Would you try to find any hidden meaning in that?

So, yesterday when I was going for a job interview I found some money stashed in the pocket of my suit. What makes the matter interesting is that they had absolutely no right to be there!!! I swear I’ve checked that suit thousands of times before and there was not a single penny left there. Another thing is that the currency I’ve had there was not the currency of my country, but sort of a reminder of better days I’ve had in my past. I’ve performed no money magick or in fact any other magick recently.
Would you find some hidden meaning in that?
Thanks for your suggestions.

I have had similar problems recently. I am waiting for the answer to your question.

My take on signs is that they’re signs if you think they are. You noticed for a reason. If it wasn’t a sign you would not have thought anything of it. YOU made the connection already, I say roll with it.


There’s that glorious reciprocity of inspiration and imagination again. The seed of occcultism!


It’s generally not going to be advisable to go about finding meaning in occurences where you’ve specifically not asked for any signs, nor enchanted for any result. Stuff encountered like unto what you’d mentioned would be all too easy a rabbit hole to slide down otherwise.