Working with Djinn and an increase in nightmares

I am simply following the ritual listed in the book from the original posts - I dont typically work with Archangels, but Corwins method uses them as part of calling to the Jinn Kings.

Which rituals did you do? Some of them are to reveal things to you, and that very well could be the source of your nightmares.

If not you could always use the ritual to scatter the djinn. I imagine much like angels and demons, the djinn are not for everyone. In fact they scared me a year ago- had a real creepy vibe. I never had nightmares from them tho, and today they do not scare me.

One thing to remember is, just because the results don’t make sense, doesn’t mean they aren’t results. Seemingly unrelated dreams, could have deeper meanings.


I wouldn’t use archangels as a way to protect yourself when speaking to a djinn, all that will do is further agitate them and make them non-compliant as to what you are wanting from them. Angels and djinn have a very grim history.

Sorry but that is utterly bullshit and propagated by the xitan religions, I have to give you credit though because the way things manifest are different from positive polarized spirits to negative polarized spirits. You also must believe that all djinn are evil which is not the case either.

Could you elaborate a bit further if possible? :smiley:

I stick to keteriya´s answer I depends what rituals you did. If you have called the djinn for self improvement in areas you are uncomfortable with, they will try to help you overcome the fears via dreams (an easy plane to face fears + good for self improvement and accessing the subconscious).

The angels essentially chased the djinn off to the edge of the world (Koh-e-qaf) and killed quite a few of them along the way due to Allah deeming them dangerous to humankind for leading them astray from his teachings.

If I remember correctly, when Iblis became a angel him and his men were given the order to do this.

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The concept of djinn predates Islam so I don’t think that Ramadan holds too much merit honestly. Djinn have been around since ancient Sumerian times.

If you have been working with the djinn I am sure that you have heard of the Qareen. These djinn are known to bring suppressed thoughts forward because they are essentially your spiritual double that is a manifestation of your subconscious mind. Any worries, doubts, or fears will be brought forward in some form; Dreams being one of them.

I also would like to add that the subconscious thoughts a Qareen might bring forward is not always negative. They can bring forward forgotten aspirations, desires, and positive memories that might help you in a present or future situation.

Working with the djinn in general is a tricky thing. If you have been asking them for things prior to building a relationship with them they most likely won’t comply and could be messing with you.


I did a tarot reading on my dreams and their meanings last night;

Personal development: Ace of Cups and 10 of cups - happy home, happy life.
Baneful works: The Tower and 10 of swords - complete destruction.

I see both of those as very big positives!

It makes sense that my dreams are my shadow self working through past issues, that are preventing me from being happy at home, lusting after results and helping me move forward.

Last night was a similar, theme, but with less intensity. Making progress I guess.

@Harith again, the rituals in the book mentioned in my first post explain the why and how of using the archangels as part of the summoning process. It explains that yes, many people would see it as offensive to the Jinn however he explains his methods, and reasoning, and why it makes sense to complete the rituals as instructed.

Djinn are not demons but they do have a bad history with angels like you stated.

Whatever works for you, I was tagged so I gave my input. All I will say is that you will be struggling to build bonds with them that way. Either way, I hope whatever you are seeking comes to fruition. (:

Been a bit over a week since I’ve started working with the Djinn, and while the nightmares have calmed down now, Ive come to realise that every single night since starting, my dreams have featured donestic cats in one way or another.

I have no clue if the two are directly related, although I understand that cats are mentioned as a sign of faith in the Islamic texts but it’s very interesting either way.


Djinn can take on the appearance of cats although it is said that they prefer to appear as dogs and snakes. May I ask what color the cat was?


Every night is different, but mostly they tend to be black and white.

In Islamic tradition djinn tend to like to take the form of black colored animals but there are occasions where it is different. Perhaps they are feeling you out before directly approaching you in your dreams. (:



Were you afraid? Sometimes beings show up in scary ways when have fear of them.

Also maybe they are showing you how they can help you with your fears or issues if they are not what your afraid of in the dreams.

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The first few nights featured cats being harmed by other cats or animals initially (hence the nightmare theme) but they would always end up alive and well by the end of the dream.

Last night and the night before, had a black and white cat speaking to me, repeating what its “owner” had been telling it. Things about how this person is manipulating another person for their own selfish goals.
The owner who has also featured in all of my dreams this past week (always putting out their manipulation vibe), has previously been the target of baneful work.
I don’t know if said person actually owns a cat.

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From what I’ve learned from my mentor, Djinns are Fire Spirits and they are a bit playful in nature. Due to them being Fire Spirits they work fast and usually these djinns visit you during the night to make their presence known. Usually by knockings, scratches, growls, dreams etc. My mentor heard a couple of knockings but he never felt any physical interactions. Hope this helps!


Well. They don’t need to have one themselves for it to work out to be related. I just woke up so no further thoughts other than maybe it’s related to the baneful work and revealing the target is reciprocating or could

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