Yogic and Chi-Gong Exercises Taught By Demons

[quote=“bahamuthat, post:33, topic:67”]–>how long do you do it? how many times do you inhale and what is your expected feeling and overall goal you try to achieve with it?

then i do the 3rd form, i cannot seem to get the ball to be cold. i spread my arms and visualize the arctic gold sphere in my right hand and it’s hot, and when i punch the other hand, i do not experience it moving through my arms or heart. i did it since you uploaded it every day, and last night i did this exercise alone god knows how many times and i was exhausted and sweaty and couldn’t use my hands anymore. but i still didn’t feel it moving through my arms, and i couldn’t say if the ball forming in my hand was hot or cold.

and lastly the first form… after doing all that stuff waving my arms all around i usually don’t have much strength left. the feeling i get from it is a short pulse of pressure in the middle of my forehead. then my arms get tired and i give up.

do you assume this first form many times allowing your arms to rest before reassuming it, or do you only do it once to the exhaustion?

when do you have enough? how do you know? how often do you do it and how long does the session last?

and most importantly, do you SEE this energy? do you just relax and feel it, or do you force the feeling until in really becomes real feeling?

if i’d live near you i’d buy you an icecream and ask you all that stuff in person… but now you’ll have to type.[/quote]

Yes, I would definitely be careful with these forms. I don’t do them to exhaustion however. Before doing these exercises, you might find it helpful to cool down first and get into a decent meditative state.
If you require it, get a few ice packs and practice pulling the cold energy up from the icepacks into your body. The control of the temperature of these exercises are crucial to their success. It may also help to stick your head in your freezer for a bit right before you start them.
The reason for this is that you want to keep these energies from becoming too yang. It’s easy to let that happen since these are quite physical exercises, especially the third one. But trust me - you don’t want too much yang energy going around with these as that these are cultivation exercises, meaning that what you produce is what is also stored. When you build up too much yang, it becomes volatile and you will find yourself getting pissed off easily, getting ravenously horny, your body temp will randomly sky rocket, you’ll get headaches, and if it gets bad you could have random ejaculations, hallucinations, massive headaches, and get pretty sick. Yang energy, though it can be both creative AND destructive, in the dynamics of our bodies - tends toward destructive when there is too much of it.
So PLEASE do be careful. Should you experience any of these symptoms or begin to feel out of sorts - discontinue for at least a few days until you re-stabilize.
So - there are a few things I would ask that you do before you get back on these exercises. The first thing is to work on temperature control. And only do it for a few minutes each day. Just practice pulling the cold from an ice pack and moving it from one hand to the other until your other hand actually begins to cool down.
The other exercise is for sensitivity. Lightly move energy (at this point stay away from doing this with any heated energy) around your body by touching it. Then reproduce the “touched” sensations with your mind. When you can sufficiently move energy with only your mind through your body (especially the circuit in the third exercise) and feel it.
After becoming efficient with these two, the third exercise should be much easier to do.
Now, for the explanation of how I do them.

Before I do any standing meditations, I do a 10 min sitting meditation to get into a trance-ish state. I then do my best to maintain the trance state throughout the exercises.

The First Form:
I probably only do this form for about 3-5 minutes. While extremely relaxed and tranced, I allow the energy beneath me to merge and connect with the energy above me. From below to above - always in this direction for this exercise. Yes, you will begin to feel pressure in the forehead - this is normal. When I feel that the connection from the ground to the universe is sufficient, I stop. If you don’t reach the “connected state” before 5 minutes is up, stop anyway. You will with daily practice. However, overdoing will most likely have a reverse effect, making the exercise more damaging than helpful.

The Second Form:
With this exercise, I simply pull a light condensate of earth energy up, and push it out my perineum. This will also produce a light pressure at your perineum. This exercise should definitely NOT be done forcefully, hot, or yang. This is an easy exercise to fuck up with and you can seriously hurt yourself. So PLEASE do be careful. I do not recommend doing this exercise for any longer than 5 minutes. You will - after a few weeks or so, of performing this correctly, notice an increasing “light swirling” sensation in your lower dantien as the energies begin to churn and become more active.

The Third Exercise:
Ok, this one is definitely tricky, I admit that. I usually do three good reps of this exercise, and have never done more than 5. Should you, after becoming sufficient with the two practices I described earlier, still have a bit of a hard time keeping it cold, try sticking your hand in your freezer, getting it nice and cool. Or perhaps, if you have a metal bowl, set that in your freezer for ten or so minutes, then pull it out, hold it in your hand, so you can get a really good sense of what the freezing ball of gold feels like. This usually helps with your ability to shift the temp of your energy.
For the first week or two, you may wish to just get a good feel of the motion. Instead of bringing the ball in until it settles in your heart chakra, simply let it go around the arm circuit between 5 and 10 times. Just get a good feel for the form. When you’re comfortable with this, and you can feel it moving through the arms quite well, move onto bringing it inward. Remember - the two aspects crucial to this exercise is HEAVY, and COLD. They are absolutely key to the success of this exercise.

When I do energy work, I am aware of the energy both visually and physically. At some point, a while back, the visual aspect of the energy and the physical (feeling it) aspect began to merge. I have no other way to explain it, but what I see, I feel and what I feel I see. I feel the shapes I see and I see the energies that I feel. But I would suggest working on the “feeling” it side of things first.

So - as I finish this, please let me know if you need more clarification.
But please do remember to avoid the hot temperatures, the yang, and too much of the forceful / powerful / explosive side of energy. These are good for karate, kung fu, boxing, climbing, lifting weights, etc. But the explosive nature of yang energy when working with cultivation is EXTREMELY dangerous. Please avoid it like the plague. There will come a time when you will be able to work with the fire element easily within your own body. But it sounds like you just need a bit of work with your temperature control. Until you can absolutely control every aspect, the temperature, the emotion, and the imagery that energy is created with, then I would stay away from the fire element for now.

Even I, personally, work very little with the fire element (or yang energy). I only work with it when I need to. For reasons of personal health, sanity, and safely, I avoid yang energy in cultivation for the most part.

Please let me know of your progress. If I can help you avoid what my old teacher used to call “yanging out”, it would be well worth it. :slight_smile:

Let me know how this all goes for you. That goes for anyone who might need help with this.

Namaste! :slight_smile: