You can leave here your (bad) experiences with Angels

Οkay im gonna create a new thread, this one has been answered i think and Im out of the original topic now :laughing:

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I just want to add one thing - if in the course of ascent you were asked what you’d be the angel OF, what would you answer? :smiley:


Nice, unusual question :smile:
I think I would be the angel of compassion, understanding and support of the weak ppl… the one who have been hurt or treated bad and need love and encouragement. Lol
I love giving love to the ones who need it and miss it in their lives :sparkles: :sparkles:


I’d be the angel of Foot Fetish and Tickling the Dog Shit Out of People. No cap.


I’d be the Angel of abiogenesis, to be called upon to breath life into base materials ultimately causing a chain reaction into a being with reasoning and intellect of the summoner. However the creation in question would lack in emotion and empathy.
Note- emotional development as well as the intended shape and form for the creation would depend up on the summoner, I’d be interested in seeing those who’d be narcissistic enough to create in their own image :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Nice. Did something like this before which lead me to better understanding and implementation of my godself. Good question/advice.

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Some Angels are smug and can act superior and tbh a lot of them are disinterested in us. I work a lot with Michael and have a good relationship with him
now but initially found him kind of grumpy.


@LeananSidhe I recently started working with Sandalphon and Raziel, with the most known ones Michael and Raphael, not yet.
But if you have time, you can share with us your experience with Michael im really curious.
I have heard again that he can be ironic or strict sometimes

This was definitely an interesting question, the first thing that came to mind was the angel of balance… which I have exactly none of :joy:

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quick someone become the angel of commerce since the world revolves around munies


Make it a modern one with vast addons.

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I once called for Archangel Michael after being scared absolutely stupid by an unknown, malicious being that got through my wards during a ritual. It was a sludge-like shadowy thing that kept sending me really upsetting, gory mental images.
(I knew Michael had a reputation for being a dick to people, but this was a fear I haven’t felt in a long, long time)

I grabbed a gold chain and muttered a frenzied call for help, also offering it to him for coming through.

There was a blinding, camera-like flash and the baddie was gone… Instead, he left a very cold, snide energy on his way out that stuck with me for around 5 minutes or so.

The chain I offered him looks dull and dingy now, I should probably get rid of it honestly lol


This is an interesting take. I haven’t worked with either angels or demons because of their connections to christianity, so I just avoided them all together. I may have to rethink this.

I don’t know if he was a fallen angel or just an angel. Or something very verrrry similar.But he came to me and convinced me he was the other half to my soul or that I was a soul fragment of his. Or some similar nonsense

He told me we could merge and he could take my pain away. I was really depressed and stressed at the time and not in the right mind state by any means.

So I decided to let him stay around (again wasn’t in the right mindset) he later possessed me and tried to somehow absorb my consciousness. Then a demon came and fucked up some kind of spiritual body of his without hurting me so he had no power or abilities and couldn’t harm me.

I was then recommended by a demon to submit his consciousness and energies to Lucifer. So I verbally did so.

I immediately felt all traces of him vanish and felt like myself again fully and completely. Like I said not 100% sure he was fully an angel, but the way he spoke about himself to me and the way he spoke about “other” angels he definitely supported them and had a rather good opinion about them and for some reason hated the infernal with a passion. Not saying all angels do but this guy/being/thing did.

So needless to say I haven’t quit been able to trust angels very well after that. I would honestly assume he was a fallen one of some kind but really I can’t be sure. If you or someone has had any experiences like this I’d be more than happy to know. I’d love to figure out what or who he was for sure.


Oh wow… What an experience you had…!! For sure he was related to the angels from the moment he was supprorting them, but it seems like a trickster spirit/ parasite who tried to earn your trust and afterwards he was “eating” your energy slowly.
Noone could really answer what/ who it was, because you were just you and him in that room. but im Glad you got free from this so easy!!
Could you tell which demon was this who helped you??

Unfortunatly I could not. My psychic senses are something I’m still working hard on developing. Weirdly enough they improved slightly when “it” was inside me. That’s how I seen the demon and the wings.

Haha one perk of almost having your consciousness eaten I guess right?

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@VoidShade Now i was thinking that it was totally a parasite who pretended to be an angel to make you let it enter your energetic field and trust it. How did it come, just randomly? Or you tried to evoke a specific angel? And from the other side, you said it helped you develop your astral senses… Weird

Im trying to find the reality of how the spirits work nd behave, as im leaving behind me what the church taught me 29 years now :smile:
Thank you for your input :ok_hand:

I have had only great experiences with angels. Very overwhelming energy that is for sure but great. They seem very nervous kind of like when u meet someone with a very serious face but understanding heart. When i first called one it felt like a bus was on me they energy seem so overwhelming. Like your on acid. I have raised my vibration more and its not overwhelming anymore❤️


Nicee :slightly_smiling_face::tulip:
Which are your favorite angels?

I have called lucifer gabriel raziel Raphael and Michael azarel i met azarel in my third eye he was wearing all black like he was wearing a hoodie. He was tall and he showed me my fears and what i felt i need to work on letting go of

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