What is this symbol i haven’t seen it anyway except in vision during possession
“Run, child, for the Red Hood is upon us.”
No idea, but the general vibe is along the lines of similar to kimbanda. Nice sigil though
I sent you a message
I’ve seen something like that recently, let me trawl through my memory, and maybe update this later… the semi- circles at the ends of a star. I can’t recall the details, but I know that I scried it from a post here or maybe a PM. Hmmn.
Okay thanks let me know if you find further information on this
It seems to me to be a sigil for Netzach or one of the tunnels to it. Not Netzach but the Qlippothic Venus sphere.
I looked into it it has similarities in the symbols but I believe it’s not the same as in this symbol there are seven tridents and seven crescents with a spider in the middle but thanks for contributing
It looks like something from asenath Mason’s works. Give me some hours, please to do some digging.
Possibly arachnia the spider goddess. You can get info on her at the temple of ascending flame site as well as greek mythology.
KLL might be right. I can’t find that in the draconian Ritual book
Check out ascending flame.
Looks similar, doesn’t it?
~But it there is no 11pointed star hm…
Very much so.
Hm… the star is like a pentragram, but with added points,
like to match not just the horns but also the earse of the goat.
The pictures are not the ones i’m looking for…but i just couldn’t find the damn symbol…
But i have no clue about the specifics of this, in relation to the pictures show above and below.
What you could do:
>~Meditate on it, or/and chant “arachnidia Lilith shemamithilil akkawbishia zachalayla”
What I saw wasn’t Drachir’s photo, it was something I scried and only had 5 points, and the shapes were lines. not crescents. I might trawl through some old PMs later and see if I can find it… curiouser & curiouser!
I’ve had a vision similar to these pictures, and that happened last week. The difference is that the sigil was glowing in fire. When the sigil disappeared from my vision, a page from a book appeared with glowing text that looked like Hebrew symbols. This wasn’t vivid, and it just popped out when I was riding the bus last week.
Okay so you PM’d me about it, and I’m about 80% certain I saw this when I read your message but NOT 100%, I remember scrying it reading someone’s PM, I started to describe it, decided it might not be important, and ditched the reply ()yeah, dumb, but whatever).
I don’t scry every PM I get, so the odds favour it being one where someone described something, maybe not asking for an explanation but in a context where I’d bother to scry for more.
I got given this symbol by Ak’anak a merged being that you saw on my older post, i’ve had some poltergeist activity in my home since i’ve come across it. It seems to be linked to numerous spirits such as baphomet, netzach, kimbanda and arachnia so it’s quite strange since a merged entity gave me a symbol of many other spirits. My apprentice believes that perhaps these spirits need to be merged also but I doubt it.