrong w/ purposely amassing richness. Here’s a post I made in regard to this over a year ago:

In a nutshell, I’m asking IF amassing extreme wealth is so sinful or immoral, why aren’t multi-millionaire or billionaire practising Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Christians and Jews giving away most of their wealth, why are they maintaining their fortune and making it grow? (And you may add the Vatican to the mix.)

The vice lies in extreme selfishness, turning to corruption, theft, abuse of others (outrageously raising prices of life-saving meds, for instance, or leaving one’s poeople in dire poverty while eating gourmet meals).

I hope I’m making sense. Besides, once wealthy, one can donate a lot more to charities, help out a lot more, etc.

@Zyskal @Rav @Yaskm @Lady_Eva @charles9 @DarkestKnight @succupedia


Yeah Pater Amadeus is the real deal, cool to see him mentioned here! it’s rare to see people like him who manage to combine high level corporate business and the occult.


I think a lot of it comes from the pervasive dichotomy between the physical and the spiritual.

Since Christianity first hit the scene a few thousand years ago, life has been suddenly divorced from its foundations. Instead of your gods walking with you, with the understanding of your multi-dimensional existence, now your god moves “out there” somewhere, and you have to become worthy of its attention through denial of your physical self, which is seen as dirty and immoral.

Even in Ancient Greece, where the gods lived upon a mountain top, they were still seen as being part of every day life until monotheism took over.

This dichotomy is what a lot of the pioneers of the New Thought movement, like Neville Goddard and Catherine Ponder, tried to help people to reconcile, that you could be a good Christian and be wealthy.

The separation of the spiritual and the material within Christianity made its way also into the magical traditions, and thus you have this idea that using magick to improve you life materially is wrong or immoral. The great Work was seen as becoming close to God, not helping yourself.

Isn’t it funny how folk magick traditions, like witchcraft, never had that problem? It’s kind of hard to divorce the material form the spiritual when you work your magick with stones, herbs, and other natural things :wink:

I would also like to point out that a fair amount of the Biblical prophets were wealthy kings, and had vast riches.


“Gold is Divine and it is good.”


This is spot on. Its not sexy but I’ve found a lot of times magick led me to the right person, led me to be in the right place at the right time to have the opportunity to get my hands dirty, bust my ass, put in the work. I was always hungry and felt like I had something I wanted to prove… still do


A lot of it’s the mundane work. Magick can be and often is really grand and supernatural, but the biggest change I’ve been able to make through magick and witchcraft came in shaping my mind. And dont get me wrong, that’s no small task at all. I can truthfully say I’m not the same person at all I was.


I agree

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I saw this video yesterday, where this guy named Anewbiz made 30k in a few weeks.


You can find answer for your question if you can be magician. Patience and diligence are required for great effects.Example: I’m going to start again today because I’m just sure what I want and what to do. If you reach high-mind, you can earn money, even thanks to your wise personality. But working is essential for this gain. I tried witch coven spells in Istanbul and other easy-fast formula but these all fake. The real magic is in Hermetism.


I mean,Chaos magick, Taoism, Draconian, Shamanism all work I could go on and on lmao, this coming from another Hermetic and a friend :slight_smile:


You can create your own wealth with or without magic…


I suppose that depends on your definition of magick, I would argue it is impossible to create wealth or anything for that matter without magick, everyone practices magick 24/7, it’s just that a large amount are unconscious of that fact :slight_smile:


I agree, i have manifested money to come into my life by using my form or divination and also opening doors to create opportunities that were never there and they manifested. Of course i did work like sacrifices and change my current situation and make a new one. I have had people hand me money and envelopes in my mail box. My divination tool Geomancy or Al Ramalu allows we to change my destiny (incase i have a block) and recreate a new one.


I don’t really use magick for wealth I work but I use magick for networking (most muggles use facebook or whatever) so if I need to make certain i get paid i do a ritual. If I am short of work I do a ritual. Instead of getting house insurance I do a ritual. If I need something that needs finance at work I do a ritual. any shitters that want trouble… you get it
but underlying that you still have to do the work but i do find that the magick does bring good quality work that is easy to do and from sources where money is no object (i almost feel that the magick vets the work first before you get it so that it’s a straight job Happy magick

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I was thinking the same earlier today @Zyskal. I miss-remembered the title as I was going about my day and thought the title of this thread had said ‘You cannot have wealth without magick’, and that we all do special things.

Thinking of Henry Ford, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett etc. Most people wouldn’t associate a magick practice being done by those. Yet I would bet that each of them stuck to their dreams to get success much like with Law of Attraction (even perfectly so) even if they had never even heard of such a thing.