After nearly a week of over-thinking the hell out of my last evocation to Ninib/Adar and second-guessing myself, I evoked him again this morning. It went MUCH better than the last time!
I began by asking him if he preferred one of his names over another, between Ninib, Ninurta, and Adar. He said it didn’t matter to him, and asked me which I preferred. I was caught a little off-guard by his response and told him I didn’t know.
I didn’t see him, but felt his presence quite strongly. He - and the entire space - felt very dark, quite, and grounded. He was extremely polite and well-spoken, and seemed delighted to engage in whatever conversation I began with him.
I mentioned that the 1586 Necronomicon said his number is 4, “as in the four corners of the earth.” I asked if that meant that he could teach about elemental magic. He said that he could, but as they relate to transformation; he is not so much a spirit that encompasses the elements exactly, but how the elements flow and cycle from one to another. He represents - among other things - the transformation that occurs throughout that cycle. He said that he can teach about that aspect of the four elements.
Then I asked him about the 9 Gates. He said, “Yes, you want to walk them.”
I, of course, said, “Yes,” to which he replied, “You already are.”
WTF??!?! That was pretty much my response. He said that I had begun as soon as I started evoking the Zonei, since I had the intention of walking the Gates when I began my evocations.
I asked him how I should go about walking the actual Gates, and after some conversation he said that simply gazing at each Gate the way I would a sigil would work just fine. The words he used were, “For you, this will work well.” I took this to mean that this would be a fitting approach for me, but that another approach may be better for the next person. He told me that I needed to paint each Gate as well. It will really be a three-step process for me to walk each Gate:
- Evoke the Gate by gazing at it and entering the TG sync
- Based on my experience in step 1, create a painting of the Gate
- Evoke the Gate again, like in step 1, but this time gaze at what I painted
I then asked if I should evoke Yuggoth (associated with the 8th Gate) before walking the Gates, or if I should wait until I open the 8th Gate. He said it would be fine for me to evoke him, but warned me not to “go to deep.” He said Yuggoth would invite me to go deep, but NOT to do so. I have some hunches as to what he meant by this verbiage, but I’ll refrain from speculating in favor of just evoking Yuggoth and finding out for myself.
I also asked about evoking the Old Ones and the Outer Gods, since their sigils are presented in this Necronomicon. He said I could evoke them now, but he recommended that I walk the 9 Gates first, as he instructed, then evoke the Old Ones, saving the Outer Gods for last.
This is gonna be fucking cool!!!
Finally, I asked him if he - being associated with Saturn and in some respects, Earth - would be a spirit who could bring me wealth, and teach me to do so. I “felt” him smirk at this (if that makes any sense). He reiterated that he is a being of transformation, and that he could, indeed, teach this to me, but only if I were to embrace the transformation within myself that is required to fully facilitate becoming one who is Wealthy. This includes material, monetary wealth of course, but goes way beyond that; to truly be one who is Wealthy is to enjoy that Wealth in every single aspect of one’s existence.
I said, “Yes, I want that. Let’s do it!” He replied with, “Good! And so we begin.”
As I dismissed him, without thinking about it, I said, “Thank you, Adar.” He smiled and said, “You chose what to call me.”
This journey is very cool and very interesting.