did anyone work with tiamat before ? if yes then please share me your experience because i feel like to know her .and i want to know how does her energy works ? ( share anything about her even a little information )
While you’re waiting, don’t forget there’s a search feature so you can find in the 11 years of posts here experiences from members that won’t be posting about them again.
Tiamat and her history and rites for her were a major part of the Necronomicon when it was first released in the 1970s (I believe it is called the Simon Necronomicon). I felt that she was a very, very strong entity. I was a stupid teenager at that time that I did some of the Magick with Tiamat. So, with the long lapse of time the only thing I remember clearly was extreme power.
I haven’t worked with her but i believe baal kadmon has a book on her so you may want to check that out.
Thank you. i didn’t know that we can search here
Asenath Mason’s book, Grimoire of Tiamat is excellent. I worked with it several years ago, but my psychic senses weren’t developed back then, so I haven’t got much to report about the experiences.
It’s a self contained magical system, you won’t get bored.