The worst part is a whole generation and more who can’t think, don’t have any rote learning because sonmeone decided that was bad, so instead they turn to google for information and simple data, and their social networks for all other guidance.
It’s like hollowing your brain out into a zombie shell, and they’d be real easy to control by the technology, which already exists, to project speech into people’s minds.
Truth be told, I have a long-term ‘serious’ medical condition that could be easily fixed, except that the pharmaceutical companies and health care providers make too much money the way things are. I should be on multiple medications for various conditions associated with my illness. I don’t have those conditions so I’m not on various medications. For my age I’m healthier than a lot of people.
Mental health is overlooked, together with the fact that a well seasoned pipe is the thinking man’s tool. I’ve never overdosed on caffeine. Not yet. But as an energy boost, heart-starter and mood-lifter caffeine is my beloved drug of choice. When younger I drank too much alcohol. I rarely drink alcohol these days.
I’ve also been vegetarian for most of my life – decades – although I eat free range eggs, diary and the more occasional seafood. I know that this has helped me. I also believe that nicotine and caffeine should be incorporated as essentials in the food pyramid.
Sorry to hear that, but at the end of the day, the pharmaceutic companyes are businesses. In a business relation compnayes think more about money then how to truly satisfy the costumer. This is the game in business matter. Costumers are consumers
Criticize… no. I greatly value technology and the benefits. My post here was not me stating any of my own opinions on the matter, I am simply raising a question for us to discuss which in our current climate at least with the people I talk to regularly is a topical subject.
I am in the middle of writing up a piece on this, but my initial post here does not reflect that. I am simply asking the question for us to discuss and debate.
There is an abuse of technology and science within our world but there is also a large benefit. Both of these points are important.
My question here is will our advancement of technology and our potential abuse of that technology cause mankind to usher in irreversible damage. Considering just the nuclear aspect of our nations it wouldn’t take much to turn the world into a wasteland.
I have not yet stated my own views on this topic, meerly provided a few pieces of context which I have come across in my own exploration of this topic.
I am not YET criticising. When I do a put more into it than a few blank statements. I want to discuss first before I finish that write up… hence my vague post.
I think technology is great in moderation and depending on intent. It’s good in the fact that’s it’s brought us all here and made a world’s worth of information available by typing a few sentences in google. I think it’s overuse makes us dull. Lazy. Having an iPhone has made my typing skills degrade when I switch back and forth to computers because my phone corrects everything. Or I only hit space twice for a period. My computer doesn’t do that. Just a small example.
@AdamThoth The melted basement of Chernobyl and light contaminated by radioactive chemicals creating a picture that can only be seen through photography. The “elephant’s foot”.
Let me tell you why tech will not dominate the world. For those of you who actually think that a robot will become smart enough to control this planet. Computers are very dumb and you have to use small words to make them understand. That is what programming is, knowing how to speak whit the machine in order for it to understand and dance for you.!