YHVH - the trickster god

Ok ad hominem attacks are childish and rude and leave no room for open discussion and debate. But if your feeling extra fiesty go ahead and take it out on me, i might get off on that abusive belittling shit. :kissing_heart:


Nowadays it’s probably more to do with politics than religion. Back in the day the pope could wield military power and extreme political and social influence, nowadays it’s just the latter two (though the Church does benefit from the West having military power).

Not to poke fun at you specifically, but I think it’s kinda funny when people talk about Christian big G God this way, cause it’s literally exactly the same as how your average Christian talks about demons, and even just other religions in general most of the time.

I mean I get it, we were raised in a culture where people believe that angels and demons exist, and so we did as well starting from a young age. This is why we have Lucifer, to say screw you to the big G and do our own thing. If my guess about you is wrong btw you can just ignore this paragraph.

Lucifer is a bit of a trickster and a deceiver, though, and has been known as the demiurge and a great blight upon humanity. If you want a paragon of moral virtuousness to prostrate yourself before, Church is always open on Sunday.


Well. if you knew that they worshipped an egregor, you wouldn’t be asking me if their intention was or was not set on yahweh. What would make them unable to obtain a successful invocation that someone else would be able to achieve? Lol therefore I’m going to assume you’re coming at christianity from a sheeple bias and not one of esoteric relevancy.

Try reading The Kybalion PDF, archived link for a different view on “creator” energy (we don’t trade PDFs on here as a general rule but this one is okay, the text is out of copyright and the edition was given for download from the site that created it).


Sorry but that doesn’t make any sense.

Because they focus too much on church tradition and on what their pastors/group leader whoever says, instead of putting effort into really talking with their God, and make their own experiences.

Wrong. I’m not one of those “Christians are bad, evil and dumb” - people, in fact I defended Christians on this forum before.
Doesn’t mean I can’t criticize the religion.


For people looking into the historical context a little more…

Rev. Bill Ducendack has been writing about this from a specifically LHP perspective for the Compendium of Ba’al.

The best magical source I know is probably Poke Runyon. His magical order, the OTA, is built around a Canaanite pantheon. He also happens to be a trained Anthropologist who specialized in this stuff back when it was the really hot topic in academia.


Religion in the western world especially the United States is big business. Lots of money to be made. Has more to do with the greed of men than any god.

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It is mind boggling what people choose to believe. But hey, that’s the beauty of it, no one has to believe what others believe. I found this just doing a quick search…

The Israelite god worshiped not only by the Hebrews but also by eastern Canaanites such as the prophet Balaam and Shashu of Edom

The Moabite Stone was discovered in 1868 CE in modern-day Jordan and the find published in 1870 CE. as the first extra-biblical inscription found to mention Yahweh. Much was made of the discovery as the stele reported the same event from the biblical narrative of II Kings 3 in which Mesha the Moabite rebels against Israel (though with the major difference of the stele claiming a Moabite victory and the Bible claiming Israel the winner). The way the Yahweh line was interpreted further supported the concept of Yahweh as the god of the Israelites alone since Mesha claims to have taken the Israelite god’s vessels as tribute to his own.

Yeah. So Yahweh was alway an Israelite god.


I can provide links if anyone would like.

And if anyone has any factual textual evidence opposing that Yahweh was/is originally an Israelite god then I welcome you to post links so that we may verify or disprove.

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He is a Caanite god which has been tasked to rule Israel, so far my study goes.Then Yahweh merges with the ruler of the pantheon, El.

I dont know whether he really merged with El.It might be a political move by Israel.And I am still sleepy, and probably did lots of mistakes.

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The Israelites over time removed his wife and family from the pantheon as it went to a more monotheistic faith.

El was his father and he split the regions among his sons one being Yahweh giving him Israel. Yahweh became known as El or El shaddai.


Yes, I did read that he was merged with El at some point, but I was researching to find out which came first…the chicken or the egg.

All the information I found lead to the Moabite Stone as the first mention of and interpretation of Yahweh as originally being a god of the Israelites.

I cannot find any factual texts to dispute this. I love a good debate. I fuels my drive to find the truth.

Please kindly provide links with information that pre-dates the Moabite stone. If anyone would like, I will too.


Oldest, and clear mention of Yahweh is on that stone like you said.However, most scholars already believe that the cult of Yahweh first emerged somewhere in the southern Levant, partly based on Egyptian texts from the late second millennium B.C.E. These documents describe groups of Canaanite nomads collectively known as Shasu, including one tribe named Shasu Yhw(h) - perhaps the first recorded Yahweh worshippers in history.

Edit:YHW referred here is possibly, a place.But we can never be certain of that.

I know wiki isnt the best source, however its still a link to check out for,so.


Well the information on that page is contradictory and inconclusive at best. The various scholars seem to be at odds about everything.

I may be incorrect but I have not read anything that conclusively contradicts the evidence I have found that supports the fact Yahweh was originally a God of the Israelites.

I appreciate you providing the link. Learned me some things.:nerd_face:

Here is link to the information that I provided in my post(s) above.


I totally agree, again, a clear mention doesnt go back that stone apparently.

Okay I will check that link and carry this conversation over PM since its pretty serious of a subject, deal? :smiley:


Lol. Deal! But I must say that I very much enjoyed the peaceful and non-heated debate. :handshake:


Thanks for sharing that link on Yahweh! Now I’ve got some things to read as well. Do you work with him in practice?


You’re welcome! I am always serious when the thread topic is serious and I like to be accurate when I provide information.

Well being a soft-polytheist I do and I do not. Generally speaking when I summon or evoke I am aware that I am just calling forth another aspect of the one.

Sometimes I will just pray to Jehovah as a way of saying thank you and showing my love and appreciation. But I do not, so much, call on him directly for spellworkings.


Gotcha. Well it’s nice to see someone else actually trying to communicate with and understand the entity behind the religion.