Working with Marduk

I have the Simon Necronomicon but can anyone recommend any other books on how to work with Marduk? Any good methods to share? Advice? All help is appreciated!


This isn’t book format,
but may help you getting forward with your reseurch.
I used it back then.

in working through it, i found Sol Invictus to resonate the most with me.
Which means specifically the afternoon sun of around 16 o clock.
A Destructive Aspect of Sun, which lead mainly to Lucifer for me.

also look into:

i was looking for a specific video of evokation,
which i didn’t find and isn’t within these.




The reason I am interested in working with Marduk is because I have worked successfully with NAP, the spirits from Ars Theurgia Goetia and a few others but I have never had success with the 72 of the Goetia. I did have success with Vassago and I have contacted a few others but for some reason they don’t seem to want to work with me. A few months ago I had a dream and all 72 were together and they were shouting at me “it isn’t us! It’s you!!!” I guess in reference to them not wanting to work with me. Then suddenly a voice boomed out and drowned them out and said “I will help you!” I asked his name and he gave it to me. I didn’t know who he was but when I woke up the next day I googled his name. His name was Marduk!


The most credible info on Marduk I’ve come across is from Zachariah Sitchin. His translation of ancient sumerian texts is the best we’ll ever get I think. The book The War of Gods and Men is one I’d recommend to understand his psyche.

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Welcome to the forum @Sheeanabrugh. Please take a moment to post an introduction in our New Magician and Introduction section and tell us a bit about yourself and any magical experience you may have. It is a requirement here.

I have done that, but it’s under review.

I have worked with the Necronomicon Spellbook extensively. Great results too. I found that the spellbook is the simplest and cuts through all the unnecessary rigmarole of the original Necronomicon.

Marduk is an analogue of YHWH, Jupiter, Zeus etc. Sphere of Jupiter symbolically. Master and Lord of Magicians, i.e. True Self IMO. Teacher of divine justice–not human judgement which is terribly flawed thanks to limited perception–and revealer of the Infinite nature of reality. A very expansive spirit that typically leads to feeling of lightness.
Typical correspondences of Jupiter would apply if you insist on following those. The suggestions of the spellbook are more than enough, i.e. 2 candles, some incense and, ideally but not essentially, working at night with a waxing moon. You can build your own ritual structure too.

No specific rules. In fact, don’t even bother about the “warning” about invoking Marduk for so-called trivial situations. This is about self-knowledge and understanding the true nature of reality first and foremost. Temporal, transient and illusory physical manifestations would be the only trivialities in this context.


Yeah I’m not much on H.P. Lovecraft. I have read the Simon version a few times. So basically I can skip the watcher and all that is what you are saying? I can work with Marduk directly and not worry about all the other stuff?

Yes I have done it

Use the spellbook not the original

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Remember this is all a play in consciousness… nothing more.

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What do you mean?

The Necronomicon Spellbook is a much simpler approach to working with sphere of Marduk. It doesn’t have the concept of the “watcher” in it. I’m not even sure what the watcher is…I’m assuming it’s an allegorical reference to “God” / our inner, true, invisible and infinite Self who is always watching and ensuring perfect justice at every instant.

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If you were asking about the “play in consciousness”: spend time with the idea that nothing exists independent of your consciousness and everything exists within it. It’s very worth contemplating IMO.


I went back and looked and my Complete (Simon) Necronomicon has the watcher conjugation and stuff in it. I had read that there is more than one version of the Simon Necronomicon. But I’ll just not worry about that part of it.

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@Eternal_Idol Yeah, you could do that or just download the Necronomicon Spellbook…probably free on most sites. Work with that directly. The original Necronomicon is like any other full-length grimoire and it’s only added value is what you think it is.

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I used the sigil for Marduk from the 1586 John Dee Necronomicon. It just seemed to pull me more than the other version did.


Hmmm…it certainly is different from the necronomicon.

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Hello everyone, I intend evoking Barashakushu(Maduk) for assistance in an already written examination to make the grades go in my favor. I chose him after going through this forum and only 3 weeks of research.
The exam (7 papers in all) was written about 3 weeks ago and marking began about a week ago, however results will be compiled by next month and released at the end of September. I want to know if he’s the right choice for this kind of work or there are better options. Newbie here still learning :wink:

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There is a post here on useful spirits to use.

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