Worms for the masses

Dude, use your head. Snails have been a delicacy for centuries for a reason.
Mealworms have not, for a reason.

You’re right, you have no idea what you’re talking about… Go ahead and buy some desiccated ones from a bird feed store and then come back here with that experience.


Well I’ve eaten some alive… And they bite whilst going through your throat… Not nice!!! Oh and the taste? It ain’t too bad… Didn’t have time to feel it :grin:


If you mean eating snails alive, please don’t: they carry salmonella & other bad-news things, and every year, pets who ate a snail have to be put to sleep or nursed through illnesses (including paralysis) due to eating them.

This is pets who lick their own butts and eat from the kitty litter tray, but the wrong raw snail can just about mean game over.


No I meant Mill worms.


I’ve had plenty of really nicely cooked snails with nice fresh bread with butter… But still don’t like the big ones… Just the smaller ones.

I have heard people already make burgers out of mealworms.

Snails are ok, they’re a lot like mussels, only black in color, kinda tasteless and chewy so it’s the sauce that counts.

In France you can buy them in the supermarket in the refrigerated section, dead of course and filled with butter ready for cooking. Or canned. They’re a specific type of snail that is farmed there.

They’re expensive if I recall - not for the ‘masses’ as an alternative to real food.



Oh and by the way. Hunger in the world is not a problem of ressources, just of bad management.


I was under the impression this whole “let’s eat insects” thing was for more sustainable food. Was i wrong?

Lots of people are breeding insects now to sell as food. @dagar It is to have a sustainable food source.

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You know what would be sustainable? If people didn’t throw good food away just because the package says “Eat until day x”.
Oh, and if people didn’t eat themselves to 300kg, yeah I said it.


Yet we are facing the problem of overpopulation. It is sad that some people died because of that but ‘many’ is apparently not enough to cause the extinction of humanity or put it at risk anytime soon. Times change, traditions change, even our surroundings change and there is no escaping it - it will keep changing. I might come off too idealistic, but I believe that each person has a choice of what they eat, who they listen to and what they believe in.

And if someone wants to eat worms and believes that it’s good for their health, why not let them? It’s not like worms are shoved down people’s throats.
I do see your point though :+1:

Well, a lot of people could also say the same about the oatmeal a few centuries ago, okay. ‘It is horse food for a reason’. And I bet that some of them were not happy with eating it.
Besides, take a few popular influencers and pay them to make a few photos in some nice restaurant eating worms with a bottle of Moet, and worms will become a delicacy in a few hours.

No, thank you :slight_smile: I am no awesome cook. If, however, a Michelin cook were to make them for me, I’d be up for the challenge.


Our chinese overlords consider that food.


No, this is not necessary. People will like it.

We do not need to eat worms to feed the world. This is a misconception that is caused by not knowing why people suffer from hunger. Hunger today cannot be compared with local famines in the past, because of globalisation and human aid. If there is a catastrophe, other countries will help, this has worked several times already.
Why are countries still suffering hunger? One reason is a corrupt government that is not able to build a working infrastructure to a) produce enough food or b) make their citizens earn enough money to buy it.
Did you know that in Somalia where people suffer from hunger the supermarkets are filled with food but people just can’t afford them?
Another reason is foreign companies buying land and fishing rights, which takes away the opportunity for locals to produce their own food and makes them rely on cheap imported low quality food. This happens in many areas, a popular example is Lake Victoria.
Solve these problems, and nobody needs worms.


I wouldn’t say we’re really facing an overpopulation problem. The entirety of the human species could fit inside of Texas.


If you’re talking about food i think America throws away enough to feed most other countries combined right?


Its more a situation of bad government imo

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Yeah but they’ll eat dogs too and fetuses.

This very much


No overpopulation. Just waste. Earth could theoretically support billions of more people if less food was wasted.