Hi there, there are three i’d say, the first is the same as David suggested the throat chakra, which can cause miss-communication. There is the heart charka which feels with great intesity sometime to our dentriment and also solar plexus chakra which is our identity. Working on these three so that they are clensed and well balanced should help you with that situation.
That’s my recommendation as well, and don’t forget most people are more full of thoughts about their own shortcomings, their own insecurities, and worried what YOU think of them - see this for a breakdown of that concept:
So years ago I made an analysis of why some people - I actually chose David Bowie, and secondly, Christopher Walken - are just always so damned cool on camera.
Being me, I kind of clairvoyantly scried for an image that would be replicable, some kind of visual cue to generate that same air of instant cool, and also exactly what the basis was for their charisma and magnetic presence.
I came up with two seperate things - and I’m sharing them here because more & more mages are recording rituals or…