So ive been pondering the idea of the teachings of shape shifting taught in william wraiths grimore… and a question has come to mind… i have a friend who lives in japan and has all there life of whom i am actually quite close… and he told me that witchs could in fact take the form of foxes… same as demons… now my question is…could the teachings of this grimore… help one achieve the power and form of the feard demon:fox_face:foxes/yokos
of aciant japan? Aka nine tailed fox, fire foxes, kitusune,???
In Japanese folklore that I’ve read, it isn’t a demon taking animal form it’s the animal itself Ascending. (I guess you could call it).
The fox gains sentience above what they once had. Some become human eating monsters but some are benevolent and wise.
I don’t see why you couldn’t summon one and ask if it would aide you, just make sure to summon the right one.
I also don’t see why you couldn’t learn to shift as well. There are plenty of posts about spiritual and physical shifting.
Could you please tell which grimoire? I couldn’t get any result with the name.
You can learn to shapeshift into a fox (at least astrally, most likely physically as well but it would take a LOT of hard work and dedication) Traditionally a kitsune (though the word kitsune just means fox, lets pretend it means spirit fox for convenience sake) is a regular fox that gained magic power, growing another tail, usually at around century old and growing more either with age or power(probably both). It is a animal assuming human(like) form not vice versa so you cant become one. Power similar and equivalent to one is attainable.
You mean yako? Don’t get me wrong, been a yako is cool, but why to choose yako when you can choose zenko?
M.t.h.o.s the hand book of shadow
He means yokai xD
William wraithe as far as I have researched is a fraud, if you want to learn to physically shapeshift you must learn using your own power, I have talked about this on several threads
Most likely he meant Youko (spirit/demon fox) A rare term in occultism, very common in anime
Oh whoops! Should’ve read the rest of the post xDDD I thought he meant yokai in general.
Guys it’s yako I just checked it
Where do you think would be a good plce sto start
While Yako(field fox) is indeed a more traditional and common term in most circles, Youko(spirit fox) is also used. Westerners are also far more likely to have come across it due to it appearing commonly in anime. Youko kurama from yu yu hakusho being one
So any adivce on where i should start
Becoming one? I don’t actually think you can. Obtaining similar form and powers? Going to Japan and trying to find one to contract as a familiar and a teacher. Opening the Yin eyes would be very useful as would astral projection. Also you should realize that it wont be a immediate thing. Kitsune themselves are traditionally thought to obtain their powers either at 50 year or hundred year mark, so I would think it would take at least that long.
I can tell you that if physical shifting is your absolute goal you can accomplish it, but use your instincts first and foremost, and don’t believe someone just because you want to, believe them because you know they can help you. Wishful thinking will push you back
Try to communicate with one is my first thought. Remember these are not like the Daemons we refer to here; they don’t care about our evolution so you would need to give it a good reason to help you.
If possible i second trying to take a trip to Japan, it would be the best way to get on ones good side.
Huh… so i can not become one tenichally but i can learn to to the form and powers?
In my opinion yes. Though bare in mind this is not my path, so I’m no authority on the subject.