I am sharing this here with my BALG family as well as for my personal use, also I’m writing it here so I can look back on when needed.
So Lucifer came to me Last night and he told me this word of power that will help getting an altered state of mind quickly during evocation. Recite and vibrate through your throat these words “MEEEM, HAAAH, RAAAH while focusing on your third eye. I just myself tried it and it worked for me in 10 minutes.
Thanks for sharing! Words of power are indeed useful!
Thankyou, I will try it tonight!
Thankyou! Let me know of your experience with this.
Maybe you could speak of your results
Is this altered state of mind theta or rapture state?
Lucifer further told me that if you practice it daily then it can take you beyond the altered state of consciousness,
I think he was suggesting that for the people who are not so skilled this word of power would quickly (4-5 minutes) provide an altered state of consciousness. And for people who are more experienced this can take them into deep trance.
But for me it got me into the theta state in just 10-15 minutes.
Gonna bookmark this!
Please share your experience, if you try it.
Will do
Just reading this gave me a surge of goosebumps, he he he
Must find a dark quiet place trying out
Thank you
Ave Lucifer
Wow that one is intense! Tried this last night as I was laying in bed. I began to feel sleepy, and then I felt a jolt in my forehead. It was like a lightning flash in the middle of my forehead, with a cracking sound, while my eyes were closed. My 3rd eye opened! Then my heartrate went up, and seen these intense wild faces and images in my mind. Definitely works!
Thankyou for sharing your experience!
And thank you for sharing this amazing word of power from Lucifer! As a beginner is this stuff, I feel like this can definitely help me progress!
I’m glad.! Wish you luck!
I tried it and felt my brain shift it’s pattern a little bit as I was doing it. I wrote it down in my journel.
So I was doing energy work earlier and was getting my higher self involved in programming and helping keep effects up and all kinds of good stuff then when I went to picture my higher self he hella showed up as the picture of Lucifer you posted so I’m like fuck yea either Lucifer was helping me and revealed that he was here or I have one hell of a good idea for my higher self, lol. Musa ask Lucifer for me what kind of gemstone or crystal to get for pleaseing him, he made it clear he wanted gems.
Magick Square
Corrected version:
Permutation 1;
Permutation 2;
Third Permutation - lucifer sigil Permutation
Looks greatt!! Did you charge it already? Let me know of your experience.